I am no longer wasting time with troublemakers.


Well-known member
Staff member
Jan 31, 2012
Reaction score
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Here is your warning. If you allow your personal beefs to continue, you will be banned.

It is my prerogative to ban you temporarily or permanently.

We have witnessed two completely different reactions to a temporary ban. One of them was quite refreshing and a challenge to those of us who do have a shortcoming here and there.

There is another who is currently spamming the forum with false and unproven accusations. That spammer will be dealt with promptly. EVEN if this warning is ignored.
FSSL said:
Here is your warning. If you allow your personal beefs to continue, you will be banned.

It is my prerogative to ban you temporarily or permanently.

We have witnessed two completely different reactions to a temporary ban. One of them was quite refreshing and a challenge to those of us who do have a shortcoming here and there.

There is another who is currently spamming the forum with false and unproven accusations. That spammer will be dealt with promptly. EVEN if this warning is ignored.

You're power drunk!
I am salvaging a forum from idiots. Read the rules. I have been way too accommodating.
FSSL said:
I am salvaging a forum from idiots.

Name the idiots.....

Anger doesn't solve much of anything. If you're talking about me, you don't have to ban me. Just ask me to leave.

I realize now that I made a mistake in trusting you.
praise_yeshua said:
Anger doesn't solve much of anything. If you're talking about me, you don't have to ban me. Just ask me to leave.

I realize now that I made a mistake in trusting you.

So, you are outing yourself as the previous admin. Fine.

We thank you for salvaging the FFF from the .com.

Now we need to salvage the FFF from those who cannot control themselves.

You wrote the 5 rules and Tomato has violated 3 of them. It is affecting the forum negatively.
FSSL said:
praise_yeshua said:
Anger doesn't solve much of anything. If you're talking about me, you don't have to ban me. Just ask me to leave.

I realize now that I made a mistake in trusting you.

So, you are outing yourself as the previous admin. Fine.

We thank you for salvaging the FFF from the .com.

Now we need to salvage the FFF from those who cannot control themselves.

You wrote the 5 rules and Tomato has violated 3 of them. It is affecting the forum negatively.

retracted.....No I didn't out anything.

Do what you want. I never banned anyone for such things. Certainly not a long time poster. I would have deleted the posts and been done with it. You can't separate your personal feelings from administration.

Admittedly. I've been hard on you lately. Harder than I should. I apologize.

Do whatever you want. You're not above question. I never tried to be.
FSSL said:

There is no comparison.

Again. Do what you want. I'm through arguing about it. We're not going to change each others mind.
I am a fan of the NCAA men's basketball tournament today.

I am also watching the news today about the anti-Trump protestors and the rallies that are ongoing.

To me, neither would be tolerable without rules and laws. I respect the referees and policemen who take charge when called upon and needed.  Without them, there would be chaos!
I am no longer wasting time with troublemakers.

If you really meant that, you'd ban Ransom, yourself and ALAYMAN, at the very least.

You don't have a problem with troublemakers.  You have a problem with troublemakers being called out on what they say and do. 
Web said:
To be fair, FSSL, you *did* start several threads that were obviously intended to inflame and mock TRT during all this mess.  I'm not suggesting he was innocent in any way, shape or form.  But,  honestly, neither are you.

I can accept the fact that people may understand my actions that way. I get it. Thank you. I gave it a rest.

There are a couple of approaches I could make:
1) Try to seriously rationalize with someone who could not be rationalized with.
2) Interject humor and show the silliness of the ignore feature. I did this on the .com version when Avery place me on ignore. It was quite effective in shutting down the ongoing problem.

I often like to go #2.
Y''all are making me wish for the old Wild West ways of the .com days. Bashing. slashing and crashing!  Lunatics who didn't know they were instead of the kind who took it over. And a lot of interesting characters and good people. 

But appreciate this place too.
Wow.  This thread is quite a revelation.  I tried to join the old .com but wasn?t ready to pay a fee to participate.  Hence, I could lurk but not participate. 

Admittedly, I came late to the game, but I watched as the .com fell apart.  It took me a while, but I did migrate here.  I?m not exactly sure, but I think FSSL was already the admin when I signed up. 

I joined this forum because I wanted to interact with other Christians for instruction, edification and fellowship.  When I first joined, I strived to be an active member.  I used to be in the top ?time on line? members. 

Yes, this (and the other iterations, as I understand it) have always been the "Fighting Fundamental Forums".  I get that.  But it seems to me as though we have devolved of late into mostly ad hominem attacks and what looks to me like purposely provocative ?clickbait?.  Hence, I have backed away.  These days, I mostly just lurk.  I suppose I still visit here in the hope that the forum will become again what first attracted me?

Please, I ask each active posting member of the FFF to examine yourself.  Just what are we showing to people (perhaps unsaved people) who simply lurk here?  Do they see the love of Christ within us?  And for any who might misunderstand, I am not referencing the light-hearted posts that poke fun of certain ?man-made? rules.  I am talking about how we treat each other as siblings in Christ. 

Why is it so hard for us to disagree without being disagreeable?
FSSL said:
Web said:
To be fair, FSSL, you *did* start several threads that were obviously intended to inflame and mock TRT during all this mess.  I'm not suggesting he was innocent in any way, shape or form.  But,  honestly, neither are you.

I can accept the fact that people may understand my actions that way. I get it. Thank you. I gave it a rest.

There are a couple of approaches I could make:
1) Try to seriously rationalize with someone who could not be rationalized with.
2) Interject humor and show the silliness of the ignore feature. I did this on the .com version when Avery place me on ignore. It was quite effective in shutting down the ongoing problem.

I often like to go #2.

I appreciate your patience and sense of humor on the forum.

Sometimes, it's like calling a charging foul in basketball. It is made from the referee's perspective.

I like the referee that confidently makes the call that he sees is right, even if the home team's fans shake the rafters in protest!  :)
FSSL said:
praise_yeshua said:
Anger doesn't solve much of anything. If you're talking about me, you don't have to ban me. Just ask me to leave.

I realize now that I made a mistake in trusting you.

So, you are outing yourself as the previous admin. Fine.

We thank you for salvaging the FFF from the .com.

Now we need to salvage the FFF from those who cannot control themselves.

You wrote the 5 rules and Tomato has violated 3 of them. It is affecting the forum negatively.

actually.... he;s right..... he didn;t out anything.......... you just did...... ???

though i understand the sentiment - i had no idea what he was referring to when he said he made a mistake in trusting you...... i doubt anyone else did either........ but then you took the next step and identified him as the previous forum admin on your own........  ...... that;s on you......  :-\
Web said:
I'm no fan of anyone in particular on this forum, but...

To be fair, FSSL, you *did* start several threads that were obviously intended to inflame and mock TRT during all this mess.  I'm not suggesting he was innocent in any way, shape or form.  But,  honestly, neither are you.

And Rogue, please do not take this comment as an invitation to rehash your grievances.  We know them.  By heart.  Let it go and walk away from it.

Thank you.  Seriously, I mean that. 

subllibrm said:
I have a rash.

Maybe it's shingles.  I've seen lots of commercials about shingles lately.  It could be psoriasis, but I like the sound of of the word "shingles" better. 

Y'all need to chill out, for real!!

Y'all take this forum to serious.

Now, if any of you are mad at each other and know each other personally.....then maybe I could understand but even at that y'all acting like this is Facebook or something.

Kiss and make up.
I am glad you are mitigating the damages and performing a salvage operation on the forum, I would hate to see it go the way of the dot com fff.

Kudos and keep up the goood work.