I have a suggestion...

Citadel of Truth

New member
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
South Carolina
Would it be a difficult thing to put the following links also at the bottom of the page?

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When reading a lengthy page, it would be so convenient to just stay there at the bottom and click on those links as opposed scrolling all the way back up to the top.

I know it is a matter of just a few seconds, so it's not a big deal in the least. I just wondered if it would be something easily added.
you stinkin' belly-achin' cry-baby!  Always the bus runner wants to be the bus captain.  When you get your own forum, you can put that tag wherever you want.  Until then - you let the forum captain be the forum captain and do as your told!
Binaca Chugger said:
you stinkin' belly-achin' cry-baby!  Always the bus runner wants to be the bus captain.  When you get your own forum, you can put that tag wherever you want.  Until then - you let the forum captain be the forum captain and do as your told!
And RUN between houses from now on!!
I feel it would be necessary to take a collection! :)

I may. I really don't like to make template mods because updates will just overwrite them.