I think my dog's a Democrat.

Tarheel Baptist

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
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My dog has voted Democrat in Chicago for the past 25 years..... ;)
Tarheel Baptist said:
My dog has voted Democrat in Chicago for the past 25 years..... ;)

So has my dead uncle, for the past 4 presidential elections.

:D :D
I understand that Democrats are planning to introduce a bill designed to curb drunk drivers. They plan to take cars away from sober drivers!
If Obama had been in charge of Paul Revere:
"The (redacted) are coming, the (redacted) are coming"!

All he does is eat and sleep and expects me to provide his food and shelter.
And, he exhibits no common sense in his decision making.
Your dog probably isn't as corrupt as the DNC who bypassed voters to anoint Clinton as their nominee, even before the primaries:

Even though the Orlando murderer proclaimed his allegiance to Islam and ISIS, even though he stopped in the middle of murdering 48 people to text said allegiance, my dog still wonders what motivated him and his evil gun.
My dog believes that if we would only ban guns, we could stop Islamic terrorist attacks....except he refuses to bark the words Is***** te*******!
Tarheel Baptist said:
My dog believes that if we would only ban guns, we could stop Islamic terrorist attacks....except he refuses to bark the words Is***** te*******!

"We couch some decisions in Christianese, in defense of God & country, but really we're concerned about self-preservation, money, & power."

Maybe your dog has better faith in God for protection than you do. ;)
Smellin Coffee said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
My dog believes that if we would only ban guns, we could stop Islamic terrorist attacks....except he refuses to bark the words Is***** te*******!

"We couch some decisions in Christianese, in defense of God & country, but really we're concerned about self-preservation, money, & power."

Maybe your dog has better faith in God for protection than you do. ;)

That's EXACTLY what my dog said.... ;)
My dog thinks that Trump is an evil capitalist because he is a shrewd businessman...and he thinks Hillary is pure from corruption and actually earns that $75k from her speeches...given to her from evil corporations.
He believes poor people started the Purina Corporation on a Social Service assistance debit card. And he loves their dog chow!  ;)
For a moment, my dog considered a REXIT, but stayed.
My dog thought this was a real news story...and agrees with the concept totally! He's a true  blue Liberal Socialist Democrat!!

Tarheel Baptist said:
He believes poor people started the Purina Corporation on a Social Service assistance debit card. And he loves their dog chow!  ;)

Wrong Purina. That one (pet food) is owned by Nestle'. The one I work for (equine and livestock) is owned by someone else. ;)
Smellin Coffee said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
He believes poor people started the Purina Corporation on a Social Service assistance debit card. And he loves their dog chow!  ;)

Wrong Purina. That one (pet food) is owned by Nestle'. The one I work for (equine and livestock) is owned by someone else. ;)

No....my dog Democrat loves Purina Dog Chow!
He doesn't care who the evil corporate partner is....he eats it as long as someone else (me) pays for it!
