If Batman were a HACker


"Yes Brother, I did pass hair check!"

"And it is with this water we keep the goldfish alive until the bus kids get them home."

"I can't believe the cafeteria oatmeal is so thick you can eat it like a granola bar!"

"Please don't jump, but if you want to and before you do let me ask you, do you know if you died today you are 100% sure you'd go to heaven?"

"And this is where we keep the bugged recordings from staff offices."

"I can't believe Jim Beckman shaved his chest and left the hair on the floor!"

"Richard, when I said to toot your own horn while interviewing over the phone for a youth pastorate position, I was using a metaphor."
Smellin Coffee said:
"And if you follow me you will find that the door between our offices is right over here."

"It says right here the word is pronounced 'fish-eez', not 'fish-is'."

Besides the World's Largest Sunday School, it was a fact the Liberty Square had the World's Largest Cookbook.

Freshman HACker: "When you say to 'Get the new look from the Old Book', which old book are you talking about?"

"Robin, a broken elevator in the high-rise apartment complexes should not be an excuse to keep these bus kids from coming to church!"

"Yeah, this was the rock that Preacher kicked in the alley! IT ACTUALLY TOUCHED PREACHER'S SHOE!!!"
Smellin Coffee said:

"Holy Hyles, Batman, these bus promotions are getting crazier all the time!"
Baptist City Holdout said:
It's been over two months since somebody posted on this thread. What do you think is wrong?

Everyone is bat tired?
If Batman were a HACker..........

he'd get Alfred to put up the Christmas tree so he could go visit his bus route.