IFB Preacher Clips

Jack Hyles lets folks know who the real boss is. He also hates men wearing shorts.

Jack Trieber reminds folks of his admiration for Jack Hyles. Larry Brown and Tony Hutson also revere Hyles.


Joe Combs is in jail for over a century, now, messing with that book [the KJV].

Ah, yeah, that's why Combs went to jail, in case you forgot.

Lord, what fools these KJV cultists be.
I live right here in the state where Combs and his wife were arrested, and believe me, there were many IFB churches that came to the defense of this "Chester the Molester!" In fact, one was our former pastor....Good friends of the man....We left the church the night he got up and was ranting about how law enforcement was trying to kill Joe Combs ministry! That was our last Sunday in an IFB church.
"God does not understand."

What an utter clown show these fundy preachers are.
Andrew Sluder talks about Hellsong & CCM invading the IFB movement. Just be glad Jack Hyles never had to see this.

Bro. Tony reminds you that "Blue Ain't For Girls" and "Pink Ain't For Boys" HAY-MAN!
