IFB Preacher Clips

Thanks for the background info. Growing up in the South, he reminds me of some various preachers I heard. A couple of those pastors turned out to be slicker than snot on a doorknob, but most were solid men of God. Also, not that I endorse everything Hutson says, but I also think he says a lot of what many people think, but just won’t say out loud.
Hutson is a bombastic blowhard! When we were visiting his church we were overrun with fake tears, whining from the pulpit, asinine quotes from Hyles, and a myriad of other idiotic happenings! I wouldn't darken the door of his menagerie again if my life depended upon it!
Between Hovind's unconventional views on what constitutes a marriage, and the changing laws in Alabama regarding common-law marriage, Hovind is presently an adulterer or a bigamist, depending on your perspective.

Something tells me that probably wouldn't faze Mrs. Ludwig-Latessa-Kaleda-Riplinger.

I am sorry to see that Kent Hovind is promoting Riplinger's book "New Age Bible Versions," but I guess that's the best we can expect from the likes of Hovind. Actually, years ago as a Christian bookstore owner, I sold many copies of that book myself, and I regret that - the book was highly recommended in IFB circles, and I just didn't know any better at the time.

For an informative, negative review of "New Age Bible Versions," see this site:

Why Respond to Gail Riplinger? | Bible.org

Here's a good excerpt for those who do not want to read the entire article: "And in what would probably be one of the most amusing examples of double standards, if it were not so sad, Gail Riplinger attacks all who are Reformed, or 'Calvinists,' in many places, as I shall discuss and refute later. But in the process she seems to be blissfully unaware of the simple fact that amongst the KJV translators you have the likes of Doctor John Rainolds, a Puritan! And surely Mrs. Riplinger must be aware of the theological beliefs of the Puritans! They were Reformed men, Calvinists, who strongly believed in God’s sovereignty and the deadness of man in sin. If Edwin Palmer’s Calvinistic beliefs make the NIV one of Satan’s tricks, what about the KJV? . . . There seems to be a strong element of anti-Reformed or anti-Calvinistic feeling among adherents to the KJV Only position, and Mrs. Riplinger is no exception to the rule. Her book is sprinkled with attacks aimed at those who are Reformed, though it is painfully obvious that her knowledge of the Reformed position is very, very shallow. We have noted that she identifies the 'Five Points of Calvinism' as a 'Satanic pentagram' (p. 231) . . ."

Basically, what Riplinger is saying is that the NIV is evil because it was translated by Calvinists - therefore, we should stay with the AV1611 which was translated by Calvinists. Nice going, Gail. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
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Uh, according to her online bio, Kim Haney is not IFB - she is Oneness Pentecostal, that is to say, Anti-Trinitarian. (Her speaking in tongues was the clue). Admittedly, IFBs have their fair share of weirdos too, but Kimmy is not one of them.
Classic Tony Hutson sermon illustration.

Dr. Hutson says in the parable of the Prodigal Son there was no mother because she was more concerned about being at the Gym/Tanning Bed/getting her nails done. Bro. Tony says that the ladies should spend more time in the kitchen rather than being in the gym and not worry about their figure.

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