Is It Time To Put An End To The Man Of God Syndrome?

Yup that pretty well describes our last two pastors. Both were big managawd types.

One taught he was our Moses, and you dare not question the managawd. Remember Moses' sister.

They other one thought he was Joshuah, again how dare we question him.

We even have a special prayer ministry called Aaron and Hur. They are special helpers of the managawd.

Deliver us from these pompous managawds.
yep ... when I broke away from the IBF ... It was gradual ... to a Bible Church .... then to non-denominational ... but megachurch. The guys taught plurality of leadership .. was really good stuff, but as is with all things man, the tail began wagging the dog .. then I see that people really do follow personalities.

All the more reason to educate our people into knowing what is truth and what is not so they can make the proper choices. :D