Is This The Result Of Terrible Hyper Fundy Teaching?

The Duggars were badly influenced by Bill Gothard and Michael Pearl. Both are toxic teachers.

Here is just a sample of what Gothard teaches about sexual abuse:

IFB X-Files said:
Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.

IFB X-Files said:
I would think it would be a normal reaction to blame/question yourself when someone you love stumbles.

Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.

Not sure I agree with first statement...someone had to be taught such a reaction.  I know there are all kinds of feelings when something like this happens..but something is wrong if one actually goes there.
Your second statement needs qualifying as to the intent of the word, "many".
A husband has no justification to blame his wife for his choice to have an affair. It is all on him.
AmazedbyGrace said:
A husband has no justification to blame his wife for his choice to have an affair. It is all on him.

AmazedbyGrace said:
A husband has no justification to blame his wife for his choice to have an affair. It is all on him.
Agreed.  However, if my wife seeks love from another man, it would be normal for me at some point to wonder if I had lived her correctly.  If I shared that thought with a friend, who helped me analyze my life to Biblical expectation, this would be good.  If that friend then shared with the press and the press behaved like the press......

I would still be shocked if she leaves him.
I agree that each person is solely responsible/accountable for their OWN sin, but (always got to have a but in there :D) how might this verse play into the discussion....

1Co 7:4  The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
1Co 7:5  Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
Yay for blaming the wife when her husband is a lech!

Oh the experience that is radical 'Christian' fundamentalism.
IFB X-Files said:
I would think it would be a normal reaction to blame/question yourself when someone you love stumbles.

Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.
I remember Pat Benatar admonishing us to stop that...


rsc2a said:
Yay for blaming the wife when her husband is a lech!

Oh the experience that is radical 'Christian' fundamentalism.
You make a commitment, in front of God, and you honor it for His sake.

There's no way I'm shaming Christ or her, in that way.
I laid those practices aside before I got married.

Yes, I love my wife, but she's human, and all humans irritate each other occasionally.
My oath was to her, but before God.

How could I blame her, if I proved to be unwilling to keep my word?

Our society, in the U.S., is so far astray!

Once I made the decision, The Spirit within constantly brings it to my remembrance, especially that He asks very little of us Gentiles, but that is one thing.
Can't we just honor Him with Fidelity, chastity, and purity??

I am a 2 time convicted felon.
I was involved in organized crime, in Chicagoland gangs.
If I can be faithful to one woman for life, anyone can.

It really is an easy life.
You just come home every time your work is done.
Your family are your companions.
Your kids are your disciples, your apprentices, your arrows.
What would happen to them, if you were just a lustful whoremonger?

What happened to integrity?


IFB X-Files said:
I would think it would be a normal reaction to blame/question yourself when someone you love stumbles.

Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.

How do you know that women control their husbands this way?
Web said:
Bruh said:
IFB X-Files said:
I would think it would be a normal reaction to blame/question yourself when someone you love stumbles.

Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.

How do you know that women control their husbands this way?

Sounds like he speaks from experience...

Or he's done some marriage counseling....
IFB X-Files said:
Bruh said:
IFB X-Files said:
I would think it would be a normal reaction to blame/question yourself when someone you love stumbles.

Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.

How do you know that women control their husbands this way?

You're kidding, right?  This has gone on ever since Eve said to Adam, "Eat this or you ain't gettin' any!"

I once heard a family member say she was refusing sex to her spouse as punishment.  How can anyone even think this *doesn't* happen?  This is one reason why Paul says to "Defraud not".

What you said just sounds like something Bob Gray would say, you know probably would be his first response.  :D
AmazedbyGrace said:
Guess that blame-the-woman attitude is alive and well here.

Just my 2 cents here:  Blame the cheater, not the cheater's spouse.  This is one case where I think gender neutrality is called for. 

And both may have contributed to the offense, and that's an important point of which to be aware.  But the one who breaks the marriage contract (spiritual contract) is (in my opinion) the more serious offender and cannot blame his or her betrayal on his or her spouse. 

There is no evidence Anna Duggar has done anything wrong, so there is no reason to cast any blame in her direction.

Josh, on the other hand, already has a reputation as a pedophile. He was caught watching "explicit" videos while working on a senator's campaign a few years later, which ended a previous betrothal. Now he is caught again in the Ashley Madison hack. 

Why would anyone  even suggest Anna could be at fault  for Josh's perversions? Does the fact their twisted views required her to have 4 babies in about 5 years give him license to cheat because she has less time for him? Anna can't win.

Anna needs to drop kick Josh to the curb.

One more thing: Courtship FAIL
Web said:
Bruh said:
IFB X-Files said:
I would think it would be a normal reaction to blame/question yourself when someone you love stumbles.

Having said that, there are no doubt many married Christian women who use sex as a weapon to control their husbands.

How do you know that women control their husbands this way?

Sounds like he speaks from experience...
The younger among us have never even experienced manhood or womanhood.
They have no ideas of the threats that exist, because they (men) surrender to a corrupt way, in order to marry.
The woman takes the lead, sexually, period.
So, they can't even imagine a relationship where their wives' desires don't dominate the marriage bed.
They actually feel like they are being the required gentleman, rather than that Satan has sewn occasion among them, by convincing the wife to defraud her husband.
There is a primary and secondary result.
We see porn, and such, on the rise, but if a man goes to counsel, he will never get to hear a trusted voice tell his wife that her body belongs to him and his desires.
He will instead be given a formula to help swallow the bitter pill of being regularly robbed.

Young men now know that marriage for them will be a surrender of their will, rather than the care of another who has surrendered theirs.
They look up to their wives.
They think their wives are smarter than them, and therefore more capable of steering such matters.
In some cases, they may spend the entire length of their marriage, being the apologizer , while their wife, that they put on an undeserved pedestal, never once even admits to being wrong.

Because of their ignorance of manhood, men are easily swayed into bitterness and straying.

Every step of their life, they have been subjected to female authority figures, lied to from pulpits, redirected by a rebellious mother, and etc.

Then their is the problem of spending their puberty being made to act like girls most of the day long, only exercising for play that applauds their every achievement. 
This is diametrically opposed to the 12-year-old-apprenticeship of Christ's example, where a boy would work with his father, be trained in a trade, and build his own house before 30.

When a Native boy hit puberty, he would train for and take his Brave test, becoming a man as soon as possible, joining hunting and warring parties.

Now, the frustrated man-boy waits in his man-cave gaming with the other wimps online, for whenever queenbee descends from her throne to tell him he gets to play with her.

I never thought I would live to see the day where men were the ones using sex as a weapon, but it is here.

