Jack Schaap out of prison

I remember that when I was in college, he came to speak in chapel. Everyone was so excited. You would think a movie star was coming (and this was long BEFORE Robert Sumner and his revelations) I don't know if he had a cold that day or not, but his constant clearing of his throat drove me crazy. I only heard him that one time.
The throat thing went on for the better part of two decades, then miraculously I or around 1984 it went away. He said he had no idea what happened.
Because he was IFB, that means that he is automatically reprobate, no repentance for him, go strait to hell, don't pass go, don't collect $200.
Well said! I hope he is on an express lane to Hell
Well said! I hope he is on an express lane to Hell
You HOPE he's going to hell? What he did was heinous but if the blood of Jesus isn't covering his sins and he is not able to repent, what's your guarantee you're any better off?
You HOPE he's going to hell? What he did was heinous but if the blood of Jesus isn't covering his sins and he is not able to repent, what's your guarantee you're any better off?
Who says he is not going to Hell?
Who says he is not going to Hell?
His eternal destiny is between him and the Lord. But who are we to desire to see one's demise when the Lord Himself takes no pleasure in the demise of the wicked?
His eternal destiny is between him and the Lord. But who are we to desire to see one's demise when the Lord Himself takes no pleasure in the demise of the wicked?
That is true. My wife's father was a convicted murderer and pedafile and was in Florida state prison most of his life. He supposed had a death bed conversion. I told my wife you may see him in heaven. She said why would a God allow that to happen?
He has killed and destroyed several children's innocence. It's a touchy topic in our house. He severely abused my wife as a little girl and she lived in and out of foster homes.