KJV1611 is more Catholic and Ecumenical than most modern versions.


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Feb 4, 2012
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KJV1611 is more Catholic and Ecumenical than most modern versions. It was responsible for bringing English

religion under one common Bible.

Here is a link to an interesting read by Doug Kutilek.


Well if you want more. Danger, danger to KJVO dogma.

Do not read further.  Stop.  Do not read further.

And if you are a KJVO and you think that the KJV1611 did not have thousands of readings taken directly

form the Rheims NT you will not want to read the book by James G. Carleton, called "The part of Rheims in

the making of the English Bible"

This book carefully read will drive a stake through the heart of the KJVO argument.


You were warned, do not read the above book, but if you do here is some more original sources you

will need to prove the veracity of what is written therein, that the KJV1611 exhibits Catholic readings from the

Rheims NT.

This is the diglott by Fulke that contains the Bishops and the Rheims in one book.

This is quit easy to read, some are not.


This is the Hexapla that is also required to understand the book.

You can not use modern versions of the Rheims such as the Douay-Rheims Challoner edition.


I do not expect any KJVO to take the challenge and read Carleton to see if what he says is true.

The danger is too great. KJVOs are afraid to check out original unbiased sources that are not filtered

for them by one of the many KJVO writers.

When I was KJVO I knew instinctively that KJVO was a lie.

I refused to read anything that was from a non KJVO or unbiased source because I knew if I did I would no

longer be KJVO. Well I read unbiased sources and I am no longer KJVO. It didn't hurt at all.

Yup. I was afraid my whole belief system would go down in flames. Well my KJVO belief system did

crash and burn, but my faith in the Scriptures and in the LORD increased many fold.

The truth will set you free. Try it you will like it.

bgwilkinson said:
...It [KJV1611] was responsible for bringing English religion under one common Bible...
Wow! What an admission. Imagine that, one common Bible among all professing Christians.
The truth will indeed set you free.
Mitex said:
bgwilkinson said:
...It [KJV1611] was responsible for bringing English religion under one common Bible...
Wow! What an admission. Imagine that, one common Bible among all professing Christians.
The truth will indeed set you free.
Or,  as the AV says, "make you free".


Mitex said:
bgwilkinson said:
...It [KJV1611] was responsible for bringing English religion under one common Bible...
Wow! What an admission. Imagine that, one common Bible among all professing Christians.
The truth will indeed set you free.

So one has to follow the English religion to be a professing Christian?

Wow...Anglican only-ism is definitely a teaching I've never heard of before tonight.
Mitex said:
bgwilkinson said:
...It [KJV1611] was responsible for bringing English religion under one common Bible...
Wow! What an admission. Imagine that, one common Bible among all professing Christians.
The truth will indeed set you free.

Welcome back Mitex.

Typical Mitex. Read it the way you want, not the way it is written.

Because all other translations were no longer allowed to be printed in the British empire the only Bible

that was printed under license from the English Crown was the AV1611.

That did not speak to its quality or acceptance among the people, only to the fact that it was the

only English Bible that could be printed in the British empire legally. They were stacking the deck.

You can not use the number of KJVs printed over the years to prove it was anything but the only

English Bible allowed to be printed in the British empire.

There is every reason to believe that the Geneva Bible would have continued to be the choice

of the people had not its printing been outlawed in all of the British empire. The KJV1611 did not begin

to be accepted until the Geneva version could no longer be printed in British controlled areas.

The KJV1611 was the official Bible of the Government. The State Church. The Government controlled Church.

It's a part of British history that can not be changed. The king and the parliament controlled the church right

down to approving the Book of Common Prayer used by all the government churches.

Parliament even voted on the 39 articles of religion, the official statement of faith of the Government Church

of England.

To learn more about the English Government Church here is a link to a KJV and Book of Common Prayer

bound together in a beautiful Purple Calf Split leather cover. This is my favorite Book of Common Prayer.


Here is a 2nd Book of Common Prayer I have that has the texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662 Books of Common

Prayer in it so you can follow it from its first edition to the most used 1662 edition.


Mitex said: "Wow! What an admission. Imagine that, one common Bible among all professing Christians."

I made no such statement. In your giddiness you are misrepresenting what I said. Please look again.

Swedish Christians, my ancestors included, did not use the KJV1611.

They used the Gustav Vasa Bible 1540.

German Christians, my ancestors included, did not use the KJV1611.

They used the Luther 1541.

Here is what I said

"KJV1611 is more Catholic and Ecumenical than most modern versions. It was responsible for bringing

English religion under one common Bible."

I was speaking only of English religion not of all languages. It looks clear to me.

But I'll give you a pass on it.

It was the KJV 1611 that allowed the British government to more easily control all of it's territories because

it unified the language. This is commonly acknowledged.
Mitex said:
Wow! What an admission. Imagine that, one common Bible among all professing Christians.

Since I'm supposed to separate from liberal, apostate demoninations like the Anglicans, then why should I embrace their so-called "Bible"?
The KJVO looks to create religious uniformity at the sake of Christian unity.