lava busting out at kilauea....


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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island of oahu - somewhere in the jungle
it;s been nothing but smoke and smolder in the cauldera for the past several months
..but today lava started boiling up at the locations where there was nothing but smoke

before...... .. this is how the major eruption of kilauea in 2018 started.... ..... nobody
can predict if it;s going to happen again...... but they are watching it closely.....

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This is why they post signs saying not to throw stuff into the volcano. That apple core was just the last straw.
This is why they post signs saying not to throw stuff into the volcano. That apple core was just the last straw.
That is still more refined than throwing virgins in.
it would actually be difficult to throw either one - apples or virgins - into the volcano itself.... as the official and legal viewing area..(labelled kilauea overlook on the middle to left side of the map)... is at least a half mile from the edge of the flattened lava lake and 1000 feet in elevation above it.... .... that section of the cauldera you only see part of in the video i posted is almost a mile across itself.... and it;s at 3000 ft elevation above sea level.... the newly erupted lava area the video camera covers is about 1/2 mile across .

it;s difficult sometimes to determine the size of it all from a video like this... and you really have to be there in person (at the viewing area)... to really get the grasp of it... .. and believe me nobody is going down there to be seen on camera and give the cauldera scale.... but those bright orange lava plumes erupting from the crater floor in video are almost 100 feet tall at times... when they first blasted out the other night they were over 1000 feet tall... and equal to the elevation of the viewing area.... ....

anyone trying to get close enough to that flat part of the cauldera to actually throw something into it would be fried before they got even halfway there.... all those things people post videos of being thrown into lava and burned up happen on private property miles down stream of the main lava flow where it has broken across private property.. ..where the lava has cooled a lot.. and thickend... but still moving...

here is the usgs map that shows the current activity....

MicrosoftTeams-image (14)_2.png
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about 2 hours ago.. 2;30 pm hawaiian time.. kilauea busted out again..🌋
... there were a series of small earthquakes there just prior to that....

this is a live shot of what is going on there....

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