Mr. Rogers on Gender - He’s Definitely Getting Cancelled!!!

The interesting thing is how something that was mere sacharin at the time has become so piercing.
He actually changed the only boys and only girls part.
Here in Middle Tennessee, I believe they've taken him off the air on PBS.
That and his "Navy Seal" tattoos! Hide your children!:oops:
Heck, just saying boys were boys and girls were girls is a crime these, I guess he's guilty of spreading false information! LOL
I used to hear this urban legend. I actually wish Rogers was all inked up beneath that sweater, but sadly he wasn’t.
He was a Navy SEAL in WW2 and later taught Chuck Norris, Ah-nuld, and John Rambo everything they know! The SEALS were strictly "Black Ops" in WW2 and no one knew anything about them. They took their orders directly from the CIA and not the normal military chain of command! His military record is sealed and his tattoos are done with invisible ink!:cool:

He was also a Presby minister. I wonder what was his lapsarian view? :LOL:
If so, the Navy Seals don’t claim him. The Navy Seals didn’t even exist until Rogers was in his mid 30s. Sorry buddy, it’s still an urban legend:
As I said, his military records were SEALED! No one knew about the Navy SEALS until the Vietnam era because they were strictly black ops!

One of his roles was to infiltrate the German ranks and teach the kids to be "Good Neighbors" and to love their fellow man! :cool: His operatives included a female commando who went by the code name "Lady Aberlin" and "Officer Clemmons" was his faithful Lieutenant. Communications were accomplished via a courier who went by the code name of Mr. "Speedy Delivery" McFeely. He was also able to rescue Jewish boys and girls using the Neighborhood Trolley getting them safely to the "Land of Make Believe" (Which was a code word for a suburb of Paris that remained under control of the "Free French"} where "King Friday" kept them safe. He also rescued Bob Dog from a deranged Nazi scientist who combined human and canine genetics giving him the ability to talk and communicate with humans. He was very loyal to Fred Rogers and followed him home after the war and was his faithful companion for many years!

Fred Rogers tried to tell his story but no one would believe him. PBS thought it was a great story though and hired him for the Children's TV show that everyone remembers him by!

So now you know...... the rest of the story!
Mr. Rogers did not adequately prepare me for my neighbors.
The only reason I tolerated Mr. Rogers when I was a kid was because he came on before The Electric Company.
The only reason I tolerated Mr. Rogers when I was a kid was because he came on before The Electric Company.
Are you sure it wasn't that package Mr. McFeely brought you from Columbia? :cool:

But yeah, the Electric Company was one of the coolest kid shows ever!