My new(est) ObamaCare snafu(s)


New member
Jan 18, 2013
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I thought you all might get a kick out of this:

I've been trying to find out information on the available plans in my state (I'm mandated to sign up) since day 1.  I'm sure by now, everyone has heard about the broken .gov website.  But I think I might have finally tracked down a couple of reasons why I can't seem to get to the end of the application process.  Bear with me, because it's a long story...

At first, I thought it was because I answered "no" when they asked me if anyone in my family is a Native American.  Yes, I do have a couple of drops of American Indian blood in my genealogy, but certainly not enough to claim that heritage.  But that is where I am consistently blocked as I try to navigate the website.  It lets me go no further.

I logged in again this afternoon and it did seem, for a brief moment, that I had made it past that question.  It asked me for my relationship to my son.  No problem...I know the answer to that, but then it asked me for my son's relationship to himself.  Well, there was no choice that fit and it wouldn't let me skip the question, so I picked "other unrelated", hoped for the best, and went on to the next question.  Oops, I'm now back to the Native American question, but now there are two of me and two of my son...but once again, I can go no further. 

(Hmm...if there are now 4 in my household, will I now qualify for a subsidy?  Hmm...this might not be such a bad thing after all...Hmm...)

But me, being the logical person I am, thought it would be a good idea to look at what the website had recorded for my previous responses.  Perhaps I could "fix" a duplication there that might move me along.  And this is what I found:

There are inconsistencies in my application.  I must verify both my and my son's "incarceration status" by submitting our release papers.  Apparently, in ObamaWorld, my son and I either currently are or have recently been in prison.  I did answer "no" to the question "are you incarcerated", but apparently, ObamaWorld didn't believe my answer to that question any more than they believed the answer to my Native American status.

So, my question is this:  In ObamaWorld, how does one prove 1) they are not claiming "special protection" as a Native American and 2) they have not ever been in prison?

And then I think back to my "Hmm..."  Perhaps I need to find a way to get those clones off my application...or the incarceration issue might just turn out to be prophetic....

How can this system be trusted with the information received if the process is flawed? 
JrChurch said:
How can this system be trusted with the information received if the process is flawed?

They won't know what's in your application until they read it!  :eek:
Forbes recently revealed that the Obamacare signup system was redesigned at the last minute in order to prevent people from being able to browse the options and prices without first registering.  The reason?  Because Obamacare is far more expensive than advertised, and they didn't want people browsing that information freely.  But a side-effect was that the system wasn't designed to handle so many registrations at once, so it crashes all the time. 
