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Apr 23, 2013
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As the "compound" continues to crumble those "horrible sinners" that have left are thriving and growing in the Lord.

It is always a blessing when I hear or see those that have left continuing to be used of the Lord despite the "compounds" best efforts.

Its so refreshing to be outside looking in.  This type of church is harmful to families and cause of Christ.  I look forward to them getting right with God, or failure of their ministry.  The church in Mesquite (Bob Ross) is really struggling financially.  When he came in, the church was financially sound.  He put so many people on staff it was as if he was trying to get one member from every family so he can have some control.  He has 5 secretaries 
Tanner said:
The church in Mesquite (Bob Ross) is really struggling financially.  When he came in, the church was financially sound.

But he sure could paint a happy little tree.
JustABigKid said:
As the "compound" continues to crumble those "horrible sinners" that have left are thriving and growing in the Lord.

It is always a blessing when I hear or see those that have left continuing to be used of the Lord despite the "compounds" best efforts.

I agree JustABigKid.  It is a blessing to see and hear of them serving our Savior in truth after leaving the compound.  Sadly there are some who wound up in churches just like WHBC and will go through the cycle again.  The good thing is that they learn quicker and move on sooner!!

As for the "compounds" best efforts.  Truth be told is that they no longer have any real influence around the nation thus the letter writing and phone calls trying to "warn" other churches of the evils of those who have left fall on deaf ears these days.  and that is a good thing!!!!
Tanner said:
Its so refreshing to be outside looking in.  This type of church is harmful to families and cause of Christ.  I look forward to them getting right with God, or failure of their ministry.  The church in Mesquite (Bob Ross) is really struggling financially.  When he came in, the church was financially sound.  He put so many people on staff it was as if he was trying to get one member from every family so he can have some control.  He has 5 secretaries

I know nothing about this man or this church but I wish to put in my 2 cents. The recession that we went through and believe me, are still going through in some areas, has done a number on a lot of ministries and has taught us some valuable lessons. You can talk about living by faith and faith promise giving but when push comes to shove, you are the one who is liable for your finances and not a church or God.

I have never noticed before how many young high school kids are talking about accredited colleges and how many absolutely will not attend a college that is not accredited. The ifb world had things by the tail for a long time and there was a cradle to grave mentality that said that you can go to church, through all the churches schools, an ifbx college, and get a lifetime job at an ifbx church and you were good for life. That is no longer true.

The ifbx churches that I know of are, for the most part, on the decline numerically. When fbch had their last scandal it was during the recession and people who had graduated from hac and had taught in their schools for years found out that they could no longer stay in the area and teach at any other schools. That is one of the reasons for the financial problems and whatever else. A lot of folks who bought into the ifbx mold found out that they had been sold a bill of goods. IMO
BALAAM said:
Tanner said:
Its so refreshing to be outside looking in.  This type of church is harmful to families and cause of Christ.  I look forward to them getting right with God, or failure of their ministry.  The church in Mesquite (Bob Ross) is really struggling financially.  When he came in, the church was financially sound.  He put so many people on staff it was as if he was trying to get one member from every family so he can have some control.  He has 5 secretaries

I know nothing about this man or this church but I wish to put in my 2 cents. The recession that we went through and believe me, are still going through in some areas, has done a number on a lot of ministries and has taught us some valuable lessons. You can talk about living by faith and faith promise giving but when push comes to shove, you are the one who is liable for your finances and not a church or God.

I have never noticed before how many young high school kids are talking about accredited colleges and how many absolutely will not attend a college that is not accredited. The ifb world had things by the tail for a long time and there was a cradle to grave mentality that said that you can go to church, through all the churches schools, an ifbx college, and get a lifetime job at an ifbx church and you were good for life. That is no longer true.

The ifbx churches that I know of are, for the most part, on the decline numerically. When fbch had their last scandal it was during the recession and people who had graduated from hac and had taught in their schools for years found out that they could no longer stay in the area and teach at any other schools. That is one of the reasons for the financial problems and whatever else. A lot of folks who bought into the ifbx mold found out that they had been sold a bill of goods. IMO

So true, Balaam, for the staff of those churches/colleges.  But WHBC is far beyond that point now since 90% of the staff is long gone for whatever reason.  WHBC's problems now are clearly lost tithes and offereings due to members having left by the droves and the lost tithes and offerings of the missionaries who claimed WHBC as their sending church and have now changed to other sending churches. (which really was the biggest cash cow of them all)
Tanner said:
Its so refreshing to be outside looking in.  This type of church is harmful to families and cause of Christ.  I look forward to them getting right with God, or failure of their ministry.  The church in Mesquite (Bob Ross) is really struggling financially.  When he came in, the church was financially sound.  He put so many people on staff it was as if he was trying to get one member from every family so he can have some control.  He has 5 secretaries

I have relatives that have been in that church for decades. They are no longer welcome there.

Oh how the proud have fallen.

I was quit sure after merging with Miller Road that was the kiss of death for them.

They got the attitude of Man O God from the Hyles effect, which was then complete at Open Door.

Enough said.
BALAAM said:
Tanner said:
Its so refreshing to be outside looking in.  This type of church is harmful to families and cause of Christ.  I look forward to them getting right with God, or failure of their ministry.  The church in Mesquite (Bob Ross) is really struggling financially.  When he came in, the church was financially sound.  He put so many people on staff it was as if he was trying to get one member from every family so he can have some control.  He has 5 secretaries

I know nothing about this man or this church but I wish to put in my 2 cents. The recession that we went through and believe me, are still going through in some areas, has done a number on a lot of ministries and has taught us some valuable lessons. You can talk about living by faith and faith promise giving but when push comes to shove, you are the one who is liable for your finances and not a church or God.

I have never noticed before how many young high school kids are talking about accredited colleges and how many absolutely will not attend a college that is not accredited. The ifb world had things by the tail for a long time and there was a cradle to grave mentality that said that you can go to church, through all the churches schools, an ifbx college, and get a lifetime job at an ifbx church and you were good for life. That is no longer true.

The ifbx churches that I know of are, for the most part, on the decline numerically. When fbch had their last scandal it was during the recession and people who had graduated from hac and had taught in their schools for years found out that they could no longer stay in the area and teach at any other schools. That is one of the reasons for the financial problems and whatever else. A lot of folks who bought into the ifbx mold found out that they had been sold a bill of goods. IMO

Bad philosophy and bad principles lead to failure as we are now seeing.

Bob Gray take notice.
Bob Ross kept the crooks on staff, that enabled the former pastor,  and ran off families that built that church.  Anyone that questioned BR was shown the door and then preached against as cutting out the cancer.  I think God removed his hedge of protection from that church a few years ago and it going just like WH just a couple of years behind them.   