Obamacare; big gov't sticking it's nose in religion's business


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hammond, IN
<rant on >

Where are all the left-wing liberal wackos at now? You know the ones; those who scream "separation of Church and state" when a manger scene is placed in a public park? Why is is that students can't hang a prayer banner in a school because of the supposed separation of church and state?  Oh no, that would appear as if public education (big gov't) is endorsing a specific religion. However, that idiot in the White House thinks he can mandate religious institutions to provide contraception, abortion, and so forth that they don't believe in? Why isn't the ACLU jumping in the fray, fighting for the separation of Church and state on this issue. Gotta love the left; they hoot and holler about religion when it pertains to something they don't like, but are silent as mimes on this issue. 

Liberals disgust me!!!  :mad:  :mad:

< rant off >
Liberals only believe in "separation of church & state" when it involves their enemies...how many times have we heard of liberal politicians speaking in liberal churches and no one says anything...but let a conservative speak in church and they are screaming "SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE"!!!!!!

And can someone please tell me how a born again Christian can support a liberal politician who espouses gay marriage and abortion?  How does one separate their foundational belief's and who they back politically?

Disclaimer...I am neither Rep or Dem...too often there is not a dimes worth of difference!
T-Bone said:
Liberals only believe in "separation of church & state" when it involves their enemies...how many times have we heard of liberal politicians speaking in liberal churches and no one says anything...but let a conservative speak in church and they are screaming "SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE"!!!!!!

And can someone please tell me how a born again Christian can support a liberal politician who espouses gay marriage and abortion?  How does one separate their foundational belief's and who they back politically?

Disclaimer...I am neither Rep or Dem...too often there is not a dimes worth of difference!

Amen! Well said!!
I agree that this action by the administration is a violation of the 1st Amendment's protection of religious liberty.  :mad:
Maybe Mr. Hall would see this as an example of trampling on the Constitution.
Apparently EWTN, the Catholic television/radio network,  has decided to file suit against the government over this.

Way to go, Bammy, you've just irked a nun.  The Wooden Ruler of DoomTM is going to come down on you like a ton of holy bricks.

Also, it's a great excuse to post this graphic that I've been sitting on for a couple months:

This has little to do with an altruistic, progressive ideal of providing birth control to the masses because anyone can go to a Planned Parenthood Clinic or a health care clinic in a school to get free contraceptives.  This is about governmental control and intimidation of religious institutions.  If the government can get religious people to submit,  then the State can officially establish their religion and force the masses to worship at the altar of reproductive rights.
Krauthammer points out his hypocrisy in his latest op-ed.

T-Bone said:
Liberals only believe in "separation of church & state" when it involves their enemies...how many times have we heard of liberal politicians speaking in liberal churches and no one says anything...but let a conservative speak in church and they are screaming "SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE"!!!!!!

Agreed. That's a double standard.

And can someone please tell me how a born again Christian can support a liberal politician who espouses gay marriage and abortion?  How does one separate their foundational belief's and who they back politically?

Not all born again Christians are political conservatives. Some are libertarians (like me) and some are *gasp* liberals. IMHO, although it may ruffle some feathers to say so, a lot of the non-Gospel content of American evangelical/fundamental Christianity is not anything the Bible teaches, but the product of a fusion of Yankee Puritan and Southern Redneck cultures. That especially includes Religious Right politics.

Disclaimer...I am neither Rep or Dem...too often there is not a dimes worth of difference!

Uh huh. I'm not with either major party myself. I'm a member of the Libertarian Party, but I don't always vote for them. All too often it's necessary to vote for the lesser evil.
JrChurch said:
This has little to do with an altruistic, progressive ideal of providing birth control to the masses because anyone can go to a Planned Parenthood Clinic or a health care clinic in a school to get free contraceptives.  This is about governmental control and intimidation of religious institutions.  If the government can get religious people to submit,  then the State can officially establish their religion and force the masses to worship at the altar of reproductive rights.

...that's a great point.