Ohio will be voting tomorrow on legalizing marijuana


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
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Please pray that the many libertarian tokers of the Buckeye state will get too stoned tonight to show up at the polls tomorrow.

Its already legal in WA. I hope it passes in OH. IMO it should be legal everywhere. I don't use it, I just think it's none of government's business, and that all the law enforcement effort wasted on it should be used on actual crimes instead.

Anyone got any doritos?
Izdaari said:
Its already legal in WA. I hope it passes in OH. IMO it should be legal everywhere. I don't use it, I just think it's none of government's business, and that all the law enforcement effort wasted on it should be used on actual crimes instead.

So many great things came out of the drug smoking, sexual disease infested, low life generation, of Woodstock.  ::)

"Smoke weed and have some peace , man."

Liberal-tarians are such jokes.
I hope it passes. People are inconsistent when it comes to drugs. They'll eat Valium, OxyContin etc all day long, but don't smoke weed!!! That's sinful!!!! They're are many good benefits from marijuana that other drugs don't offer, like stimulating an appetite. You ever take a narcotic? You won't eat, you will deprive your body of the nutrients need to help your body recuperate.
IMO, the greatest benefit of smoking marijuana is that it gives you a drive to succeed and be a productive citizen. It kinda gives you a get up and go.
Recovering IFB said:
I hope it passes. People are inconsistent when it comes to drugs. They'll eat Valium, OxyContin etc all day long, but don't smoke weed!!! That's sinful!!!! They're are many good benefits from marijuana that other drugs don't offer, like stimulating an appetite. You ever take a narcotic? You won't eat, you will deprive your body of the nutrients need to help your body recuperate.

^This.  My wife has extreme nausea and vomiting from chemo, and can't take the most effective drug for that (it gives her severe side-effects).  Marijuana is a good alternative.  She wouldn't smoke it, but you can bake it or steep it.  And marijuana oils are themselves cancer-fighting.  Our state isn't even a medical marijuana state, which stinks.  A friend offered to get some for her, and I was tempted, but didn't follow up. 

No plant should be illegal. Yes, you risk people refining plants into cocaine, heroin, etc., but it's not like you can't get these drugs now.  If anyone wants cocaine, they can get it.  Making coca illegal isn't stopping anyone.  It's just stopping people from making coca tea or chewing coca leaves, which has about the same stimulating effect as tea. Chewing coca leaves is sinful, but give me a double-shot espresso, right?

Oh, and I'll take this opportunity to freak out a few people here:  If marijuana was legal here, I'd try it again.  It had no affect on me in college, but I'd be curious if it would work on me now and be relaxing. 

The Rogue Tomato said:
Oh, and I'll take this opportunity to freak out a few people here:  If marijuana was legal here, I'd try it again.  It had no affect on me in college, but I'd be curious if it would work on me now and be relaxing.

You freebirds are all alike flaunting your liberty and making the weaker brother stumble.  :mad:

Recovering IFB said:
I hope it passes. People are inconsistent when it comes to drugs. They'll eat Valium, OxyContin etc all day long, but don't smoke weed!!! That's sinful!!!! They're are many good benefits from marijuana that other drugs don't offer, like stimulating an appetite. You ever take a narcotic? You won't eat, you will deprive your body of the nutrients need to help your body recuperate.

The Ohio proposed legislation does not discriminate between medicinal and recreational usage.  And comparing prescription pain meds to recreational use of marijuana is like using I Tim 5:23 as justification for recreational alcohol consumption, simply illogical and ripping stuff out of context.
Alcohol is a blessing from God, people misuse it. Sex is a blessing from God, people misuse it. Food is a blessing from God, people misuse it. (See Baptist Pot-Lucks). People can use at their own judgement whether they abuse it or not, it's on them.
Shall we start cancelling our Baptist Pot Lucks now? Because, somebody might overindulge and become a glutton. Although, most Baptist don't think gluttony is wrong but rather a punchline to a joke.
Recovering IFB said:
Alcohol is a blessing from God, people misuse it. Sex is a blessing from God, people misuse it. Food is a blessing from God, people misuse it. (See Baptist Pot-Lucks). People can use at their own judgement whether they abuse it or not, it's on them.
Shall we start cancelling our Baptist Pot Lucks now? Because, somebody might overindulge and become a glutton. Although, most Baptist don't think gluttony is wrong but rather a punchline to a joke.

Truth in advertising, I lean libertarian in my general philosophical bent, but having said that, theological libertarianism is morally schizophrenic at best, lest you think supporting a woman's right to choose is a form of non-aggression then you belong in a padded room.
Great! The more states that legalize weed, the easier it will be to find unemployable idiots to not hire.
Nope, I am pro life!! Militantly!!
But you are are a legalist who want to take something that God has blessed and tell people it's sinful. For that, I believe in Heaven, you'll be working side by side with Thomas Welch serving the saints wine! :D 
Recovering IFB said:
Nope, I am pro life!! Militantly!!
But you are are a legalist who want to take something that God has blessed and tell people it's sinful. For that, I believe in Heaven, you'll be working side by side with Thomas Welch serving the saints wine! :D

I'm a legalist?  See, I thought you wanted to move away from the name-calling and stuff.  Where did I elicit that sort of ad hominem in this thread?

And this thread isn't about alcohol, it's about making it easier to get stoned.
Recovering IFB said:
Alcohol is a blessing from God, people misuse it. Sex is a blessing from God, people misuse it. Food is a blessing from God, people misuse it. (See Baptist Pot-Lucks). People can use at their own judgement whether they abuse it or not, it's on them.
Shall we start cancelling our Baptist Pot Lucks now? Because, somebody might overindulge and become a glutton. Although, most Baptist don't think gluttony is wrong but rather a punchline to a joke.

Truth in advertising, I lean libertarian in my general philosophical bent, but having said that, theological libertarianism is morally schizophrenic at best, lest you think supporting a woman's right to choose is a form of non-aggression then you belong in a padded room.
A foundation of libertarian thought is personal autonomy. If a libertarian thinks that a human fetus is a person (I do), they are ethically obligated to defend that person's right to life. Pretty basic stuff.
Kill your brain cells? Up to you.

Kill your baby? Um, no.
Recovering IFB said:
Nope, I am pro life!! Militantly!!
But you are are a legalist who want to take something that God has blessed and tell people it's sinful. For that, I believe in Heaven, you'll be working side by side with Thomas Welch serving the saints wine! :D

I'm a legalist?  See, I thought you wanted to move away from the name-calling and stuff.  Where did I elicit that sort of ad hominem in this thread?

And this thread isn't about alcohol, it's about making it easier to get stoned.
I'm not calling you a name Alayman, I'm calling you what you are doing. You are calling something sinful that isn't, you are putting extra Biblical laws in things that God has blessed.
Ransom said:
Great! The more states that legalize weed, the easier it will be to find unemployable idiots to not hire.
Or people can drink themselves into a stupor and not be able to work...
Or they can over eat and get diabetes and spend the rest of their life on medication....