Pat Robertson dead at 93


Staff member
Jan 25, 2012
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I missed this somehow.

Almost thou persuadest me to become a postmillennialist. The world is healing.
If there was a Mount Rushmore made of American Christians who had the biggest societal impact in during 70s - 90s era, Pat Robertson would definitely be on it. I’d probably also add Billy Graham, Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell. (Not saying I necessarily endorse their positions, just impacts made via politics and public name recognition.)
Of course the article comes from a secular source but I'd count myself a failure if my biggest impact was my political influence.

Now, if on the other hand, my impact on politics came from people believing and repenting of their sins, that would be a legacy I would want.
Of course the article comes from a secular source but I'd count myself a failure if my biggest impact was my political influence.

Now, if on the other hand, my impact on politics came from people believing and repenting of their sins, that would be a legacy I would want.
Pat Robertson and those other guys mentioned were some of the very first to break into the public mainstream and spread their messages on TV. For all we know, millions were saved as a result. (I’m not sure Christians impacting politicians is a bad thing either…Lord knows we need it desperately today!)
Pat Robertson and those other guys mentioned were some of the very first to break into the public mainstream and spread their messages on TV. For all we know, millions were saved as a result. (I’m not sure Christians impacting politicians is a bad thing either…Lord knows we need it desperately today!)
Although politics is what most associate with Christians these days.
Remember that time Robertson called for Hugo Chavez to be assassinated?

Or when he said Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for Israel pulling out of Gaza?

Or when he said God told him George W. Bush would win in 2004 by a landslide? (It wasn't.)

Or when he said God told him the U.S. would suffer a major terrorist attack in 2007? (That didn't happen either.)
He was a false prophet making those predictions and claiming God told him those things. I stopped watching him years ago. I used to come home from work late at night in the mid-to-late 70s, and he would be one of the only things on cable, I liked him then, but, he started blowing things out of proportion in the early 80s, and I had to stop. I couldn't abide his idiocy.
When I became aware of Pat Robertson’s existence he was already guru at CBN and a kook, but I didn’t realize until just now at his death, that he was actually ordained as a Baptist and started his journey more theologically aligned with Falwell.
He was also drafted and served in the Korean War.

Oddly enough, he also graduated from Yale Law School but failed the bar exam, so he then switched gears to the ministry. 🫣😏
He was also drafted and served in the Korean War.

Oddly enough, he also graduated from Yale Law School but failed the bar exam, so he then switched gears to the ministry. 🫣😏
Some of his predictions made me laugh...and I'm still laughing at him to this day. I don't know what happened to make him fly off the rails, but, whatever it was it didn't help him to become more scripturally sound. I was glad when I heard he had "retired."