Plan/Project 25


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
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Anyone know anything about this? I googled it and it seems to have upset a lot of people.
Didn't spend a whole lot of time looking into it but it resembles something from the Liberal playbook. Libs are doing the exact same thing with their agenda.

Want to upset a liberal? Make them play by their own rules.
The person who referred to it first acted like it is some smoking gun proving that the GOP plan is to destroy America. The sense of fear was a lot like what I see when folks on the right mention Davos and 2030.

All it proves is that conspiracy theories exist on both sides. My suspicion is that they are ginned up in the same place by the same people who are hard at work driving a wedge between folks. Divided them with rumors and ghosts.
The person who referred to it first acted like it is some smoking gun proving that the GOP plan is to destroy America.

I'm imagining the same people who see no problem with appointing liberal judges or expanding the Supreme Court. But hiring Republican bureaucrats? Why, that's a threat to democracy!
It's the same kind of political wish list that think tanks like The Heritage Foundation have assembled for years. Somehow people believe that Trump is going to make every jot and tittle of this document stare decisis if re-elected.