Proud Poor Boy from Texas



"What is amazing to me is how the LORD would take such an inconsequential person as myself, a Poor Boy from the Panhandle of Texas, and use him in any way. I showed that pastor the Dec. 1, 1975 Time Magazine in which it told of the 230 blue and white Buses we ran throughout the Chicagoland area bringing folks to First Baptist Church, Hammond.

One of the members of that church asked me about how we did in OKC? I told them we never had a Sunday that someone wasn’t saved and baptized in 30 years. I told them how we’d given over $15 million dollars to missions and that at our peak we were supporting 474 missionaries world-wide.

I told them that we were the most hated Church of OKC. We were called the "skirt church," cause our ladies, like the religious Jews here in Israel, wore skirts. One fella asked for stories about how it was to work for John Rawlings. Another asked about how it was to work for Jerry Falwell. I told them Dr. Ford Porter, author of the little gospel tract, God’s Simple Plan of Salvation, was the most spiritual of the 4 men I was privileged to work for."

"...230 blue and white Buses we ran throughout the Chicagoland area bringing folks to First Baptist Church, Hammond."

With all those kids being bused to FBCH for the all the years they have done this you would think Chicago would be a much better place to be with all the Christian converts. Did these kids not get taught the Bible? Chicago is one of the most violent crime ridden cities in the country. They gave us Obama. All those bus kids didn't get the gospel message explained to them is what it appears.

"...we never had a Sunday that someone wasn’t saved and baptized in 30 years." 1 2 3 pray after me conversions. Convert someone or get demerits and be expelled from college. When JV retired they quoted some statistics. I don't remember the number but it was something like 60,000 souls saved at WHBC during his 30 years. Imagine thousands of souls saved and they are running about 200 in church today? They must forget the part about discipleship. Get them saved and get them on their way.

"...we’d given over $15 million dollars to missions and that at our peak we were supporting 474 missionaries world-wide."

The church was probably given $15 million dollars for missions but not all of that was passed on to the 474 missionaries.

"We were called the "skirt church,"  That is why half the members recently left, nothing to do with the Jews. Also the students at Heartland Baptist College dress the same way nothing unique about WH.

JV sure does brag a lot for a poor humble insignificant boy from the pan handle of Texas.
I cannot begin to count the number of times JAV put word out after the Sunday morning service that there better be Baptisms tonight or else.  That word usually came down through the bus director to the bus captains but it would also go out to his staff men.  What he was really saying was that his preaching was so powerless that no one was convicted, saved and baptized so get someone down the isle Sunday night to keep his bragadocious claim going.

What a sad little man he is
Out of the 15 years I spent up there I only seen 1 maybe 2 people that he led to the Lord here in OKC. He would talk about all the people he has led to the Lord everywhere else but responsible for very few converts in the church he pastored.

His son is the same way. I never heard of anyone he led to the Lord personally in OKC.

The really sad thing is there are people out there today that did the 1 2 3 pray after me that believe they are saved. Maybe some did actually get saved but I wonder how many did it because of the pressure they applied or how many kids did it because they feared what would happen if they didn't not really understanding what was going on.

Telling a child that he will burn in a fiery if he doesn't pray today would get most elementary age children to go through the motions because they don't want to be set on fire and not realizing they are sinners.
The 123 repeat after me crap is one of things that began to open my eyes towards getting out of there. One of the kids churches that helped in had 6-7 kids saved every week and of course everyone was happy about that. We got a new director and he realized that it was basically the same kids going back every week. Now what was that really doing for them. So he made a change in the way kids were dealt with and we dropped to 1 or 2 every few weeks. He got a lot of crap from Bro. Jones and Tom at first but he didn't back down.

So they started taking bus captains out of the class to go "find" people to get saved or baptized. It was pathetic.
Jack Hyles is royalty. Plus his buddy Jim Vineyard developed a reputation at Hammond and helped build an empire in Oklahoma City that has sadly gone by the wayside but Caleb Garraway is keeping it alive.