Racist article on independentbaptist.com


New member
Feb 25, 2013
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Mattoon, IL
Read this this morning and it got me riled up. 


Here is my response

This is a shame. I was out just a couple of weeks ago visiting on our bus route when a very nice couple were interested in church. The one and only question they had was if we had a problem with mixed couples. Seriously people. This is one of many reasons why people tend to shy away from "Baptist" churches especially "IFB" churches.
JustABigKid said:
This is a shame. I was out just a couple of weeks ago visiting on our bus route when a very nice couple were interested in church. The one and only question they had was if we had a problem with mixed couples. Seriously people. This is one of many reasons why people tend to shy away from "Baptist" churches especially "IFB" churches.

Unfortunately, there's a long history of this.  J. Frank Norris boasted once that if a black man married a white girl in his area, she'd be a widow by morning.  The Sword of The Lord wrote against desegregation.  I think we need to be a lot more sensitive to this kind of thing going forward.
Kudos for working on a bus route.  God bless.
Look out guys Frag is going to be here soon to give a lesson on sorting socks!  The Lord never intended us to wear different colored socks so He clearly never intended for us to marry a different colored person! ::) ??? :eek:
No one should really be surprised.  Here is a good example of one of the IFBx poster boys.

Jack Hyles was my pastor for 13 years. This kind of thing was typical of him. He was a gifted speaker and could have you mesmerized and everything made perfect sense but when you look carefully at the text you would often find his logic lacking.

He also said that the real sin of Adam and Eve was not tithing. He came up with the idea that there were ten different trees in the garden and one of them was holy and they took of the holy thing. This was the same as not tithing.  This kind of thing is the result of what my old friend Invictus would call "slopical sermons and slopical preaching."

I wonder if jh could trace his English language all the way back the Babel?
This may draw some fire but as I was reading this I thought that maybe some MOG's are so hardcore KJV is because it's easier for them to twist words with some of their followers.
BALAAM said:
Jack Hyles was my pastor for 13 years. This kind of thing was typical of him. He was a gifted speaker and could have you mesmerized.

I must have missed that sermon.  The first time I heard him I knew he was full of .........................crapola. 