Reaching Younger Families


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Jan 7, 2018
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Midwest - close to St Louis, MO
Asking for a friend. Is there a good way to reach younger families today without reverting to worship teams, performing plays and addressing social issues? It's a good church with a long history, but the economy took a lot of members away for job relocation and most of the remnant are older adults. They are looking to rebuild. Thanks in advance.
Have lots of activities for children and for families. People what to be apart of something exciting and something growing.

Singing clubs and exciting kids clubs for the for younger kids.
Teen ministry for Jr. High and Sr. high
Classes for young married couples that will teach them about marrge, finances, child rearing, carreers and such.
Have younger leaders in your church that young couples can relate to.
Show people you care about them not just the numbers and the finances they bring to the church.
Provide fellowship and friendship to young couples. Show them you truely care about them and they will feel at home
Provide a place where they can serve not just be a spectator.

Just a few thoughts.
My $0.02...

Don't get hung up on worship style. Let what you do be led by the Spirit. Don't withhold the Word in the name of personal comfort. A "worship team" is just as valid as an organ, piano and choir.

Offer an array of opportunities that meld with young families. Younger folks have different schedules than us old codgers. Be open to meeting them where they are.

Teach the whole counsel of the Word. Expository teaching does this best. This will avoid trying to come up "relevant" subjects to preach on. Teach the Word systematically and needs will be met. Those who appreciate systematic teaching will quickly sense the meeting of their needs.

Above all, seek the Holy Spirit's guiding and ASK the Father for people. Don't try to rush it and pick green fruit. Let the Spirit work in His timing. Abide in Him and let him give the increase.
I would focus upon having a solid Bible teaching and preaching ministry where the focus is upon feeding the flock of God. Take care of what you have and the LORD will add to the Church daily such as should be saved (Acts 2:47).

Oversimplistic? Perhaps, but I truly believe you must prioritize what you have over what you do not have and trust that the LORD desires for the Church to continue on and reach future generations.

I would also say that the older generation may be more of an Acts 2 culture whereas the younger generations are doubtless more of an Acts 17 culture and even more so if you are in a university town. I would therefore get boned up on my apologetics skills and learn how to engage the culture!

I have been in congregations with older adults who talk of nothing aside from the RV they are about purchase and live in full-time. They are all on their way out and have little to nothing invested in the Church. There was really no Church left and although the Pastor and his wife were super sweet, it was obvious to me that they were also looking at all the RV brochures and had little desire to build anything. I was a younger family at the time and looking for a new home after leaving the "Model IFB Church" so yeah, we were looking for all of the "family oriented" stuff ourselves. Had the pastor been a little more enthusiastic about actually building a new Church, I probably would've stuck around to help him out. We ended up going to a more family-oriented Bible Church with a "Rocking Praise Band," AWANAs, a more casual atmosphere, and I went out and bought a Fender Stratocaster (which I still have)!

If the congregation does not have school-age kids, it does not make sense to start an AWANA ministry. If you do not have any reasonably skilled musicians, please DO NOT start a worship team! Just be who and what you are and let the Lord show you the Church he has called you to be! Hopefully this Church of older adults has an earnest desire to build a Church and reach their community. You can begin with this!
How about a well-staffed and well-equipped nursery, and a bulletproof child-protection policy? Young parents will want to be reassured that their children are safe: not only from pointy things and falling out of high chairs, but also safe from Bro. Dave and Bro. Jack.
I hope your friend finds answers, I know we are in a similar situation. Undoubtedly this is in some ways simplistic, but at the core of ministry (growth) is having people in the church who desire to form relationships with other people who are hurting and needy. This involves sacrifice and vulnerability, which is often a difficult if not rare commodity, even among church folk. The lost aren't bangin' on the doors of churches for answers to problems that they intuitively know they have, so we have to go to them and look for opportunities to bridge that gap, subtly and wisely letting them know we aren't perfect, but we do have The Answer.
Throughout history the church was suppose to be the source of love, hoipe and compassion for those with needs. The church (of all types) provided most of the charity that was given to those in need. During some periods it was also the source of most medical care. People with emotional and psycological issues would also seek the help of the church. Many orphanages were faith based institutions and cares for the homeless. Gods love was shown to the world through most of these activities.

In the 20th century most of the activities were taken over by civil government. Government now seeks to care for all of peoples needs and people look to government for what they once sought the church for. The world does not see the love of Christ through our actions. Said in another way they no longer need God if they have Government.