RIP Thomas Cassidy


Staff member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Just found out on BaptistBoard that Thomas Cassidy passed away on Feb. 4. He made an announcement on Facebook awhile back that his cancer was incurable, so this came as no surprise:


He was a long-time FFFer in its various incarnations, as well as an admin on the BB. I'm sure many of you have encountered or interacted with him in one place or the other.

Of course, Cassidy and I went at it a few times over various theological issues over the years. My impression is that he moderated his views somewhat in more recent years, or at least moderated his delivery.  ;) In the final analysis, I'm sure we agreed more than we disagreed, and despite those online fights, I got to like him quite a bit.
Ransom said:
Just found out on BaptistBoard that Thomas Cassidy passed away on Feb. 4. He made an announcement on Facebook awhile back that his cancer was incurable, so this came as no surprise:


He was a long-time FFFer in its various incarnations, as well as an admin on the BB. I'm sure many of you have encountered or interacted with him in one place or the other.

Of course, Cassidy and I went at it a few times over various theological issues over the years. My impression is that he moderated his views somewhat in more recent years, or at least moderated his delivery.  ;) In the final analysis, I'm sure we agreed more than we disagreed, and despite those online fights, I got to like him quite a bit.
I will miss slugging it out, and then hugging it out with this dear Brother.

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Thanks for the update.
I always liked him. He had will be missed praying for his family!!
"Forum Friends"  It strange how I can be so sad about the death of someone I never met personally.  As with Scott, Thomas and I didn't always agree on certain things but he was a true brother in Christ.  Thank you for sharing this information.
He had an influence on me in my early days of the FFF as I grappled with what kind of a fundamentalist I was to be.  His KJV-only stance (though as Ransom alluded to did change)  led me into a greater understanding of manuscript debates, in a more scholarly way than the average Ruckmanite.  He will missed, but only for a little while, and after that short spell I look forward to meeting him face to face around the throne. :)
Thank you for the update! I reached out to him recently and did not get a reply.

We both got a cancer diagnosis at the same time. He reached out to me and we prayed for each other.

It?s a good reminder that we are not just monikers in a faceless world.

I just went to the Baptist Board.... amazing! He was saved at First Baptist Church, Rockford, Illinois in 1974. I was an associate pastor in that church from 1995 through 2003. It's a small world!!!
Over the years he was one of the few I could reflect back on and say definitively "I learned [this] from Thomas Cassidy", therefore justifying what too often was time-wasting.

My heart hurts with those grieving his passing, but rejoices in a Savior who finds the death (home going) of His saints to be "precious."