So Why Isn't It Black Lives Matter


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
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... too?

If that is what they mean, then say it. I can get behind that.
Why don't we have "Save the polar bears too" as a motto as opposed to other endangered species? Is it being selective to want the polar bears to be spared and not mentioning the pandas? Or could it simply be implied?
Because the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is a movement based on a number of lies...

It assumes that cops (including the rest of us) believe that black lives don't matter.
Why is it they forced liberal socialist Democrat presidential candidates to apologize for saying "All lives matter"?
FSSL said:
Because the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is a movement based on a number of lies...

It assumes that cops (including the rest of us) believe that black lives don't matter.

Obviously Freddy Gray's didn't. No reason for pursuit, wrongful arrest, beaten up by cops, broken back and killed and you label protestors as liars because each cop was acquitted.

So no, black lives don't matter to some.
Tarheel Baptist said:
Why is it they forced liberal socialist Democrat presidential candidates to apologize for saying "All lives matter"?

I for one don't think they should be forced or expected to apologize, but if "Black Lives Matter" upsets someone because "All Lives Matter" and if that individual believes "Blue Lives Matter", then the operative word is "black".

So tell me, what is the platform for "All Lives Matter" and why should it supplant the BLM cause?
FSSL said:
Smellin Coffee said:
So tell me, what is the platform for "All Lives Matter"...

Because they do?

Again, we are talking about a name. The company Land O'Lakes doesn't manufacture lakes, but they have a purpose, agenda, platform. The BLM has a platform to expose law enforcement violence (yes, exposing even wrongful deaths of whites at the hands of rogue law officers). So tell me, what is the agenda of All Lives Matter?
I feel like Smellin gets it and everyone else is clueless...

"all lives matter" makes no sense. The social issue that is being brought up for discussion is about policemen killing black people.
How would "all lives matter" fit that context? The discussion isn't about policemen killing Asian people (or any other group except black people.)

Saying "all lives matter" is very insensitive and quite incongruous.

If I start a movement bringing attention to leukemia survivors and I call the movement "Leukemia Awareness" then it's pretty stupid to start replying to everything I say about "Leukemia Awareness" -  "All Illnesses Awareness" - You are missing the point.

At least understand the movement before you try to criticize it. (And I think there are areas of the movement that definitely need criticizing.)

Leukemia is a factual medical issue
BLM is a false lie with the purpose of liberating themselves from our legal system (Read their creed)
FSSL said:
Leukemia is a factual medical issue
BLM is a false lie with the purpose of liberating themselves from our legal system (Read their creed)

Yeah, American patriots never sought to free themselves from the governmental system that was keeping them from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Got it.

Actually, you make the obvious point: the reason for liberating themselves from the legal system is because they are being unfairly oppressed by said system. You have just made their case for "white privilege" when it comes to our legal system. ;)
Unfairly oppressed? When they lie about the situations, cops ought to just accept unfair treatment?

5 cops were just denied justice in Dallas
3 cops were just denied justice in Baton Rouge

BLM is not about justice. They want to have their own form of law that ignores and makes up the facts and favors only them.

Their "liberation" means a new constitution or get shot in the head with a bullet. It is as radical, violent, and antiAmerican as it gets.

Ferguson and Baltimore are much better off with BLM!

FSSL said:
Leukemia is a factual medical issue
BLM is a false lie with the purpose of liberating themselves from our legal system (Read their creed)

Read their creed???
How many Facebook users that sympathize with BLM do you really think read their creed?
Their creed represents the beliefs of maybe 10% of the people that support BLM (and I think that's generous).
That is just your opinionated guess... here... read it for yourself:

Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, Black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.

If it is only 10%, as you say, then who disagrees with this?
Just my opinion, but everyone I know who supports BLM, believes they are supporting a group whose goal is to bring attention to racial issues in the US.
I personally know several people that support BLM and I would be shocked if they supported anything in that creed.

Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, Black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum.
I assume everyone in the US would support this part...I don't want any of those people to be killed.

If you believe that all BLM supporters are "radical, violent and un-American" then I understand being against BLM.
If you believe most BLM supporters simply want people to pay attention to racism issues in America then I don't understand being against BLM.
There were no real racial components to Zimmerman, Wilson or the Baltimore police (among whom were black) officers.

The movement is not about bringing attention to the racial issues... It is all about creating racial issues. It is built on lies and Ferguson and Baltimore paid the price in violence because of the lies.

I know, even on this forum, some are shocked at the brute nature of the creed. It is the actual BLM  objective and everyone needs to see the intent of the group. Their goal is racial division.

Many, if not most of us, don't understand why BLM is defended on this forum.
Smellin Coffee said:

Actually Jesus didn't say that...that is a cute meme trying to make a point that Jesus didn't actually make.  He said He came to seek and save the lost...all the lost.  It is man that makes a distinction, Christ never did.  Man looks to the outside, the Lord looks to the heart.