Switching from COVID to SBC. Different Letters - Same Nonsense.


Well-known member
May 5, 2016
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Tom Brennan posted this on his Facebook page.
My guess is that Strom would be very welcome into the SBC, even when wearing his "I Pray to Mary" t-shirt.
My guess is that Strom would be very welcome into the SBC, even when wearing his "I Pray to Mary" t-shirt.
You know as much about the SBC as you know about Covid. And you are one of them thar experts on both subjects…(in your own mind, of course).
You know as much about the SBC as you know about Covid. And you are one of them thar experts on both subjects…(in your own mind, of course).
This guy too is an idiot and clueless. Please contact him and correct him.

This guy too is an idiot and clueless. Please contact him and correct him.

Tom Ascol can speak from first hand knowledge. I basically agree with everything he said.
But how does that negate the fact that you know as much about the SBC as you do Covid...which is about as much as you know about performing brain surgery.
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Prays Mill Baptist recently hosted something called "G3 Conference" with over 6400 attendees. One attendee of that conference reported that "Over the last 3 days, I have heard story after story from SBC pastors and church members who are broken-hearted and fed up with the state of the Convention. Many are in the process of exiting the SBC. . . . The liberal drift of the Convention outrages them as things like Critical Race Theory and Social Justice have crept into the fold. . . . They feel betrayed by their seminaries, which have slipped slowly, but surely into wokeness (some more than others)." Until recently, I never heard of Prays Mill Baptist or G3. If this church is influential in SBC circles, this may possibly be just the beginning of mass exodus of conservatives from the SBC. Then again, maybe not.
Until recently, I never heard of Prays Mill Baptist or G3. If this church is influential in SBC circles, this may possibly be just the beginning of mass exodus of conservatives from the SBC. Then again, maybe not.
Or another reformation within the SBC. I guess we'll have to see whether the current fad toward so-called "social justice" concerns (which is really a euphemism for leftist causes, not equity before the law which was rightly the focus of biblical "social justice" 30 years ago or so) are a short-lived fad or turn into the new variety of theological liberalism. (Consider that the liberals of the early 20th century are still with us, but on the other hand, the postmodern liberalism of the emerging church basically burned itself out after a decade or so.)

G3 is good stuff. It's a theologically solid ministry that holds annual conferences and other stuff. They're affiliated with The Master's Seminary and Alpha and Omega Ministries, amongst others, so you know storng theology is a major focus.
Prays Mill Baptist recently hosted something called "G3 Conference" with over 6400 attendees. One attendee of that conference reported that "Over the last 3 days, I have heard story after story from SBC pastors and church members who are broken-hearted and fed up with the state of the Convention. Many are in the process of exiting the SBC. . . . The liberal drift of the Convention outrages them as things like Critical Race Theory and Social Justice have crept into the fold. . . . They feel betrayed by their seminaries, which have slipped slowly, but surely into wokeness (some more than others)." Until recently, I never heard of Prays Mill Baptist or G3. If this church is influential in SBC circles, this may possibly be just the beginning of mass exodus of conservatives from the SBC. Then again, maybe not.
This has been an ongoing ‘discussion’ in the SBC for awhile now. As Ransom noted, the hope by some is that the conflict result in a ‘reforming’ in the SBC…from the influence of those who propose a social justice agenda for want of a better description. Much of It appears to be generational with the younger demographic favoring ‘social justice policy’…which may not bode well for the future of the SBC.