The fruits of communist doctrine taught in our schools


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Apr 18, 2012
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"We?ve already seen transgenderism warring with feminism, and transgenderism cleansing old-style feminists from the ranks of the initiated; we?ve seen the hard-core anti-Israel doves in the Democratic Party marginalize the few pro-Israel votes left; we?ve seen the pro-abortion movement run out of town on a rail any remnant blue dog Democrats.  Now, the racial radicals are coming for their ideological grandparents."
Thanks for that link.  I looked online a bit yesterday for any counterperspective to the spin that the leftwing media was putting on this, but a google search only revealed the scorn that the left incites through its' propaganda machine called the media.  It is outrageous what those people have done on the campus of Missuri, but as the article suggests, it's just a small chapter in the continuing saga of how our country (especially the youth) is being mislead by these dregs.
You have to love the liberal "tolerance" and "diversity" crowd's ironic hypocrisy....

In an email that was flagged by several Missouri-based journalists, the MUPD asked ?individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions? to call the department?s general phone line ?to continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe.? They suggest that students provide a detailed description of the offender, their location or license plate number, and even to take a picture if possible.

A video of a black female student at Yale screaming and cursing at her college master is a chilling portrait of self-engrossed, bathos-filled entitlement that has never been corrected by truth, much less restrained by manners: ?Be quiet!? she shrieks at the frozen administrator, ?Why the f*ck did you accept the [master] position,? she continues at full, self-righteous cry. (The student?s tirade was occasioned by a statement issued by the master?s wife disagreeing with Yale?s admonition to students not to wear ?culturally appropriative? Halloween costumes.)
?America was born of horror for black people and that horror continues today for brown and poor people as well. Slavery. Jim Crow redlining, crack cocaine and now standardized testing were all sanctioned by the American government. All designed to destroy the mind, body and soul of black and brown people.?  Reported by the New York Post

Now standardized testing is considered "racist."  Schools no longer teach reading, writing and arithmetic.  They teach anti-Amerian propaganda to the point that American history is no longer recognizable.  Participation awards have taken the place of achievement and students are sent to the next grade so no one is left behind.  In the Los Angeles Unified School District,  75% of its students failed the math testing, and 67% failed reading.

When I was born in 1953 my parents lived in a two room shack with electricity but no running water and later moved to another place where we had running water but no bathroom.  I was forced to use an outhouse the first few years of my life but we did have a two holer.  What does that have to do with anything?  My brother who didn't enjoy any "White privilege" studied hard and became a Nuclear Engineer.  He came in the top 4% nationwide in 1969 on the National Merit Scholarship test and got a full scholarship to the University of Tennessee.  I on the other hand hated study and was never interested in college so we wound up with two different kinds of lives.  He has the money and I have a mobile home to retire with.

People who blame everyone but themselves are nothing but losers and when you drill it into someone's head that he can't get ahead because he is a victim you get what we see at Missouri State and other schools around the country.  It isn't going to end well.

biscuit1953 said:
?America was born of horror for black people and that horror continues today for brown and poor people as well. Slavery. Jim Crow redlining, crack cocaine and now standardized testing were all sanctioned by the American government. All designed to destroy the mind, body and soul of black and brown people.?  Reported by the New York Post

Now standardized testing is considered "racist."  Schools no longer teach reading, writing and arithmetic.  They teach anti-Amerian propaganda to the point that American history is no longer recognizable.  Participation awards have taken the place of achievement and students are sent to the next grade so no one is left behind.  In the Los Angeles Unified School District,  75% of its students failed the math testing, and 67% failed reading.

When I was born in 1953 my parents lived in a two room shack with electricity but no running water and later moved to another place where we had running water but no bathroom.  I was forced to use an outhouse the first few years of my life but we did have a two holer.  What does that have to do with anything?  My brother who didn't enjoy any "White privilege" studied hard and became a Nuclear Engineer.  He came in the top 4% nationwide in 1969 on the National Merit Scholarship test and got a full scholarship to the University of Tennessee.  I on the other hand hated study and was never interested in college so we wound up with two different kinds of lives.  He has the money and I have a mobile home to retire with.

People who blame everyone but themselves are nothing but losers and when you drill it into someone's head that he can't get ahead because he is a victim you get what we see at Missouri State and other schools around the country.  It isn't going to end well.

You really have issues with black people, don't you?

You keep harping on your beefs with race relations, trying to put blacks on the same plane as whites when it comes to affordable opportunities, lack of profiling and harassment, etc. I'm not saying that the black culture is completely right, but they do have some valid points that we as a white culture are hesitant to address. The Christlike thing to do is at least acknowledge those feelings and meet them up with truth in love. That isn't accomplished by bashing black movements but rather helping them, one person at a time if need be. It is acknowledging and confessing our personal prejudices, as an individual, as a church, as the white culture.

In essence, we complain about 'black feelings' because they are wrong and ironically, it is to protect our own 'white feelings', specifically about the black culture.

But here is the irony, here's the thing that all the angry Black people know, and no calmly debating White people want to admit: The entire discussion of race in America centers around the protection of White feelings.

Ask any Black person and they'll tell you the same thing. The reality of thousands of innocent people raped, shot, imprisoned, and systematically disenfranchised are less important than the suggestion that a single White person might be complicit in a racist system.

This is the country we live in. Millions of Black lives are valued less than a single White person's hurt feelings.

I, Racist

Do I understand it? Not in the least. But I do understand what love looks like and Breitbart and other Conservative voices refuse to extend that other than to cram 'anti-black' distortions down the throat of our country's media, demanding their way is the only right way and that blacks should just 'get over it'. This is creating internal war and not peace.
During a meeting at Columbia, Missouri?s Black Culture center between members of #ConcernedStudent1950 ? the black student group that originally called for Wolfe?s resignation citing his lack of action to racism on campus ? and the Black Caucus of the Missouri state legislature, a threat was called in by a racist group, resulting in a lockdown at the building.

Other reports from Mizzou?s black students allege that white students are riding around in pickup trucks, yelling racial slurs at groups of black students. Isolated groups of racist white students are reportedly screaming ?white power!? at black students passing by. Black students are currently leaving Mizzou?s campus in droves, in fear for their safety.


Nah, there is no racism. Blacks are making it up because they think they are better than whites and deserve gub'mit handouts.  ::)
Ransom said:
. . . a black female student at Yale . . .

Please, Yalie, tell me something about white male privilege.

lol, the head football coach of Mizzou jumped on board quickly with his players,  makes 6 times what the president of the university made.  More irony.

SC said:
Nah, there is no racism. Blacks are making it up because they think they are better than whites and deserve gub'mit handouts.  ::)

Do you SERIOUSLY think that is the reason I am alarmed at the circumstances surrounding this debacle?

I come home from a hard day's work and find my friend SmellinCoffee upset because of a post dealing with current events taking place in the colleges and universities where blatant Black racism and general anarchy is taking place so he accuses me of being racially insensitive for pointing out the double standards left wing ideologues like himself practice. 

This is the same SmellinCoffee who defends the Black Lives Matter movement that tried to send a cop who is married with children to jail for the rest of his life because his skin is white.  This is the same SmellinCoffee who finds racism under every rock as long as it isn't a Black person doing the hating.  This is the same SmellinCoffee who believes by pandering to certain groups that he is a caring Christian unlike those who may disagree with his idea of ?racial justice.?

Let me see.  I know there are no Black racists so lets look at some of the racists things people of color have to put up with in this racist nation.  You can google it if you wish.

Don't say ?hard worker? because it offends Melissa Harris-Perry by putting thought of slaves in a cotton field in her mind.

At Dartmouth the word ?fiesta? is racist and White people can't use it.

The cartoon film ?Jungle Book,? which depicted a society of apes that was obviously meant to demean black people must be racist.

At a primary school in a small town in England warned parents that not sending their children on a field trip to a mosque is racist.

Master bedrooms are racist and several Washington, D.C.-area homebuilders have stopped using the term to describe the biggest bedroom in a new house.

The Huffington Post announced that marijuana laws are racist because some white people have vocally claimed that use of the wacky weed should remain against the law.

MSNBC talking head Melissa Harris-Perry (once again) proclaimed that the National Basketball Assocation is racist. ?You can?t really talk about reparations and ignore the modern day wealthy Americans who own teams made up predominantly of black men and profit from their bodies and labor,? Harris-Perry said.

It's hard to find anything now days that isn't racist according to brainwashed liberals like SmellinCoffee so the only way to remedy this situation is to follow the advice of left wing lesbian columnist for the Harvard Crimson, Sandra Korn who wishes to ban free speech just like the fascist she is.  ?If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals??
Excuse me while I go barf.

biscuit1953 said:
I come home from a hard day's work and find my friend SmellinCoffee upset because of a post dealing with current events taking place in the colleges and universities where blatant Black racism and general anarchy is taking place so he accuses me of being racially insensitive for pointing out the double standards left wing ideologues like himself practice.....

The "angry white male" pejorative is an effective propaganda tool in the leftwing arsenal to influence fellow radical sympathisers.  It assumes a lack of critical thinking skills while pandering to those gullibly susceptible to emotional rhetoric.
biscuit1953 said:
I come home from a hard day's work and find my friend SmellinCoffee upset because of a post dealing with current events taking place in the colleges and universities where blatant Black racism and general anarchy is taking place so he accuses me of being racially insensitive for pointing out the double standards left wing ideologues like himself practice. 

This is the same SmellinCoffee who defends the Black Lives Matter movement that tried to send a cop who is married with children to jail for the rest of his life because his skin is white.  This is the same SmellinCoffee who finds racism under every rock as long as it isn't a Black person doing the hating.  This is the same SmellinCoffee who believes by pandering to certain groups that he is a caring Christian unlike those who may disagree with his idea of ?racial justice.?

Let me see.  I know there are no Black racists so lets look at some of the racists things people of color have to put up with in this racist nation.  You can google it if you wish.

Don't say ?hard worker? because it offends Melissa Harris-Perry by putting thought of slaves in a cotton field in her mind.

At Dartmouth the word ?fiesta? is racist and White people can't use it.

The cartoon film ?Jungle Book,? which depicted a society of apes that was obviously meant to demean black people must be racist.

At a primary school in a small town in England warned parents that not sending their children on a field trip to a mosque is racist.

Master bedrooms are racist and several Washington, D.C.-area homebuilders have stopped using the term to describe the biggest bedroom in a new house.

The Huffington Post announced that marijuana laws are racist because some white people have vocally claimed that use of the wacky weed should remain against the law.

MSNBC talking head Melissa Harris-Perry (once again) proclaimed that the National Basketball Assocation is racist. ?You can?t really talk about reparations and ignore the modern day wealthy Americans who own teams made up predominantly of black men and profit from their bodies and labor,? Harris-Perry said.

It's hard to find anything now days that isn't racist according to brainwashed liberals like SmellinCoffee so the only way to remedy this situation is to follow the advice of left wing lesbian columnist for the Harvard Crimson, Sandra Korn who wishes to ban free speech just like the fascist she is.  ?If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals??
Excuse me while I go barf.

And my point about right wing propaganda and lying stands. :)
biscuit1953 said:
I come home from a hard day's work and find my friend SmellinCoffee upset because of a post dealing with current events taking place in the colleges and universities where blatant Black racism and general anarchy is taking place so he accuses me of being racially insensitive for pointing out the double standards left wing ideologues like himself practice.....

The "angry white male" pejorative is an effective propaganda tool in the leftwing arsenal to influence fellow radical sympathisers.  It assumes a lack of critical thinking skills while pandering to those gullibly susceptible to emotional rhetoric.

No argument for me. :) The other side uses outrage, lies, misconceptions and feeds off of the prejudices of others to spin their propaganda and gather lemmings of their own.

Both sides manipulate.

The 'thinking skills' seem to me to see what truth DOES exist in BOTH sides and meet in the middle, empathizing with the marginalized while seeking to build them up through character and love rather than pandering to their every whim.

Oh, and "angry white male" pejorative? See Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc. Granted they might not be the majority in Conservatism but they are given the major platform so guess why there is such a moniker?
Every argument you make cheapens the accomplishments of Blacks that have great  accomplishments. Men such as Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Herman Cain. And, if you will notice, they all are conservatives!
pbuckhunt said:
Every argument you make cheapens the accomplishments of Blacks that have great  accomplishments. Men such as Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Herman Cain. And, if you will notice, they all are conservatives!

Obviously the idea of 'great accomplishments' is relative. Last I heard, the ONLY black President in US history happens to be a liberal. I guess it isn't an 'accomplishment' to become the leader of the free world.
Smellin Coffee said:
pbuckhunt said:
Every argument you make cheapens the accomplishments of Blacks that have great  accomplishments. Men such as Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Herman Cain. And, if you will notice, they all are conservatives!

Obviously the idea of 'great accomplishments' is relative. Last I heard, the ONLY black President in US history happens to be a liberal. I guess it isn't an 'accomplishment' to become the leader of the free world.

Well, I do have to give Obama credit for one thing.  He's a very convincing liar to gullible people and the fawning press, which is what got him elected. 
Smellin Coffee said:
No argument for me. :) The other side uses outrage, lies, misconceptions and feeds off of the prejudices of others to spin their propaganda and gather lemmings of their own.

Both sides manipulate.

The 'thinking skills' seem to me to see what truth DOES exist in BOTH sides and meet in the middle, empathizing with the marginalized while seeking to build them up through character and love rather than pandering to their every whim.

Oh, and "angry white male" pejorative? See Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc. Granted they might not be the majority in Conservatism but they are given the major platform so guess why there is such a moniker?

I am all for true fair and balanced perspective, and agree that both sides of the political left and right use manipulation to achieve their goal.  Having said that, what specifically in this story about a president being fired from his position for failing to act quickly enough to suit the student protestors, and the many egregious acts by the student body in their "peaceful protests" is justifiable? 
The Mizzou president resigned. He was not fired.
Smellin Coffee said:
Obviously the idea of 'great accomplishments' is relative. Last I heard, the ONLY black President in US history happens to be a liberal.

Who, like Bill Clinton before him, pretended to be a conservative on some issues - specifically, his "evolved" views on same-sex mirage, which didn't really evolve, insofar as he lied about them.
Smellin Coffee said:
No argument for me. :) The other side uses outrage, lies, misconceptions and feeds off of the prejudices of others to spin their propaganda and gather lemmings of their own.

Both sides manipulate.

The 'thinking skills' seem to me to see what truth DOES exist in BOTH sides and meet in the middle, empathizing with the marginalized while seeking to build them up through character and love rather than pandering to their every whim.

Oh, and "angry white male" pejorative? See Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc. Granted they might not be the majority in Conservatism but they are given the major platform so guess why there is such a moniker?

I am all for true fair and balanced perspective, and agree that both sides of the political left and right use manipulation to achieve their goal.  Having said that, what specifically in this story about a president being fired from his position for failing to act quickly enough to suit the student protestors, and the many egregious acts by the student body in their "peaceful protests" is justifiable?

He wasn't fired. He resigned. I also believe that deep down, he has a heart for the students and I don't believe he was racist. Wolfe resigned admirably in my opinion.

His quote:

Racism does exist at our university and it is unacceptable. It is a long-standing, systemic problem which daily affects our family of students, faculty and staff. I am sorry this is the case. I truly want all members of our university community to feel included, valued and safe.

I believe this is sincere and he did not simply offer a kowtow to the protesters. That being said, it should have never come to the hunger strike which initiated the protest. His statement when confronted by a group of black students a while back was:

Systematic oppression is because you don?t believe that you have the equal opportunity for success.

He then turned and walked away without civil dialogue. That caused those to wonder why he was blaming blacks for their own systematic oppression. He had been approached several times about racist activities and threats on the campus and he did not pursue it.

Here is the list of demands:


I am not for everything on the list by any means but there was an agenda which he refused to address. Since this has been building on the campus since the 70s, it is a wonder it hadn't come to a head sooner. Wolfe for whatever reason, would not address these things long before Butler's hunger strike. I believe he realized his mistake and is sincere in his apology.

As in any protest, there are those who take things way out of hand. For example, I, being pro-life, am opposed to the bombing of abortion clinics as a means of protest. I am anti-war except in EXTREME necessity for self defense but abhor the Westboro group's protest approach by creating scenes at the funerals of deceased military personnel.

So to answer your question, not all acts of protest in this case are justifiable in their actions or in some cases, even in their intent.
If I've said it once on here I've said it 100 times.

My dad looked like he just crossed the border.  Grew up in the hood I'm talking the ghetto.  His mom was married 10 times before he was 18 not including all the one night stands she brought home.

He was a Fitter, Welder and moved up in his company back in the 60's, 70's and 80's.

When started working in the oil field I would come home and complain about work. 

His answer was always "keep ur mouth shut and work, they won't fire you if ur doing ur job"  and he would say a few other things that I have posted on here before. 

My point in all of this is, if ur valuable you will move up, why? because you can make them money. 

Plain and simple as that. 

I have 2 other brothers that look like they just crossed the border as well, and are in there 30's, they are in upper management and they have never as far as I know complained because someone was discriminating against them because of their race.

Is racism out there? absolutely but not on the scale that the media and Smellin coffee loves to say it is.     