The god of baseball


Active member
Jan 7, 2018
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Midwest - close to St Louis, MO
I have recently been to two funerals that have disturbed me greatly. The first, a "celebration of life" was held at the church of a large national denomination. It started with musicians playing rock songs from the 60s that I know this particular denomination condemned during that period of time, but the departed liked this music, so it was played. This was followed by testimonies of those who were close to the deceased, and in each case (pastors included) outerwear was discarded so that shirts representing the favorite baseball team of the deceased were revealed. I guess my main issue is that this was all held in the sanctuary of the church. I don't think I would have been as concerned if this had been held in the fellowship hall, or a secular venue. However, to have it where the gospel is supposedly preached was very offensive to me, but I appeared to be the only one. Most of those in attendance were also wearing baseball team apparel.
The second, a real funeral this time, was also held in the sanctuary of another large national denomination. Like the previous, the deceased was a big fan of a certain baseball team, and when the family followed the coffin down the aisle, they were all wearing this team's apparel; shirts, caps, etc. You would have thought they were heading to a game, rather than saying goodbye to their loved one. The funeral service was traditional, but the lack of respect and reverence for what they considered the house of God was unnerving to say the least.
Where has showing some respect for the dearly departed gone? It's bad enough when people attend a funeral in casual attire, but to wear sports apparel seems the utmost in disrespect for the deceased and their memory. I am certain that in their respective afterlives, the departed were not concerned with their teams standing in the leagues. And where has the reverence for a church sanctuary gone when even those who claim to preach the gospel profane the sanctity of the space.
I am not looking for any answers, just depressed that people/Christians see nothing wrong with this.
May God (the one true God) have mercy on us.
Because of the stilted, formal attitudes of many Christians at funerals, I have opted for cremation and having my ashes "memorial" service so that people can sit around and lie about what a "good person" they thought I was I've seen too much of that kind of hypocrisy at many funerals where the people giving the testimonials couldn't stand the people they were now praising! It will save my wife a whole load of money, and my relatives a long trip for nothing. I won't be there, so why would I care what went on anyhow??
Not sure how wearing a garment that is otherwise modest in a sanctuary is profaning it, but I really like (translate "worship") baseball. ;)

What may however be considered inappropriate is ranting about religious rites on the Fellowship Forum rather than the Fightin' Forum. :LOL:
Because of the stilted, formal attitudes of many Christians at funerals, I have opted for cremation and having my ashes "memorial" service so that people can sit around and lie about what a "good person" they thought I was I've seen too much of that kind of hypocrisy at many funerals where the people giving the testimonials couldn't stand the people they were now praising! It will save my wife a whole load of money, and my relatives a long trip for nothing. I won't be there, so why would I care what went on anyhow??
I am opting to do the same, cremation. All my dogs so far have been cremated also. Once I am dead my dogs and I will be scattered to the four winds, we will be in death as we were in life, together forever. As far as choosing mankind fellowship versus dogs, I refer to Will Rodgers saying. 'If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.'
I am opting to do the same, cremation. All my dogs so far have been cremated also. Once I am dead my dogs and I will be scattered to the four winds, we will be in death as we were in life, together forever. As far as choosing mankind fellowship versus dogs, I refer to Will Rodgers saying. 'If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.'
Good to see you back around here bro.
I have been disturbed by this trend. When it comes to the end of life for what will be remembered? What was of utmost importance to us? What should be the theme of my funeral, celebration of life service, or whatever it is called?
At the risk of sounding spiritual I would hope it would be what Christ did for me. If a teams jersey and the message of the gospel can share the platform I would cringingly say go for it, but I doubt they often do.
I have been disturbed by this trend. When it comes to the end of life for what will be remembered? What was of utmost importance to us? What should be the theme of my funeral, celebration of life service, or whatever it is called?
At the risk of sounding spiritual I would hope it would be what Christ did for me. If a teams jersey and the message of the gospel can share the platform I would cringingly say go for it, but I doubt they often do.
I agree with you (and the OP) that solemnity is important, and also agree that Christ should be preeminent in such matters. The issue I jokingly was highlighting is that the notion of respect and solemnity is often very subjective (like modesty, for instance) to each person. Analogous to this discussion is the age-old controversy in conservative Christian circles of the importance of "wearing your Sunday best". There are salient points to be made on both sides of that discussion too, but at the end of the day I think sometimes tradition and majoring on the minors take center-stage of the discussion. Peace.
Thanks hope your family and you had a Merry Christmas. How is your wife doing?
She's had a severe cold and/or bronchial infection for over 2 weeks now and is pretty fed up, but she's a teacher and been able to rest while on Christmas break. Hope all is well with you and yours.😊
She's had a severe cold and/or bronchial infection for over 2 weeks now and is pretty fed up, but she's a teacher and been able to rest while on Christmas break. Hope all is well with you and yours.😊
Glad she is doing better, all is well here also.