The ‘Harvard of Christian Schools’ goes woke.

The writer of this commentary makes some very serious allegations. Can anyone here confirm or deny them via firsthand knowledge?
I couldn't even get into anything on that link. What gives?? ;)
The writer of this commentary makes some very serious allegations. Can anyone here confirm or deny them via firsthand knowledge?
I have no first hand knowledge but from the outside looking in Wheaton has been heading in the woke direction for some time.
I have no first hand knowledge but from the outside looking in Wheaton has been heading in the woke direction for some time.
If you were of the "Radical KJV-Only" faction of the IFB, you were calling Wheaton College "Apostate" back in the early 80s back when I first got sucked into this IFB mess! Billy Graham was an apostate, Jerry Falwell was an apostate, Adrian Rogers, was an apostate, and the entire SBC was apostate! Petey Ruckman trashed Curtis Hutson in his "Bulletin" so I assumed him to be a limp-wristed compromiser on the cusp of falling into apostacy...

Wheaton College therefore may as well have been "Catlick" for all I was concerned.