The health benefits of whiskey

Torrent v.2 said:
You are twisitng my words.

I never said recreational use.  I said medicinal.

You then respponded by saying recreational use is bringing it into your body sinfully.

I said it is NOT SIN TO BRING IT INTO YOUR BODY medicinally.
The only sin is abusing it.

The implication of your statement ("abusing it") seems to be that substances are innocuous in and of themselves (which in general seems to be the line of reasoning of Castor when he wrongly cited the I Corinthians passage about sexual immorality), and if things are innocuous in and of themselves then it stands to reason that you are allowing for substances to be used (like cigarettes) for recreational purposes.  I understand that cocaine may have medicinal purposes, as marijuana might as well, and haven't objected to that use.  You are the one who raised the concept of medicinal use of substances.  Prior to that the conversation had been about the acceptance of alcohol and cigarettes on the basis that they weren't sinful to use unless they were abused.  Well, cigarettes easily can be shown to be highly addictive, and harmful to the body.  As such, the passage about not joining your temple to sinful activities is relevant.

torrent said:
Do you agree with that?  Do you agree that cocaine can be used correctly and therefore not sinfully?

I've NEVER said that cocaine is sinful in and of itself, so of course I'd say that it may be used lawfully (speaking Biblically, not politically or legally).  That has nothing to do with the argument at hand, in which people were saying that the I Corinthians passage has no relevance to the notion that it may be sin to introduce certain substance into your body.

Chuckbob said:
Why does everything have to be connected to something else? It's apples and oranges.

You're a lawyer, right?  We are discussing the passage of I Corinthians where Paul says that he will not allow anything to master him, and in the same context he speaks about not allowing ourselves to be tainted with the sexual sin of a prostitute.  The link between the two is not merely coincidental.  Anything, whether sex, drugs, or rock and roll ;) :D may bring us into its' clutches, and we ought not defile our bodies with such behavior.  That is not an apples and oranges discussion.
Torrent v.2 said:
You are twisitng my words.

I never said recreational use.  I said medicinal.

You then respponded by saying recreational use is bringing it into your body sinfully.

I said it is NOT SIN TO BRING IT INTO YOUR BODY medicinally.
The only sin is abusing it.

The implication of your statement ("abusing it") seems to be that substances are innocuous in and of themselves (which in general seems to be the line of reasoning of Castor when he wrongly cited the I Corinthians passage about sexual immorality), and if things are innocuous in and of themselves then it stands to reason that you are allowing for substances to be used (like cigarettes) for recreational purposes.  I understand that cocaine may have medicinal purposes, as marijuana might as well, and haven't objected to that use.  You are the one who raised the concept of medicinal use of substances.  Prior to that the conversation had been about the acceptance of alcohol and cigarettes on the basis that they weren't sinful to use unless they were abused.  Well, cigarettes easily can be shown to be highly addictive, and harmful to the body.  As such, the passage about not joining your temple to sinful activities is relevant.

I did not say anything about cocaine being used recreationally. Cigarettes? I am not so sure. Regardless of their addictive nature, I don't think smoking is a sin.  I think smoking too much is.

Food is harmful to your body if misused.  Cocaine is. Cigarettes are.

Joining your temple to sinful activities is, but don't try slipping in the asumption that cigarettes are sinful or that alcohol is sinful.

If you are trying to say joining your temple to cigarettes or cocaine or alcohol, at any level at all, is sinful, I disagree.
It seems to me that I find more health benefit out of drinking bourbon with the label of "Bookers" on it while eating a great steak.  8)
Castor Muscular said:
ChuckBob said:
rsc2a said:
Has anyone said this?

So if it were not illegal, a little recreational meth or crack use is okay by you then?

Why does everything have to be connected to something else? It's apples and oranges.


Some people see only two possibilities in life:  Either you live the way I think you should live and think the way I think you should think, or else you must be pushing a promiscuous, drunk, drug-using, tobacco-addicted antinomian lifestyle.

I don't have time to push all that. I'm too busy trying to be a good husband and parent and still have time to devote to the important things in life like fly fishing and canoeing. I'll take a taste of a good single malt or a glass of wine every now and then. I never have more than one and I'll nurse it all evening. I'll enjoy an occasional pipe around the fire while swapping stories that get better and better with each telling but those are about the extent of my vices. I mainly just want to be let alone and I try to do the same for others. I've got a good wildcat of a woman, three fantastic kids and and the best dog a man could have. We eat fairly regular and the house is almost paid for. I figure we're light years ahead of a lot of folks.

Torrent v.2 said:
Joining your temple to sinful activities...

If you are trying to say joining your temple to cigarettes or cocaine or alcohol...

You can't join your temple to those things.  That was the point of my scripture quotes.  The only sinful joining of your temple is through sexual immorality, such as joining your temple to a prostitute. 

Castor Muscular said:
Torrent v.2 said:
Joining your temple to sinful activities...

If you are trying to say joining your temple to cigarettes or cocaine or alcohol...

You can't join your temple to those things.  That was the point of my scripture quotes.  The only sinful joining of your temple is through sexual immorality, such as joining your temple to a prostitute.
Or marrying a non-believer.


Saw this on Facebook.  Pretty funny, IMO.

ChuckBob said:
I don't have time to push all that. I'm too busy trying to be a good husband and parent and still have time to devote to the important things in life like fly fishing and canoeing. I'll take a taste of a good single malt or a glass of wine every now and then. I never have more than one and I'll nurse it all evening. I'll enjoy an occasional pipe around the fire while swapping stories that get better and better with each telling but those are about the extent of my vices. I mainly just want to be let alone and I try to do the same for others. I've got a good wildcat of a woman, three fantastic kids and and the best dog a man could have. We eat fairly regular and the house is almost paid for. I figure we're light years ahead of a lot of folks.


You didn't respond to the essence of the viewpoint I expressed in my last post to you, but rather elected to swallow a lying misrepresentation and caricature of my stated beliefs.  I don't believe that alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, or cigars are sinful in and of themselves, which I've already expressed.  What I HAVE stated is that the context of the passage under consideration refutes the notion that Castor apparently is putting forth that we may put any substance into our bodies and be free from sin in doing so.  The substances I've mentioned (cocaine, meth, cigarettes, etc) are addictive by nature, and as such have a high capacity to make slaves out of even casual users, which is a direct violation of the principle that Paul mentions in the Corinthian passage.  Whether it is sexual sin, or some other sin, Paul's over-arching point is that we shouldn't elect to be part of activities, even innocuous ones, that enslave/master us.
the notion that Castor apparently is putting forth

You apparently don't have a clue about the notion I'm putting forth, but see earlier post about all the craps I don't give about setting you straight on anything. 

Castor Muscular said:
the notion that Castor apparently is putting forth

You apparently don't have a clue about the notion I'm putting forth, but see earlier post about all the craps I don't give about setting you straight on anything.

lol, yes, it's so obvious how little crap you care by how often you keep responding.  :-*
ChuckBob said:
I don't have time to push all that. I'm too busy trying to be a good husband and parent and still have time to devote to the important things in life like fly fishing and canoeing. I'll take a taste of a good single malt or a glass of wine every now and then. I never have more than one and I'll nurse it all evening. I'll enjoy an occasional pipe around the fire while swapping stories that get better and better with each telling but those are about the extent of my vices. I mainly just want to be let alone and I try to do the same for others. I've got a good wildcat of a woman, three fantastic kids and and the best dog a man could have. We eat fairly regular and the house is almost paid for. I figure we're light years ahead of a lot of folks.


Don't get all worked up. I've just never understood why everything has to be  connected to something else and that something else is always worse than the original something. I heard arguements using that logic all my growing  up years.  If mayhem is OK then murder must be OK. It just gets old.


You didn't respond to the essence of the viewpoint I expressed in my last post to you, but rather elected to swallow a lying misrepresentation and caricature of my stated beliefs.  I don't believe that alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, or cigars are sinful in and of themselves, which I've already expressed.  What I HAVE stated is that the context of the passage under consideration refutes the notion that Castor apparently is putting forth that we may put any substance into our bodies and be free from sin in doing so.  The substances I've mentioned (cocaine, meth, cigarettes, etc) are addictive by nature, and as such have a high capacity to make slaves out of even casual users, which is a direct violation of the principle that Paul mentions in the Corinthian passage.  Whether it is sexual sin, or some other sin, Paul's over-arching point is that we shouldn't elect to be part of activities, even innocuous ones, that enslave/master us.
ChuckBob said:
Don't get all worked up. I've just never understood why everything has to be  connected to something else and that something else is always worse than the original something. I heard arguements using that logic all my growing  up years.  If mayhem is OK then murder must be OK. It just gets old.


The argument Paul made was that we ought not associate our bodies with sinful activity and that nothing should enslave us.  Regardless of how people have abused Scripture it shouldn't keep us from properly applying the word to our lives.
ChuckBob said:
Don't get all worked up. I've just never understood why everything has to be  connected to something else and that something else is always worse than the original something. I heard arguements using that logic all my growing  up years.  If mayhem is OK then murder must be OK. It just gets old.


The argument Paul made was that we ought not associate our bodies with sinful activity and that nothing should enslave us.  Regardless of how people have abused Scripture it shouldn't keep us from properly applying the word to our lives.

Just because you're easily "mastered" or " controlled" by such things.... doesn't mean that everyone else is a little child that can't control themselves!

Don't project you're inabilities on everyone else! You really shouldn't be discussing the issue! Any moment you might just relapse!!!!

christundivided said:
Just because you're easily "mastered" or " controlled" by such things.... doesn't mean that everyone else is a little child that can't control themselves!

Don't project you're inabilities on everyone else! You really shouldn't be discussing the issue! Any moment you might just relapse!!!!

3 Things

Chill with the exclamation marks.

I never claimed all people were mastered by the same things to the same degree.

If you think cocaine use is ok you are goofier than I thought.
ChuckBob said:
ChuckBob said:
I don't have time to push all that. I'm too busy trying to be a good husband and parent and still have time to devote to the important things in life like fly fishing and canoeing. I'll take a taste of a good single malt or a glass of wine every now and then. I never have more than one and I'll nurse it all evening. I'll enjoy an occasional pipe around the fire while swapping stories that get better and better with each telling but those are about the extent of my vices. I mainly just want to be let alone and I try to do the same for others. I've got a good wildcat of a woman, three fantastic kids and and the best dog a man could have. We eat fairly regular and the house is almost paid for. I figure we're light years ahead of a lot of folks.

I didn't mean to upset you but that's what I see. Everything  is connected to a far greater disaster looming in the wings to assault you if if youi don't tow the party line. The argument itself is a fallacy but it is commonly used.


Don't get all worked up. I've just never understood why everything has to be  connected to something else and that something else is always worse than the original something. I heard arguements using that logic all my growing  up years.  If mayhem is OK then murder must be OK. It just gets old.


You didn't respond to the essence of the viewpoint I expressed in my last post to you, but rather elected to swallow a lying misrepresentation and caricature of my stated beliefs.  I don't believe that alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, or cigars are sinful in and of themselves, which I've already expressed.  What I HAVE stated is that the context of the passage under consideration refutes the notion that Castor apparently is putting forth that we may put any substance into our bodies and be free from sin in doing so.  The substances I've mentioned (cocaine, meth, cigarettes, etc) are addictive by nature, and as such have a high capacity to make slaves out of even casual users, which is a direct violation of the principle that Paul mentions in the Corinthian passage.  Whether it is sexual sin, or some other sin, Paul's over-arching point is that we shouldn't elect to be part of activities, even innocuous ones, that enslave/master us.
ChuckBob said:
I didn't mean to upset you but that's what I see. Everything  is connected to a far greater disaster looming in the wings to assault you if if youi don't tow the party line. The argument itself is a fallacy but it is commonly used.

I'm not upset in the least bro.  I am merely pointing out that the passage under consideration in I Corinthians 6 regarding sin, our temple, and mastery (self-discipline) has more application than merely sexual sin.

Really good single-malt Scotch is delightful stuff, but frightfully expensive, which is why I hardly ever buy it. The next best thing is not cheap Scotch (which is horrible), but a good Kentucky or Tennessee Bourbon (as the OP already seems to have discovered).

Two other observations:

1) Being an alcoholic has huge health risks.

2) Taking a shot of whiskey a day will not make you an alcoholic... unless you already are one, in which case it would likely cause a relapse, so if that describes you, don't do it!

Izdaari said:
2) Taking a shot of whiskey a day will not make you an alcoholic... unless you already are one, in which case it would likely cause a relapse, so if that describes you, don't do it!

I'm not allowed to have bourbon much anymore (diabetes).  Maybe once in a great while.  Which is fine by me, actually.  I was drinking it at night to help fall asleep, but the melatonin is doing that for me now, and it actually does a better job.  In fact, I'm sleeping more restfully now so my blood pressure has finally fallen back down to normal. 