To the brother (from another mother) that is an unbeliever......


New member
Oct 13, 2015
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North Carolina
I have a very close friend that I consider family.  I love this man...he is a brother to me.  He is also, in his words, an unbeliever.  Says he is more agnostic. 

The first time we really talked about it was bout 3 years ago when we really started spending time together a lot.  ( I had worked with him and got acquainted with him a few years prior, but when his wife and my wife who went to school together started visiting a lot me and him became much closer)

He told me he wanted to talk to me outside...we went out and sat in his truck like we had done many times before when they would come visit.  He told me that having been around me more that he could tell I was a believer.  We talked about many subjects...he told me that "centuries ago people would see shooting stars and think they were angels....what if they were just comets all along?" so I asked him "well...what if people see them today and think they are comets and they are angels all along?" and he said "see now you just messed with my mind again"  lol  I'm not sure if shooting stars are angels.  But I just wanted him to see that there could be 2 sides of the story. 

He grew up rough to say the least.  Both parents addicts....raised by his grandparents that tried to brutally force religion down his throat with threats such as "if you don't listen to us the devil is going to come get you while you sleep!" Lost them, his best friend that was like a brother to him, and a girlfriend that he was REALLY close to all in less than a month.

From all that....he is a good man....a very good man.  A great friend.  True family.

We were catfishing one time on his boat....the engine had sucked dirt up in it and we were down the river and had to push it to the bank.  He worked on it and worked on it trying to get a good flow of water to come out of it.  I said a little prayer....and almost instantly it started pumping water out like it was supposed to be!  I knew that this was an I told him "ya know...I just prayed that the motor would start" he turned to me and said "I did the same thing" 

Him and his wife are having some issues.  So I had a nice long conversation with God about it on my way home from work one afternoon.  I told him that I had prayed for him and he told me "yea, how did that work out for ya" I said "we will see".  This was a few days ago.  I talked to him this morning and asked how things were going at home...he said "they are getting better" and I said "that prayer must have worked out good for me then" he laughed and said " must have.  you don't believe that could just be a coincidence?"  and I replied "as many times as I have had almost instant results...I just don't see how it could be.  remember the day we both prayed about the boat"  and he said "yea...that was kinda weird" 

I really think that he is close to salvation. 

All this post to ask (because there is wisdom in council) what do I do?  Is there anything I can do?  Should I just continue sliding the conversations in where they fit? He does not get upset...but I'm also not pushy.  He will talk to me a long time...hours even...about the subject.  And I feel like he knows...and wants to believe....he even says that he wishes he did believe and that he admires the ones who do.  I love the man and I really wanna see him make that leap of faith.  I know I cannot do it for him.  But I also know that I need to be there to help. 

Thanks in advance for the advice brothers!!!!!!!