Well, Hello.


New member
Jun 28, 2014
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This is usually the time of night, that my mind goes restless.  Tonight, I thought it would be fun to reminisce.  Not about all the bad things that happened in my time around WHBC (not that I'm looking through rose colored glasses), but back to a time when everything seemed simpler.  It is funny to look back now, and remember getting into trouble for trivial things when so much other stuff was going on.  I remember being around a lot of people; some that I loved, some that I liked, and some that I had to be around because that's how the chips fell.  I remember having a desire to worship and serve God, then I remember it being stripped away by the nickel and diming that comes from legalism.  I remember being happy for a time, then I remember being the saddest I've ever been.  I'm not sure if it's my optimistic side, but I really want to find good in any situation that I'm in.  I would have never guessed that WHBC would have turned out the way it has.  Not that I didn't hope for it, and pray for it, but how many of us have doubts that we'll get to see judgment of bad deeds in our lifetime.  I remember leaving, and I remember it being one of the happiest days of my life.  I also remember it was one of the saddest, unfortunately.  It's hard to start all over again, although the feeling of freedom was unlike anything I had ever felt before.  I missed the people that I had known, and knew that were good people but I knew that everyone sees the light in their own time.  I truly am grateful that many have been able to leave their, but in the same token, I wonder if any or looking for another "man of god".  This would seem like the greatest tragedy, to leave one set of chains for another.  In my time away, I found the relationship with God that I had been desiring.  To know that He loved me, and valued me even though I may wear shorts outside of a gymnasium, or go to a movie theatre, or fill in the blank.  To fully realize my works were nothing, and all that I needed to do was come hit me like a load of bricks.  I guess in all of this, I'm saying that I'm glad that I'm on this side of life, and that so many have been able to break free.  That we can live life more abundantly.  I'm not sure that I know anyone here, but I know that anyone that went through WHBC/OBC has a common bond.  Anyway, glad to be here.

I'm sure you mean Alvin Martinez, which is an obvious troll.  I don't know you, friend, but I wish that you wouldn't compare me to that.


If everyone that has left is honest with themselves they can see the good and the bad that they learned while being at WHBC. It is pretty amazing how that God can use any situation in our life to teach us and to grow us if we are looking to Him and not just some man's opinion of Him.

And to your very last statement, YES, those that have gone through and come out the other side do have a unique bond that allows them to connect almost instantly even if they were there decades apart.


I completely agree with everything you said.  I've been gone well over a decade now, and it took me up until a couple of years ago to start seeing the brighter side.  Other than the feeling of freedom I felt when I left, I also learned how to set boundaries for people, both in church and out.  I stopped believing that going to church 4 or 5 days a week, to check off the box that I was being a superior Christian, was something that God actually wanted. 

But yeah, I am thankful that I was there, at the very least to see how I should and should not treat people.  :)
