What think Ye? This could be interesting.

First post...T-Bone for the win.

It's a frickin' daycare. If he wants to die on that hill, so be it. I'm glad he's got nothing more important to worry about.

Q: How does this church treat unwed mothers?
A: Like ebola.

Why is it that every time I decide to read the comments on a news article, I regret it almost immediately due to the saturation of stupid?

Example: "Morality clause or not. It is not very Christian like to do what they did."

I'm reminded of Francis Schaeffer's lament:

I have come to the point where, when I hear the word "Jesus" - which means so much to me because of the Person of the historic Jesus and His work - I listen carefully because I have with sorrow become more afraid of the word "Jesus" than almost any other word in the modern world. The word is used as a contentless banner, and our generation is invited to follow it. but there is no rational, scriptural content by which to test it, and thus the word is being used to teach the very opposite things from those which Jesus taught. . . . It is now Jesus-like to sleep with a girl or a man, if she or he needs you. As long as you are trying to be human you are being Jesus-like to sleep with the other person, at the cost, be it noted, of breaking the specific morality which Jesus taught, but to these men this does not matter, because that is downstairs in the area of rational scriptural content.

Escape from Reason (London: InterVarsity, 1968), 78-79.

Substitute "Christian" for "Jesus," and you have the attitude of these secular nitwits who presume to lecture Christians on what Christianity is all about. Go away.
WhoppinBiscuits said:
Q: How does this church treat unwed mothers?
A: Like ebola.

Yes, I suppose that the repetitive admonitions of the Christian Scriptures to keep sexual immorality out of the church really don't count. This woman is not merely a teenage mom who made a mistake and had a baby as a consequence. The tone of the story implies that she is living in sin with her "fiance." They gave her three months to at least set a wedding date, and apparently they weren't willing to do even that.

There is a time to have compassion, and there is a time to expel wickedness from the church. This is the latter.
Ransom said:
Why is it that every time I decide to read the comments on a news article, I regret it almost immediately due to the saturation of stupid?

Example: "Morality clause or not. It is not very Christian like to do what they did."

I'm reminded of Francis Schaeffer's lament:

I have come to the point where, when I hear the word "Jesus" - which means so much to me because of the Person of the historic Jesus and His work - I listen carefully because I have with sorrow become more afraid of the word "Jesus" than almost any other word in the modern world. The word is used as a contentless banner, and our generation is invited to follow it. but there is no rational, scriptural content by which to test it, and thus the word is being used to teach the very opposite things from those which Jesus taught. . . . It is now Jesus-like to sleep with a girl or a man, if she or he needs you. As long as you are trying to be human you are being Jesus-like to sleep with the other person, at the cost, be it noted, of breaking the specific morality which Jesus taught, but to these men this does not matter, because that is downstairs in the area of rational scriptural content.

Escape from Reason (London: InterVarsity, 1968), 78-79.

Substitute "Christian" for "Jesus," and you have the attitude of these secular nitwits who presume to lecture Christians on what Christianity is all about. Go away.

Those biblical "scholars" are pretty amazing. They seem to have Jesus and Gandhi all mixed up into Mother Theresa on quaaludes.
aleshanee said:
Ransom said:
WhoppinBiscuits said:
Q: How does this church treat unwed mothers?
A: Like ebola.

Yes, I suppose that the repetitive admonitions of the Christian Scriptures to keep sexual immorality out of the church really don't count. This woman is not merely a teenage mom who made a mistake and had a baby as a consequence. The tone of the story implies that she is living in sin with her "fiance." They gave her three months to at least set a wedding date, and apparently they weren't willing to do even that.

There is a time to have compassion, and there is a time to expel wickedness from the church. This is the latter.

i actually agree with that........... not that what she is doing ..living with her finance until a big wedding can be planned ...is evil....... but that if she is going to refuse to abide by the policy set forth by an organization she works for..... and especially a policy she signed an agreement on.........then she should not be working there............

Living with her fiancée while she plans a big wedding in this case seems to mean practicing fornication, who's is sin. And that's like evil.
WhoppinBiscuits said:
First post...T-Bone for the win.

It's a frickin' daycare. If he wants to die on that hill, so be it. I'm glad he's got nothing more important to worry about.

Q: How does this church treat unwed mothers?
A: Like ebola.

He probably considers the 'frickin daycare' to be a ministry of his church.
The fact that fornication isn't a 'big deal' is a sad commentary on modern Christianity....IMO.
The pastor is taking a stand for what is right.

So why are people angry at him?

Because he is taking a stand for doing what is right.
1. Were they living together when they hired her? Not addressed. But if she wasn't, why wasn't that dealt with when they did move in together? If they were, then why is the pregnancy a problem but not the shacking up?
2. Was she given the handbook/agreement or not? She says she wasn't. Oversight on the church's part.
3. Why did they give her 3 months if she broke the agreement?

4. I agree she's just being stupid now waiting for a big wedding and all.

But again, it's just a daycare.
Well the infection is pretty rampant in the "body".

If it feels good do it.

How does a little piece of paper make our love more or less real?

Who are you to judge?

Why rush into these things? They should know each other better before committing to marriage.

Yep. Have heard everyone of them (or variant) from "good" Christians who couldn't understand what all the fuss is about.


You can address sin and be compassionate:

We had a situation where the expectant couple was living together. They claimed a recent conversion and started attending our church. As is often the case there were money troubles and plenty of other complications in their life. They said they wanted to get married but couldn't afford it and were going to wait for the baby to be born first.

The pastor and board met with them and worked out a plan. They already had a child so removing dad from the home seemed counter productive. So first thing was he needed to move out of "their" bedroom into a room of his own. Should that prove to be too tempting the church had arranged for separate housing if needed. A short timetable was set up. They already "knew" each other so there was no real need for a "courtship" or "engagement". He agreed to take a menial job from a church member to get back into the job market and was set up with someone to help them get their finances in order. They were married within a month. In that time they went through marriage/family counseling with the pastor as well as were paired with a married couple who agreed to mentor them. They were married at the church and thrown a nice informal celebration party. While they no longer attend our church they are active in a local church and their children have come tour Awana. They are happily married well into their second decade together.

This is the opposite of the normal baptist approach of go get married at the Methodist church and once you have your mess cleaned up feel free to come back and worship with us.
Vince Massi said:
The pastor is taking a stand for what is right.

So why are people angry at him?

Because he is taking a stand for doing what is right.

Probably going to get "judged" for his humility too!  ;)
I agree with the pastor of this church.
subllibrm said:
Vince Massi said:
The pastor is taking a stand for what is right.

So why are people angry at him?

Because he is taking a stand for doing what is right.

Probably going to get "judged" for his humility too!  ;)

No. No. The fact that he mentioned it means he too is living with his girlfriend and refuses to set a wedding date.
Tell the Pastor to open up their wallet...They hired her knowing her present lifestlye and living arrangement, she will win her discrimination suit hands down.

Maybe the Pastor should fire the Nursery Director who hired her.
This is so stupid.  If they were living in a common-law marriage state, they'd be considered married. 