What were you doing when the planes struck on 9-11?


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Jan 31, 2012
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Gulf Shores, Alabama
I was working on building a church building (First Baptist, Rockford, Illinois). We were pouring cement out of a truck for sidewalks and outdoor pads.
I was working in a nuclear laboratory, heavily guarded and fully protected by security forces, so I wasn't exactly worried about being attacked, but the thought of the unfolding plot did cause me to think that we could be a target. It was relatively early in the world of the internet (in so far as my trust of information, wow, that sure did turn out to be a feeling that now bears lots of merit) so I was skeptical, especially because the woman who brought me the news was a little bit ditzy. I just figured it was a prank, a very bad prank. I only wish that were the case.
I was on the bus, on the way to work. When I arrived at my desk, my boss told me I'd better go to the lounge and check out the news on the TV. I was there to see 1WTC collapse. Didn't get a whole lot of work done that day.
I was at work. A co-worker took a call from one of her kids about the 1st plane and then she told me. I pulled up news web sites to stay updated. After the 2nd tower was hit, I started getting instant messages from people in Europe & Asia. At that time, I used a chat program called ICQ and I had it set to allow anyone to contact me. People asked if I was worried. I told them I wasn't because I had peace with God and I was able to share the gospel with several people that I never would have been in contact with if the attack hadn't happened.
i was asleep....(was still a highschool student)... but then it was something like 2 in the morning here when it all started.... by the time i got up to get ready for school both buildings were already down and the pictures of new york city on all the news channels were huge collumns of smoke were the world trade center had been....

our teachers talked about it in every class that day and each had a different take on it and on what was actually happening... but the thing we all noticed was how quiet it was in the skies over honolulu with no planes flying.... no airliners full of tourists coming in or going back home.... . and it was like that for several days afterwards... empty skies with the exception of military flights which there weren;t that many of either.....
I was living in Pendleton OR at the time but had returned to L.A. for a cousin's funeral. I was scheduled to fly out of Burbank that morning when a friend called me and told me to turn on the TV; I wasn't going anywhere that day. I ended up staying in L.A. an extra week. I too was amazed by the sight of blue skies over L.A. with no conex trails. That was also the week my friend and I bumped into Larry King at the CNN L.A. studio.
I was in a "twilight sleep" with the television on in the background. Even though I was dozing, I heard what was happening and opened my eyes just as the first plane hit the first building. Within a few minutes, the manager and Sales Director, both, from the hotel I was employed at, were banging on my door. Even though I was supposed to be off that day, they wanted me to come in because Hartsfield International Airport (as all airports were) was closed and the businessmen that had checked out that morning, were all coming back because they couldn't get out of the city.
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I was in a "twilight sleep" with the television on in the background. Even though I was dozing, I heard what was happening and opened my eyes just as the first plane hit the first building. Within a few minutes, the manager and Sales Director, both, from the hotel I was employed at, were banging on my door. Even though I was supposed to be off that day, they wanted me to come in because Hartsfield International Airport (as all) was closed and the businessmen that had checked out that morning, were all coming back because they couldn't get out of the city.
that;s kind of what happened here too.... hundreds of tourists found themselves stranded at the airport and having to go back to the hotels they had just come from.... ..but many more saw the following weekend ... and the day they were supposed to go to the airport to fly back home.... come and go with them still sitting in the same hotel room... ... but at least the people who had reserved those rooms for the following week were also stuck... stranded on the mainland with all the airlines grounded... so nobody was telling them they had to vacate the hotel rooms..... it was a very different and very unusual time in hawaii... ..but then i;m sure it was everywhere.... .
Interestingly, when I finally flew out of Burbank after 9/11, the plane I was on was only half full and everyone on it was in an exceptionally good mood.
I was teaching First Grade we packed up and everyone was dismissed. My police friend called me and said fill up gas, go to the bank and get cash out that you need. Stock up on groceries. I had real anxiety when I would fly in a plane and they would close the door. This time when I flew home to Michigan I had no anxiety I felt like I was I close to my husband who had passed away just a few months ago.
Interestingly, when I finally flew out of Burbank after 9/11, the plane I was on was only half full and everyone on it was in an exceptionally good mood.

I think I have told this story on some iteration of the FFF before, but I had planned prior to 9/11 occurring for a secret/surprise romantic getaway (the week after 9/11) to the Poconos for me and ALAYWIFE. I wasn't sure what flight complications and hassles were awaiting the getaway after the TSA crackdown subsequent to the attack, and wrestled greatly with whether to just cancel the whole deal. I had planned the whole thing with the intent to whisk her away and have a great relaxing adventure to the mountains, but figured I HAD to let ALAYWIFE know that I was planning on taking her on a commercial flight. It bummed me out that I had to ruin the element of surprise for her, but I had to tell her of the plan out of an abundance of caution. In the end, she grappled with it, but decided we should carry out the getaway. We were anxious, but at the same time excited. It was part of our pursuit of a family amidst our trials and struggles to conceive (ALAYBOY was merely a twinkle in our eyes at that point and wouldn't be given to us by the Lord for another 4 years), so it was a BIG deal and another potential setback in our efforts and intents to start a family. We boarded the plane, had a layover, and on the layover there was some middle-eastern looking folk who had boarded, but we didn't really want to profile anybody so we didn't really think about it too much. While waiting on the plane we began to realize something was amiss since we were late for take-off. Next thing we know some law enforcement agents had boarded the plane and shortly removed those folk. :oops: I wasn't sure exactly what to think, but whatever trepidation I had over flying so soon after 9/11 sure wasn't relieved by that incident!
I was sitting in my office. My attorney called me and said "Turn on your tv."
I had the day off. Slept in. Got up, had a leisurely breakfast. Did not have the TV or radio on.

Signed on to AOL, and the news banner said, Second Tower Collapses. Started reading, then hollered, Laura! Turn on the TV!
Wasn't making a lot of money. Wanted to take the family somewhere. I remember taking that desire to the Lord. This was in the month afterward...

The next day...the NEXT day...a friend called and asked if we wanted free lodging in Branson. We used his timeshare in December, and went to the Welk Show, and Silver Dollar City in December. They were all decked out for Christmas.

I remember having to surrender to be searched before entering the park. This was when the erosion of liberty was accelerated.

Even so it became a family tradition to spend the holidays in Branson after that.

Even after the divorce, I still go down there, though I go alone. The daughtero has a standing invite. I keep it up to maintain some connection for her to her childhood.
Wasn't making a lot of money. Wanted to take the family somewhere. I remember taking that desire to the Lord. This was in the month afterward...

The next day...the NEXT day...a friend called and asked if we wanted free lodging in Branson. We used his timeshare in December, and went to the Welk Show, and Silver Dollar City in December. They were all decked out for Christmas.

I remember having to surrender to be searched before entering the park. This was when the erosion of liberty was accelerated.

Even so it became a family tradition to spend the holidays in Branson after that.

Even after the divorce, I still go down there, though I go alone. The daughtero has a standing invite. I keep it up to maintain some connection for her to her childhood.

I would love to go to Branson. I have never been there. Would you know if they still have the Welk Theatre and show, there?
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I would love to go to Branson. I have never been there. Would you know if they still have the Welk Theatre and show, there?
They do not. And Silver Dollar City has changed, too, since the family sold it.