Which book influenced you?

aleshanee said:
Boomer said:
aleshanee said:
pilgrims progress.. .  by john bunyan .... i began reading it a couple of years after i joined this family... . i read it again while i was in high school.. . . my dad has a really old copy of it printed in 1860....  almost falling apart and smells like the attic of a museum...  but that;s the one i read ... twice.. ...  and it;s the book i think had the most effect on me outside the Bible ...

other books i read that had a significant effect on me were.. . beowulf... . translated into modern english by a guy named seamus heaney .... . 2 years before the mast by dana...  another really old book in my dads collection.. . not quite as old as pilgrims progress... .  plud i read all the horatio hornblower books... which everybody says are boys books..  but whatever... ..  can;t say they had a big effect on me but they were really kewl. ..  my dad has a huge collection of books and i started reading most of them.. .  most of the ones i started i only got about halfway through... or less... before i lost interest.. :-\ . . but i use to do a lot of reading as a teenager.. ..

I had to read Beowulf for a class in college. Most of my classmates hated it, but I loved it. Michael Chrichton wrote a similar story called "Eaters of the Dead." It was made into a movie called "The 13th Warrior."

i liked the movie 13th warrior.... but eaters of the dead didn;t impress me all that much...  :-\ ... michael chrichton was one of those rare authors whose books made better movies than they did reads.... ... .peter benchley was another one... ..  .as a book the deep was almost disappointing ... but the movie the deep was awesome.... same with jurassic park.. .  reading that i got the impression i had seen some of it or read things similar somewhere else... . my brother read it and said "wow.. micheal chrichton must have watched jonny quest when he was a kid too.... ".. the movie was nothing like the book.... it was 10 times better...  then the second jurassic book came out and some of the chapters in it were eerily similar to the things that had been in the movie...  ??? .... ... one of my favorite author teams is douglas preston - lincoln child.. . their first book the relic was great... ...  but the movie made based on it was so bad we wished we had brought air freshener to the theater with us.... oh well.. ..  hopefully they will do better on the next one..  . :-\
Tell your brother that I absolutely loved Johnny Quest! I still look for re-runs.
Tom Brennan said:
Izdaari said:
Also, all of the Three Musketeers series, which is like 10 volumes IIRC. Ten unabridged volumes, which make it clear that authors of the period were paid by the word.  They were padded with unnecessarily verbose descriptions... which was ok with me. It made me feel more like I was there, actually seeing it all happen.

...read all of those as a teenager, and really, really enjoyed them. Following those characters through thousands of pages you developed a great affection for them, and I can remember distinctly crying as Porthos died. Anyway, haven't thought of those in a long time; thanks for the wonderful reminder.

WAIT!  Porthos dies?  :eek:

I am only half-way through the series.  DANG!

Works by Andrew Murray.  Try starting with The Master's Indwelling and follow it up with The Need for Intercessory Prayer.
Recovering IFB said:
Outside of the Bible, which book had the most influence in your life, thinking,etc. (I might use this list as my next read.)
So far in my life I would say"What So Amazing About Grace" by Philip Yancey. Read it after leaving my old IFB church and realized this grace was never taught or preached about in that church....really turned my world upside down.


Desiring God by Piper and

Tom Hovestal's Extreme Righteousness.
Binaca Chugger said:
Works by Andrew Murray.  Try starting with The Master's Indwelling and follow it up with The Need for Intercessory Prayer.

I read his 'With Christ in the School of Prayer' some years ago and found it absolutely excellent. It isn't a complicated book at all, but it is a helpful and convicting one.
The Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll
Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley
Knowing God by JI Packer
Cracking the Communication Code by Emerson Eggerichs
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
God's Pursuit of Man by Aiden Wilson Tozer.

That man knew my LORD.
The home (John R Rice) copyright 1945

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sword said:
The home (John R Rice) copyright 1945

Yeah, I read that. It's the one where he tells you to beat your children till it leaves bruises.
Recovering IFB said:
Outside of the Bible, which book had the most influence in your life, thinking,etc. (I might use this list as my next read.)

"How to Pick Up Girls" by Jack Schaap, with foreword by Dave Hyles.
Ok smart one............. :eek:
Why Baptist: Jim Alter
Rightly Dividing the Word: Clarence Larkin
One Book Rightly Divided: Douglas Stauffer