Will the SBC Ditch Rick Warren?

The SBC didn't have a problem with Warren leaving Baptist doctrine for Seeker-Sensitive liberal doctrine. Ironic enough some SBC's are becoming liberal woke anti-America pro abortion etc. Also Warren took heat from SBC as well as John MacArthur and Todd Friel because Warren claimed false teacher Robert Schuller (TBN prosperity preacher/forefather of seeker sensitive movement) as his mentor.

Anyway, despite the foul language, Bill Maher goes off on Rick Warren. Even an atheist like Mahr isn't a fan of the seeker sensitive movement.

Well Warren the Soyboy who worships Robert Schuller went woke and doesn't practice SBC doctrine. While Warren is a lapsed SBC, Al Mohler apparently received a letter from a "Female Pastor".

Also the Church of the Nazarene ordains women pastors. Nazarene's have been pretty conservative in Politics but liberal in theology.
The SBC didn't have a problem with Warren leaving Baptist doctrine for Seeker-Sensitive liberal doctrine. Ironic enough some SBC's are becoming liberal woke anti-America pro abortion etc. Also Warren took heat from SBC as well as John MacArthur and Todd Friel because Warren claimed false teacher Robert Schuller (TBN prosperity preacher/forefather of seeker sensitive movement) as his mentor.

Anyway, despite the foul language, Bill Maher goes off on Rick Warren. Even an atheist like Mahr isn't a fan of the seeker sensitive movement.

The SBC churches are autonomous entities..they can preach and teach what they like...the SBC isn't a hierarchy...they can recommend things, but they have no authority to do anything against a church without the other churches in the SBC's consent. Don't know why some people can't seem to get that straight! The churches that call themselves SBC and that have left the truth o the Word of God, can be cut from fellowship by the other churches, and should be. Churches that have women as pastors should be disfellowshipped as well. Each church would have to make their own decision on this!
Nazarene churches have female pastors now. They've been pretty conservative in their politics but hopefully they don't switch liberal and start incorporating CRT/BLM like some SBC are doing.