

Well-known member
May 17, 2021
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Western Hemisphere

'I refer to the rising anger of the vaccinated against those who are still hesitating to get the vaccine. Looking at the language employed in this article, there are alarming echoes of the language employed against suspected witches. There is talk of the risk the unvaccinated pose to society, how they are making the world darker for the virtuous vaccinated, the accusation that unvaccinated people don't care who dies, and calls to make the unvaccinated accountable for their actions. Take out "unvaccinated" and substitute "witch" and it's almost a perfect parallel. And it's terrifying because witch hunts rose in the past out of social crises and lack of education, two factors plaguing America today. According to the CDC, 34,248,054 total cased of COVID have been reported. There have been 607,684 deaths. That works out to approximately a 98% survival rate. So looking at the unvaccinated as if they are about to unleash a plague that will kill us all can only come of being uneducated about the facts, or ignoring the facts.

'Which brings me to the social crisis component. The United States has been suffering from increasing dishonesty from our leaders since this pandemic started. We were overwhelmed with stories in the mainstream media that warned of our impending doom if we didn't put on masks and shelter in place; we were solemnly told by politicians that there was no hope if we got sick; and highly placed health authorities continually changed the goalposts on everything from masks to treatments to the proper care of our vulnerable elderly. There has been no solid information that the public can put their trust in, and this insecurity has led to fear. In some people, the fear is so great that they need a target to focus on to relieve their terror.'

'I refer to the rising anger of the vaccinated against those who are still hesitating to get the vaccine. Looking at the language employed in this article, there are alarming echoes of the language employed against suspected witches. There is talk of the risk the unvaccinated pose to society, how they are making the world darker for the virtuous vaccinated, the accusation that unvaccinated people don't care who dies, and calls to make the unvaccinated accountable for their actions. Take out "unvaccinated" and substitute "witch" and it's almost a perfect parallel. And it's terrifying because witch hunts rose in the past out of social crises and lack of education, two factors plaguing America today. According to the CDC, 34,248,054 total cased of COVID have been reported. There have been 607,684 deaths. That works out to approximately a 98% survival rate. So looking at the unvaccinated as if they are about to unleash a plague that will kill us all can only come of being uneducated about the facts, or ignoring the facts.

'Which brings me to the social crisis component. The United States has been suffering from increasing dishonesty from our leaders since this pandemic started. We were overwhelmed with stories in the mainstream media that warned of our impending doom if we didn't put on masks and shelter in place; we were solemnly told by politicians that there was no hope if we got sick; and highly placed health authorities continually changed the goalposts on everything from masks to treatments to the proper care of our vulnerable elderly. There has been no solid information that the public can put their trust in, and this insecurity has led to fear. In some people, the fear is so great that they need a target to focus on to relieve their terror.'
You certainly have a way of drama queening things out. I don't think those (who I disagree with) blaming/shaming the unvaccinated are just like the witch accusers. I have been sort of surprised that there haven't been any successful challenges yet to employers requiring the vaccine. It does seem wrong to require a person to take what is still classified as an experimental vaccine.

"You certainly have a way of drama-queening things out. I don't think those (who I disagree with) blaming/shaming the unvaccinated are just like the witch accusers. I have been sort of surprised that there haven't been any successful challenges yet to employers requiring the vaccine. It does seem wrong to require a person to take what is still classified as an experimental vaccine."

It's different in my world. I am increasingly made to feel either as if I have the scarlet letter, I am a witch or I am a leper / pariah. Before I could return to work, I had to fill out a form stating whether or not I am vaccinated. If you chose to decline to answer, it is considered a "no". At my job, the vaccinated are permitted to be without mask and interact with each other. The unvaccinated must wear a mask, must stay 6 feet apart from others at all times, and must submit to a temperature check prior to work. With a new contract coming up soon...I am feeling quite certain no work will be extended to unvaccinated individuals. And I seem to be the only unvaccinated individual there. Colleagues who used to interact happily with each other, no more. I sit alone, and feel very decidedly uncomfortable. Another unvaccinated colleague in the same business as I at another worksite is not allowed to use the same restroom or share the same locker room with his vaccinated colleagues at his place of employment. I will say that it increases my empathy (and I am in no way insinuating that this is exactly the same...just similar enough to serve to increase my understanding) for what it must be like to be hated for the color of one's skin.

I am totally on the fence. I have been waiting and watching the effects of the vaccination on the many, many people around me who have taken the jab without hesitation...which feels ghoulish...I have to say, if all the doom and gloom of what will happen to them is true, I'm not seeing it (yet). Which is of course good, as these are all my family and friends. My holistic chiropractor said it is worth losing any employment over the jab, but then-- he won't lose his, will he? God is not the author of confusion...and I am WAY confused. :(
It's different in my world. I am increasingly made to feel either as if I have the scarlet letter, I am a witch or I am a leper / pariah. Before I could return to work, I had to fill out a form stating whether or not I am vaccinated. If you chose to decline to answer, it is considered a "no". At my job, the vaccinated are permitted to be without mask and interact with each other. The unvaccinated must wear a mask, must stay 6 feet apart from others at all times, and must submit to a temperature check prior to work. With a new contract coming up soon...I am feeling quite certain no work will be extended to unvaccinated individuals. And I seem to be the only unvaccinated individual there. Colleagues who used to interact happily with each other, no more. I sit alone, and feel very decidedly uncomfortable. Another unvaccinated colleague in the same business as I at another worksite is not allowed to use the same restroom or share the same locker room with his vaccinated colleagues at his place of employment. I will say that it increases my empathy (and I am in no way insinuating that this is exactly the same...just similar enough to serve to increase my understanding) for what it must be like to be hated for the color of one's skin.

I am totally on the fence. I have been waiting and watching the effects of the vaccination on the many, many people around me who have taken the jab without hesitation...which feels ghoulish...I have to say, if all the doom and gloom of what will happen to them is true, I'm not seeing it (yet). Which is of course good, as these are all my family and friends. My holistic chiropractor said it is worth losing any employment over the jab, but then-- he won't lose his, will he? God is not the author of confusion...and I am WAY confused. :(
I don't really understand why so many have chosen to take that course with the unvaxed. Seems like the vaxed are still pretty well protected and if the unvaxed are willing to sustain the risk of interacting with others without it that's on them. I do find that problematic. I waited until April for mine. By that time I could see it's effectiveness and at least in the short term minimal risks. Of course there could be something that pops up in the long term and that's what may cause hesitation. I don't understand how a vaccine that is still officially considered "experimental" could be mandated.
I don't really understand why so many have chosen to take that course with the unvaxed. Seems like the vaxed are still pretty well protected and if the unvaxed are willing to sustain the risk of interacting with others without it that's on them. I do find that problematic. I waited until April for mine. By that time I could see it's effectiveness and at least in the short term minimal risks. Of course there could be something that pops up in the long term and that's what may cause hesitation. I don't understand how a vaccine that is still officially considered "experimental" could be mandated.
I know that many in my wife's place of employment has declined to be vaccinated, and we both felt that it would be left as an individual's choice on whether or not to be vaccinated. Mask mandates had been dropped, but they still did have to be temperature checked when they went in. Now there are some employees who want the ones who AREN'T vaccinated to BE vaccinated so that they won't be able to spread the virus to others. There's a problem with that, though. It seems that the news has been reporting that even those who have been "jabbed" can continue to spread the virus, and can get the virus again in spite of their being "jabbed." It doesn't seem feasible for people to get the "jab" if it only has a six-month efficacy. And, besides, with the recovery rate so high (99.7%) there's proof that the vaccine isn't even necessary.
As far as Ekklesians comparison between the witches and the unvaccinated of today, there is somewhat of the same ideology there. I don't often agree with Ek, but, I have to say, this time he's not too far off. ;)
I don't really understand why so many have chosen to take that course with the unvaxed.


'That leaves only one reason for this push: the government is doing it because it can. The whole point is to accustom you to take whatever the government dishes out. George Orwell understood this, writing in 1939, nine years before he published 1984, that "t is quite possible that we are descending into an age in which two plus two will make five when the Leader says so."'

I don't understand how a vaccine that is still officially considered "experimental" could be mandated.
