Yes, it is time to roll out this pumpkin.

I think our local KMart had the same idea. They want to bypass Halloween. I was in the store 3 weeks ago and instead of Halloween decorations, it had its Christmas Tree area all set up already!
Some of the argumentation is with bias.

Christianity is a religion that thrives based on the macabre. The cross, celebrated in churches that oppose Halloween, is a symbol of torture, injustice and death. In essence, it is similar to promoting a gas chamber to commemorate the Holocaust victims. To promote the cross IS to promote unjust death. Pagans have a day of the dead whereas many Christians have a (Holy) Week. If the argument for the latter is the resurrection, then the end justifies the means, so kids getting free candy and having a good time with their friends is the end to justify their means.

Not saying it (the cross) is wrong to commemorate or symbolize, but rather the inconsistency when it comes to some of the arguments.
A Christian should not participate in Halloween , I think it is vile and wicked. At our house we celebrate Reformers Day, the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenburg.
How do we celebrate this? By letting our kids dress up in costumes and walk around and knock on doors and ask for candy ;D
My son was born on Halloween.  We always told him that his birthday was so special that not only did he get cake and presents, he also got to get dressed up and get candy!

And then there was the day he asked me if he was evil because he was born on Halloween.  Why would you think that?  Because someone at his (Christian) school told me that I was born on the devil's day, so I must be evil... 

Oh. My. Word!  I dealt with that real quick!
What's funny is that Halloween wasn't evil until the mid 80's. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. Can't remember our whacked out preacher or our jack leg school ever saying anything against it. Rock music was going to  get us all but no problems with Halloween.

Jubal Scackett
Jubal Sackett said:
What's funny is that Halloween wasn't evil until the mid 80's.
I went to a non-Baptist Christian college that had very few standards and Halloween was strongly preached against in the late 70's.  Probably isn't now.
One church had a Biblical Character Costume Party where most of the children wore their bathrobes and said they were Mary, Esther, Daniel, Noah, David, Paul, etc.  One child was asked to leave because he dressed up like Satan, even though he IS a Bible character.  It could be worse - what if a children came as Sponge Bob Square Pants and said he was one the  sea creatures mentioned in Job?  (I mean, it is  possible.)  What if someone would have came as the witch of Endor from 1 Samuel 28?  Or how about a naked demon possessed man - YIKES!  Maybe we should skip the costume and just give them candy ..... or let them dress up like pirates, princesses, robots, etc. like most kids do anyway.
Recovering IFB said:
A Christian should not participate in Halloween , I think it is vile and wicked. At our house we celebrate Reformers Day, the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenburg.
How do we celebrate this? By letting our kids dress up in costumes and walk around and knock on doors and ask for candy ;D

Righteous, bro!
Jubal Sackett said:
What's funny is that Halloween wasn't evil until the mid 80's. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. Can't remember our whacked out preacher or our jack leg school ever saying anything against it. Rock music was going to  get us all but no problems with Halloween.

Jubal Scackett
Yeah, it wasn't until the mid to late seventies that people started jumping  on the Lindsey/Chick/Warnke band wagon.
I was in Gaylord MI last weekend and saw a sign out front of Grace Baptist College promoting "trunk or treat" ! Apparently they have purged all of their Jack Chick tracts.  :eek: