Your Favorite Love Song

RAIDER said:
IFB X-Files said:
RAIDER is currently in the running for the title of "Most Carnal" as he seems to know A LOT of music.

He's also in the lead for "Most Likely To Fail" for not following the OP and listing YouTube links.

I'm out of town on my cell phone. I'll have to clean it up next week. This thread is in my wheel house and I couldn't resist!

What kind of an excuse is that?
It's very simple to post links with your phone!

As worldly as you are in your music, one would think you would be a little more up to date technologically. 
fishinnut said:
Can't Help Falling In Love......

Great minds.

Thanks for completely ignoring my post mentioning this one. ;) jk
RAIDER said:
"Stuck on You"
Lionel Richie

I didn't know this was a song....other than for a Bandaid commercial (and not for THAT reason )
I decorated my then boyfriend's mailbox one evening with a Bandaid and it read " I'm stuck on you."
Some stinkin' Hacker took it down, tore it into pieces and threw it away before my boyfriend even saw it when he came in from work.

And I'm still stuck on that boyfriend.
"The Longest Time'
Billy Joel

(I'm on my phone. )
"I Cross My Heart"
George Strait
"Forever and Ever, Amen"
Randy Travis

I watched him perform this once while Bush 41 was President. President Bush was singing along but directing it to the lovely lady next to him...Barbara Bush.
So sweet.
Here's an old one based on a Chopin Polanaisse:
"Till the End of Time"
Perry Como
"Just the Way You Are"
Billy Joel
"O Love That Will Not Let Me Go"
Because today is Sunday, but also because we had this song as part of our wedding ceremony, albeit with a different vocalist. 

.....But mostly because there is no greater love song than a song about God's love.
IFB X-Files said:
I'm not one to know forum stats, but I believe that this thread, for a non-HAC themed thread, has grown pretty fast in the first 24 hours.

The other interesting thing is how few seem to know any love songs.

I learned more worldly songs throughout the 4 years I was at HAC than I learned in the total of my other none of your business years.

Score one for Christian colleges and Frank Garlock. Can't forget Frank Garlock.
And I Love You So.....
RAIDER said:
Bruh said:
IFB X-Files said:
RAIDER is currently in the running for the title of "Most Carnal" as he seems to know A LOT of music.

He's also in the lead for "Most Likely To Fail" for not following the OP and listing YouTube links.


Raiders sooo worldly

Is Raider worldly, or could Raider be the most romantic Hacker in the world?!!

I'll take "Did Raider get his iPod mixed up with CF's for the win, Alex."