David Eells: Unleavened Bread

We used to print books in the past, but book production stopped a long time ago
The version that David gave us
There may be an error in translation
There is no organization
Please stick with the Bible only and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Jesus is the only savior. Don't idolize/follow any man. Since you are Arab speaking, I can only refer you to "Christian Prince" whom you can find on most platforms. He has a live show on Youtube. He is Arab Christian but has a degree in Islamic Law and always debates Muslims. Maybe he will know how to help you better as an Arab who lived and was brought up in middle east. He speaks arab too!
Please stick with the Bible only and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Jesus is the only savior. Don't idolize/follow any man. Since you are Arab speaking, I can only refer you to "Christian Prince" whom you can find on most platforms. He has a live show on Youtube. He is Arab Christian but has a degree in Islamic Law and always debates Muslims. Maybe he will know how to help you better as an Arab who lived and was brought up in middle east. He speaks arab too!
I don't want any Arab person, and we don't trust any Arab, and now we don't need your help, and I won't bother you again. It was a nice opportunity to talk to you. I think I should leave this program. My love for you all.
@zechariah , if you're still there I'll just refer you to

where you can download free copies of the Arabic Bible (Van Dyke translation). That may help you in your printing efforts, and it's a reliable, scholarly translation.
@zechariah , if you're still there I'll just refer you to

where you can download free copies of the Arabic Bible (Van Dyke translation). That may help you in your printing efforts, and it's a reliable, scholarly translation.
We don't want to get into trouble again, and we don't want to be exploited again. We have had frightening experiences.
The production of the Bible stopped a long time ago and what good would it do if we got another copy?
@zechariah , if you're still there I'll just refer you to

where you can download free copies of the Arabic Bible (Van Dyke translation). That may help you in your printing efforts, and it's a reliable, scholarly translation.
The production of the Bible stopped a long time ago and what good would it do if we got another copy?
I don't want any Arab person, and we don't trust any Arab, and now we don't need your help, and I won't bother you again. It was a nice opportunity to talk to you. I think I should leave this program. My love for you all.
I was just making a suggestion. A good Bible is important to know what God thinks in any issue otherwise we all can be deceived if we believe something without checking what God says in His Word. Jesus is our Savior so we must pray to him and ask him to guide us. May God Bless You!
@zechariah , if you're still there I'll just refer you to

where you can download free copies of the Arabic Bible (Van Dyke translation). That may help you in your printing efforts, and it's a reliable, scholarly translation.
I think there is an error in translation
I am a friend of Tappan114, and I have also left David Eells and the ministry. I know everyone there very well, including a good number of the many that have left in the past. My friend made me aware of this thread, so I have been keeping up with the conversation. I felt like I wanted to share a few things.

To the brother from the Middle East. We here are so very sorry for the things you have endured, and for your losses, and we continue to keep you all in our prayers!

I would really like to talk with you privately about some things that I think could help you to understand what has happened concerning your involvement with David and the ministry. He has brought much confusion to people. Those of us that are here would also greatly benefit from knowing what really happened there.

You sound like a very sincere person that just wants to serve the Lord. I want you to know that you are correct in saying that much of what David has been teaching recently is against what God says in His word. I would like to go into more detail with you about this, because there are so many things that are not right that he has been saying.

Most importantly, I want to encourage you to be at peace with your choice to leave David and his ministry, but also to continue on with God. Most likely David tried to put condemnation and shame upon you in an effort to change your mind, but that's not how God speaks to His children, especially when they're brand new! You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesus, and He is going to bring to completion the work that He has started in you! I really hope that we will be able to talk more. God bless you!
I am a friend of Tappan114, and I have also left David Eells and the ministry. I know everyone there very well, including a good number of the many that have left in the past. My friend made me aware of this thread, so I have been keeping up with the conversation. I felt like I wanted to share a few things.

To the brother from the Middle East. We here are so very sorry for the things you have endured, and for your losses, and we continue to keep you all in our prayers!

I would really like to talk with you privately about some things that I think could help you to understand what has happened concerning your involvement with David and the ministry. He has brought much confusion to people. Those of us that are here would also greatly benefit from knowing what really happened there.

You sound like a very sincere person that just wants to serve the Lord. I want you to know that you are correct in saying that much of what David has been teaching recently is against what God says in His word. I would like to go into more detail with you about this, because there are so many things that are not right that he has been saying.

Most importantly, I want to encourage you to be at peace with your choice to leave David and his ministry, but also to continue on with God. Most likely David tried to put condemnation and shame upon you in an effort to change your mind, but that's not how God speaks to His children, especially when they're brand new! You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesus, and He is going to bring to completion the work that He has started in you! I really hope that we will be able to talk more. God bless you!
Welcome. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I am a friend of Tappan114, and I have also left David Eells and the ministry. I know everyone there very well, including a good number of the many that have left in the past. My friend made me aware of this thread, so I have been keeping up with the conversation. I felt like I wanted to share a few things.

To the brother from the Middle East. We here are so very sorry for the things you have endured, and for your losses, and we continue to keep you all in our prayers!

I would really like to talk with you privately about some things that I think could help you to understand what has happened concerning your involvement with David and the ministry. He has brought much confusion to people. Those of us that are here would also greatly benefit from knowing what really happened there.

You sound like a very sincere person that just wants to serve the Lord. I want you to know that you are correct in saying that much of what David has been teaching recently is against what God says in His word. I would like to go into more detail with you about this, because there are so many things that are not right that he has been saying.

Most importantly, I want to encourage you to be at peace with your choice to leave David and his ministry, but also to continue on with God. Most likely David tried to put condemnation and shame upon you in an effort to change your mind, but that's not how God speaks to His children, especially when they're brand new! You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesus, and He is going to bring to completion the work that He has started in you! I really hope that we will be able to talk more. God bless you!
We may be able to talk, but not about all things for the sake of everyone's safety
I am a friend of Tappan114, and I have also left David Eells and the ministry. I know everyone there very well, including a good number of the many that have left in the past. My friend made me aware of this thread, so I have been keeping up with the conversation. I felt like I wanted to share a few things.

To the brother from the Middle East. We here are so very sorry for the things you have endured, and for your losses, and we continue to keep you all in our prayers!

I would really like to talk with you privately about some things that I think could help you to understand what has happened concerning your involvement with David and the ministry. He has brought much confusion to people. Those of us that are here would also greatly benefit from knowing what really happened there.

You sound like a very sincere person that just wants to serve the Lord. I want you to know that you are correct in saying that much of what David has been teaching recently is against what God says in His word. I would like to go into more detail with you about this, because there are so many things that are not right that he has been saying.

Most importantly, I want to encourage you to be at peace with your choice to leave David and his ministry, but also to continue on with God. Most likely David tried to put condemnation and shame upon you in an effort to change your mind, but that's not how God speaks to His children, especially when they're brand new! You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesus, and He is going to bring to completion the work that He has started in you! I really hope that we will be able to talk more. God bless you!
Did you know that David delivered missionaries to Jehovah's Witnesses?
I am a friend of Tappan114, and I have also left David Eells and the ministry. I know everyone there very well, including a good number of the many that have left in the past. My friend made me aware of this thread, so I have been keeping up with the conversation. I felt like I wanted to share a few things.

To the brother from the Middle East. We here are so very sorry for the things you have endured, and for your losses, and we continue to keep you all in our prayers!

I would really like to talk with you privately about some things that I think could help you to understand what has happened concerning your involvement with David and the ministry. He has brought much confusion to people. Those of us that are here would also greatly benefit from knowing what really happened there.

You sound like a very sincere person that just wants to serve the Lord. I want you to know that you are correct in saying that much of what David has been teaching recently is against what God says in His word. I would like to go into more detail with you about this, because there are so many things that are not right that he has been saying.

Most importantly, I want to encourage you to be at peace with your choice to leave David and his ministry, but also to continue on with God. Most likely David tried to put condemnation and shame upon you in an effort to change your mind, but that's not how God speaks to His children, especially when they're brand new! You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesus, and He is going to bring to completion the work that He has started in you! I really hope that we will be able to talk more. God bless you!
David gave Jehovah's Witnesses more than 300 missionaries and very important people
This is a reply to the question of why I left. There are so many things that I could say, but I am trying to choose my words carefully. There are still people there that we love and care for deeply, and we're believing that they are going to come out of this mess eventually.

Having said that, I have to really wonder now what is it going to take for them to finally get to that point? I know it has to be by God's grace. The word says "a man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven." John 3:27

I can't even believe my eyes and ears these days concerning the things that are being said, and the things that are going on there! But I guess they just keep sitting there, listening to it, and taking it in. I'm talking crazy stuff, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs kind of stuff! I know that at least a few of them have questioned some of this, but I also know how easy it is just let things slide, not rock the boat or create waves. Or the other side of it would be to be patient and long-suffering with those in error, believing that they are going to turn. With this kind of stuff you have to say something! The men have to stand up and say something!

I'll just say that there are many things that are out of order there, and have been for some time. I've never been too good at keeping my head down and just not saying anything, when something needed to be said. It was way past time to go! I questioned things and brought things up multiple times, but it was not received. It became pointless to try anymore, so I left.

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the spirit of God; every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of god; and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God." 1John 4:1-3

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them." Ephesians 5:11

"Be not carried away by divers and strange teachings, for it is good that the heart be established with grace, not by meats, wherein they that occupied themselves were not profited."
Hebrews 13:9
Numerous people have died because David Eells forbids his followers to receive medical attention.

This man has caused the death of many people, especially in the Middle East.

In the end, they were arrested and put in prison.

I can't mention names for everyone's safety

If this person causes the death of many people, should we remain silent?

We may be able to talk, but not about all things for the sake of everyone's safety

[This post edited for clarity]

Is the cult killing its dissidents, or is the real danger being posed by the Islamic government? Can posts on cult sites and slander in their broadcasts be any real threat (to people in Tennessee anyway)?

I'm just trying to get a handle on what's going on, and if it's as big a deal as people are making of it.

Yeah, this Eells guy is wackadoodle, but (with the exception of our friends under Islamic oppression) you kinda gotta be a little silly or wackadoodle yourself to fall for it. (And the centuries and decades of the Darby, Scofield, and Lindsey foolishness has obviously been no help to Baptists and Pentecostals here in the West.)

But it seems that the suffering being described in the middle east is not due so much to the preaching of this cult specifically, but because it's being identified as Christian preaching, which is illegal there.

So what's the best course of action for zechariah and friends? I think it is to make contact with a genuine Christian Arabic outreach, and to join with a genuine Christian mission if they can (Eells had missionaries there. Are there no Christians?) and not to remain independent or isolated, lest they become the very thing from which they escaped.

I think for those in the midwest the best course of action is the same, and if it is a Baptist church they join, they should find a Reformed Baptist church.
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Speaking from the local assembly that we left where we saw and fellowshipped with David 3 days a week, several people died this year. People are not told outright to not take medicine, it’s just frowned upon and you’re basically shamed with condemnation in a round about way.