Recent content by cpizzle

  1. cpizzle

    It's OK to believe in evolution?

    A Christian (and even a Bible Believer for that matter) can believe that God is the ultimate creator but that he used the process of evolution.  While I don't believe in Darwin's theory on the Origin of Species (and Favored Races....his title...), I also don't take Genesis as "literal" as many...
  2. cpizzle

    Are people born Homosexuals?

    Exactly! I was not born wanting a monogamous relationship within the holy bonds of matrimony.  Even today, as a happily married man, I must fight temptations that I did not choose to have.  Just because I am born wanting to sin does not make that sin acceptable.  Is it ok for me to cheat on my...
  3. cpizzle

    Anderson Shoots It Straight on the Pervert and Pervert Protectors

    When I was at HAC, Jack Schaap constantly said "JackA**" from the pulpit. He also said "What the fat (phat?)" quite a bit as well. I've been told he said much worse in public. Phil Kidd used to use some pretty "salty" language but hedged it in a Biblical context.
  4. cpizzle

    Greek or English?

    The "rules" for Agape and Phileo (John 21) have shown to not be consistent throughout scripture.  They are used interchangeably in parallel passages and many verses completely contradict the "rule." There are plenty of websites that give you more information (however, most of them are on the...
  5. cpizzle

    Calvinism and God's love for the cosmos.

    Ransom, Help me better understand your position.  Correct any misunderstandings because I don't want to make assumptions about your position. In overly (and possibly unfairly) simplified terms, The "Calvanist/Reformed" Viewpoint is: God is soverign. God always gets what he wants. If God wants...
  6. cpizzle

    Greek or English?

    As a King James Bible Believer, I agree with everything you just said!
  7. cpizzle

    Greek or English?

    Having grown up as the son of a Cumberland Presbyterian preacher, I often heard that "baptizo" in the Greek also meant to "wash or overwhelm."  They would go to the Greek to disprove "immersion." 
  8. cpizzle

    Let's Hear It for the Third Verse

    Well Might the sun refuse to shine, And hide its glories in, When Christ the mighty maker died, For man, the creatures sin. At the Cross
  9. cpizzle

    Let's Hear It for the Third Verse

    4th Verse of a 5 Verse Song One day the grave could conceal him no longer, One day the stone rolled away from the door, Then he arose over death he had conquered, Now is ascended, my Lord evermore.
  10. cpizzle

    Let's Hear It for the Third Verse

    I find the 3rd verse in many hymns to be the most poignant. The pattern goes like this. 1st verse - Sets up the theme 2nd verse - Amplifies or gives another example of the theme 3rd verse - Applies the theme.  Points to the cross. 4th verse - Closes the theme with hope. You can usually skip...
  11. cpizzle

    Let's Hear It for the Third Verse

    When we look at others with their land and gold, Think that God has promised us his wealth untold. Count your many blessings, money can not buy, Your reward in Heaven nor your home on high. Count your Blessings.
  12. cpizzle

    Let's Hear It for the Third Verse

    Like a mighty army, moves the Church of God. Brothers we are treading, where the saints have trod. We are not divided, all one body we, One in hope and doctrine, one in charity. Onward Christian Soldiers (when I was a song leader for an IFB church, I always made sure we sang this verse)
  13. cpizzle

    Let's Hear It for the Third Verse

    My Sin, O the Bliss Of this glorious thought, My sin, not in part, but the whole. Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O' My Soul It is Well
  14. cpizzle

    Remember, Rush is Just an ENTERTAINER!

    When I was at HAC, I wore a Rush Limbaugh No Boundaries tie nearly everyday!
  15. cpizzle

    Even Data Has Aged....

    -Nerd Alert- Actually, Data got blown to pieces in Star Trek Nemesis.  Another android of the same model was uploaded with his memories.....