Recent content by FreeToBeMe

  1. F

    What Paul Chappell likes about the New IFB?s.

    Should I say you all are a bunch of asshats?    .....why yes....yes I should........ ASSHATS
  2. F

    Letter From Jack
  3. F

    Liberty U threatens imprisonment/fine for praying on campus

    Bullcrap.  If Shane is forbidden to be on the campus grounds, and all he wanted to do was "find common ground and unite in God through prayer",  he could invite them off campus for that reason. I am not a fan of Falwell Jr.  I can't stand the creepy fundagelical commitment to Trump........but...
  4. F

    NRA Membership

    Yeah, I get so much crap email from them that I had to set it to go automatically to my spam folder. The only reason I keep mine up is because the shooting competitions I participate in require NRA membership.  There are many members at the gun club who feel the same way. 
  5. F

    NRA Membership

    I'm a member,  but be prepared to get nothing but phone calls and letters requesting more money from you in addition to your annual dues.  I've already told them to stop calling me, but I still get flooded with the letters. I also get letters about every other month telling me my membership is...
  6. F

    How about those portraits?!

    They ain't gonna hang them in the White House. "The portraits will hang in the Smithsonian-operated museum where a complete collection of previous presidential portraits also...
  7. F

    Paul, an apostle of Satan.

    idiot noun id?i?ot \ ?id-?-?t \ 1.  A person of low general intelligence. 2.  A person of the lowest intellectual standing, a person who lacks the capacity to develop beyond the mental age of a normal four-year-old; a person with an IQ below 30. 3.  A person who has nothing better to do with...
  8. F

    Fill in the Blank: ?I?ll be __________ for Christmas!?

    What can I say?  The kids are grown and moved away, and it's just me and the wife. So more than likely, I'll be a little buzzed and (being with) with my wife for Christmas.  :P admin: lol... however Google will kill my Adsense account if I left your original post me:  8)
  9. F

    Coming out as an Agnostic

    I can get on board with that....but then you had to throw in scripture as if to somehow prove it.  Basically, you're saying "It's not scripture's job to convince you that there is a Creator, but here's some scripture to prove that it's not scripture's job".  ???
  10. F

    Coming out as an Agnostic

    Know what exactly? That none of you fundies have have to break this kind of news to your spouses, or that "Jesus is THE answer" is not the answer to his question?
  11. F

    Coming out as an Agnostic

    Ah yes, the ever persistent fundy threat of the judgment seat (and thus, hell) for not believing as they do.  Works every time and has convinced scores of atheists and agnostics to convert.
  12. F

    Coming out as an Agnostic

    I agree it should be self-evident.  I wouldn't go to any fundagelical site asking the question he's ridiculous to think he'd find anything except for bible verses being thrown at him, and the usual threats of eternal hellfire and damnation.  The only reason I can think he came here in...
  13. F

    Coming out as an Agnostic

    It appears you are ignorant of what agnosticism is, or you wouldn't be asking this question.
  14. F

    Coming out as an Agnostic

    Quoting the bible is useless to someone such as the OP who has come to the conclusion that it isn't the inspired words of God, but merely a work of man. The belief that YOU and others feel it is inspired only serves to persuade you folks, and no one else.  As I stated in my first post, he...