Recent content by The BUS

  1. The BUS

    Real Time: Dealing with a pastor who is trying to start an illicit relationship

    That pastor is a special kind of scum. He should be thrown out on his ear.
  2. The BUS

    David Hyles being sued

    "Bite me" is not vulgar? Maybe in your universe...but I talked like that before I got saved.
  3. The BUS

    David Hyles being sued

    Name calling? Accusations? Vulgar Profanity? Says a lot about your character.
  4. The BUS

    David Hyles being sued

    Proverbs 20:11 (KJV) 11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. Your words tell me all I need to know.
  5. The BUS

    David Hyles being sued

    Well, I'm not the one who can't seem to get along with several people here on the forum. I know people like you, people of whom one has to walk on eggshells around so as not to trigger them.
  6. The BUS

    David Hyles being sued

    Like I said, you remind me of a Fairhaven graduate that I knew b/c all he liked to do was bicker and fight, like all good funnymentalists do.
  7. The BUS

    David Hyles being sued

    You remind me of a Fairhaven graduate that I once knew.
  8. The BUS

    Funny memes

  9. The BUS

    My First Spamderson Offering

    Time really flies. Just seems like yesterday.
  10. The BUS

    My First Spamderson Offering

    It's hard to believe that this forum has been around that long.
  11. The BUS

    Funny memes

  12. The BUS

    If the SBC splits...

    What would be a good name for the dissenters? If the liberal faction splits, what would be a good name for them? If the conservative faction splits, what would be a good name for them?
  13. The BUS

    Jack Schaap out of prison

    What church was that? Just curious if I know the guy.