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  1. L

    Conservativism Without Christianity

    This is a bunch of hoooey. America is exceptional and so is Israel.
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    Should pastors do this?

    Is it not Biblical to preach against immorality in government? Shall we look at some examples?
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    Should pastors do this?

    If a candidate favors killing children in the 9th month of pregnancy and a pastor does NOT preach against it - he is a hireling.
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    Trump Apologists

    There is no high ground on the sidelines.
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    A Veteran for Kaepernick

    Since this guy can't get off the bench for the national anthem he needs to spend the rest of his time on the bench until he an be fired. Black Lives Matter is such a joke.
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    Hillary, abortion and the vote.

    Hillary is a genocidal maniac!!
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    Should Cruz Publicly Forgive Trump?

    As a "Christian" Cruz needs to remember the many times he lied about his support of Amnesty before he demands an apology from Trump.
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    Republican Party Platform Most Conservative in History

    The platform is the most conservative in history, and the vice-president is the most conservative since WWII.
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    Republican Party Platform Most Conservative in History
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    Dr Jerry Falwell, 1933 - 2007

    I was there from 84-88 and caught his vision and love for family and ministry as well.
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    Where should transgender folks go potty?

    The NBA favors transgender restrooms. If a 7' tall transgender is in the stall next to your wife, do you think she will know it?
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    Boycotting Stores over transgender bathroom policy

    Actually, in this instance, Target is allowing a man dressed up like a woman to enter the female restroom while your wife or daughter is in there. Why would any man want his family to buy toilet paper at a place like that?
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    Thousands Expected Monday in Raleigh to Support Bathroom Law in NC
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    Why so many millennials are socialist.

    The Public Educational System has belittled Americanism and capitalism for decades. Multiculturalism has replaced patriotism, and now most young adults don't even know the difference between Socialism and free enterprise.
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    Why stay a Republican?

    I'm staying a Republican because Trump and Cruz are Republicans. I hope they get the ticket.
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    I don't follow the logic.

    After John Rice died, Hyles took IFB's into a rabid direction that Rice would have never taken. If you look at the positions of Falwell and Hyles in the 80's and compare them to John Rice in the 70's - you will find that Falwell was closer to Rice than Hyles was. There is no "Falwell camp"...
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    Is theological libertarianism compatible with Christianity?

    The political libertarians that have infested the Republican Party have a common thread that is heard over and over again: "I'm PERSONALLY opposed to _______________________________(fill in the blank) but if the states want it, then I will vote for it. " The blank could be anything from...
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    Is theological libertarianism compatible with Christianity?

    Political Libertarianism is amoral. Whatever the states want they should have. Morals are jettisoned for almost any form of liberty. As far as I'm concerned, Political Libertarianism is the opposite of Christianity. I have more respect for a Liberal than I do a Libertarian. At least the liberal...
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    Ohio will be voting tomorrow on legalizing marijuana

    So many great things came out of the drug smoking, sexual disease infested, low life generation, of Woodstock.  ::) "Smoke weed and have some peace , man." Liberal-tarians are such jokes.
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    Bernie at Liberty U!

    Liberty is unique in that it is a politically incorrect institution. Bernie Sanders has a hundred schools in the country where he would be accepted with open arms. Liberty doesn't need to prove anything to anybody. It does need to maintain its distinguishing trait of being different from other...