Cindy Schaap's latest book

Tom Brennan said:
I do not mean to preach, nor to come across as holier than thou, but I think this entire thread is in poor taste. She is a sister in the Lord, and one who has been terribly and publicly hurt. While I do not think she would even notice this thread among the murk of so much else on the internet I feel compelled to speak a word of admonition. There is nothing to be gained by any of us in this piling on.

^^^ the long, wordy way of saying let it go.
See the change on my post above.
Tom Brennan said:
I do not mean to preach, nor to come across as holier than thou, but I think this entire thread is in poor taste. She is a sister in the Lord, and one who has been terribly and publicly hurt. While I do not think she would even notice this thread among the murk of so much else on the internet I feel compelled to speak a word of admonition. There is nothing to be gained by any of us in this piling on.

^^^ the long, wordy way of saying let it go.
When a person who is priviledged uses their unearned status to tell others less fortunate how to live, expect that when fortune no longer smiles upon that one, and they violate every suggestion that they once made to others in the same spot...they become a laughing stock.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, and whatsoever Cindy has sewn, she also is reaping.

Tom Brennan said:
I do not mean to preach, nor to come across as holier than thou, but I think this entire thread is in poor taste. She is a sister in the Lord, and one who has been terribly and publicly hurt. While I do not think she would even notice this thread among the murk of so much else on the internet I feel compelled to speak a word of admonition. There is nothing to be gained by any of us in this piling on.

^^^ the long, wordy way of saying let it go.

CS and JS both, many times, came across as 'holier than thou'. They both used their positons to teach/preach harsh extra and anti-Biblical foolishness, publicly hurting and humiliating those who had life's unfortunate failures in marriage and at home. At times, they could have used those opportunities to encourage and strengthen instead of, as masters of the Great FBC Kingdom, coming across as just doing the usual 'piling on.' I saw them more like two peas in a pod, in many ways, rather than the great contrast between the two of them that others want to believe.

I would like to read a book written by either titled, "You Might Be a HACker If..."
prophet said:
Tom Brennan said:
I do not mean to preach, nor to come across as holier than thou, but I think this entire thread is in poor taste. She is a sister in the Lord, and one who has been terribly and publicly hurt. While I do not think she would even notice this thread among the murk of so much else on the internet I feel compelled to speak a word of admonition. There is nothing to be gained by any of us in this piling on.

^^^ the long, wordy way of saying let it go.
When a person who is priviledged uses their unearned status to tell others less fortunate how to live, expect that when fortune no longer smiles upon that one, and they violate every suggestion that they once made to others in the same spot...they become a laughing stock.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, and whatsoever Cindy has sewn, she also is reaping.

I understand why it happens. What I contend is that it shouldn't happen, especially among mature Christians. Your response strikes me as nothing more than the juvenile, 'They started it'.
Ok...seriously??? I have been reading the old FFF and this one for a long time now. There is nothing more annoying than someone who dishes it out in one place and then "admonishes" everyone else in another place. What I am observing is "do as I say, not as I do".  Aaaaarrrgggghhhhh! (Having flashbacks to my FBCH days)

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Honey Badger said:
So what should Cindy's newest book be titled?

The Thing I Greatly Feared

taken from: "For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me." Job 3:25

Tom Brennan said:
prophet said:
Tom Brennan said:
I do not mean to preach, nor to come across as holier than thou, but I think this entire thread is in poor taste. She is a sister in the Lord, and one who has been terribly and publicly hurt. While I do not think she would even notice this thread among the murk of so much else on the internet I feel compelled to speak a word of admonition. There is nothing to be gained by any of us in this piling on.

^^^ the long, wordy way of saying let it go.
When a person who is priviledged uses their unearned status to tell others less fortunate how to live, expect that when fortune no longer smiles upon that one, and they violate every suggestion that they once made to others in the same spot...they become a laughing stock.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, and whatsoever Cindy has sewn, she also is reaping.

I understand why it happens. What I contend is that it shouldn't happen, especially among mature Christians. Your response strikes me as nothing more than the juvenile, 'They started it'.
There is nothing anyone can do to stop them from becoming a laughing stock, it is God's doing.

prophet said:
Tom Brennan said:
prophet said:
Tom Brennan said:
I do not mean to preach, nor to come across as holier than thou, but I think this entire thread is in poor taste. She is a sister in the Lord, and one who has been terribly and publicly hurt. While I do not think she would even notice this thread among the murk of so much else on the internet I feel compelled to speak a word of admonition. There is nothing to be gained by any of us in this piling on.

^^^ the long, wordy way of saying let it go.
When a person who is priviledged uses their unearned status to tell others less fortunate how to live, expect that when fortune no longer smiles upon that one, and they violate every suggestion that they once made to others in the same spot...they become a laughing stock.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked, and whatsoever Cindy has sewn, she also is reaping.

I understand why it happens. What I contend is that it shouldn't happen, especially among mature Christians. Your response strikes me as nothing more than the juvenile, 'They started it'.
There is nothing anyone can do to stop them from becoming a laughing stock, it is God's doing.

Speaking about CS, I would have to assume that God has humbled her.

There has been times in my life that I look back on, and say, I wish I could take that back rather it be actions or words. 

I would have to assume she may look back many times over and say, Boy was I wrong. 
prophet you were spot on if you replay Christian Womanhood tapes CS played the role very well. She is now reaping what she said. I don't assume anything but you hope she has learned from her mistakes.
Sherryh said:
prophet you were spot on if you replay Christian Womanhood tapes CS played the role very well. She is now reaping what she said. I don't assume anything but you hope she has learned from her mistakes.

She needs to contact those she has hurt directly with her horrible marriage and womanhood advice and apologize. Also, releasing a general public apology statement is in order. The books and recordings need to be taken off the market.

Public sin. Public repentance.
Tom Brennan said:
AmazedbyGrace said:
Public sin. Public repentance.

So it's a sin to tell people to stay married? Seriously?

I think it is more of "physician heal thyself".  People despise charlatans, especially those that wrap themselves in religiosty.
1Co 9:22-27
22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak:I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
Tom, you do know that her main advice to ladies was: whatever is wrong with the marriage is the fault of the wife?

I am not being dramatic or exaggerating. That was the P.O.V. from which she operated, unwaveringly.

There was a lot of resentment of the fact she always put her own marriage and her own husband up on a pedestal -- did you ever listen to her daily chat show on 90.5 The Key? She would preface every statement with a disclaimer..."Wives sometimes have to deal with a critical husband...not in my case, I have a wonderful husband who does not ever criticize me....but I do get ladies coming to me who have to deal with this situation..."

Whatever problem she discussed, she offered a disclaimer as to how she never had that problem with her husband or her marriage.

If she had the perfect husband, which is what she always touted (flaunted?)...then how on earth was she qualified to give advice to those of us who had the misfortune to be married to mere mortals?

And how many women came away from "counseling" sessions with her completely demoralized, as she added to their burdens not only the problem they initially had but the new knowledge that it was their own fault somehow. Believe me, I know some stories.

Perhaps women should stay married to men who abuse them. Perhaps they should stay married to men who cheat on them. Perhaps they should stay married to men who beat (or worse) the children. That is certainly what she always preached, and perhaps that is what the Bible means when it urges us to bear all things...but if that was the right advice for all the ladies she "counseled" -- why then in the end was it not the right advice for her?

Yes it is poor sportsmanship to kick one who is down. But believe me, I understand the resentment and anger she has generated among many who got a glimpse of the not-so-pretty reality behind the image she presented to the world at large.

It is good she has moved away, and it is hoped she has realized she is not qualified to counsel.

GuyfawkesV49 said:
Tom Brennan said:
AmazedbyGrace said:
Public sin. Public repentance.

So it's a sin to tell people to stay married? Seriously?

I think it is more of "physician heal thyself".  People despise charlatans, especially those that wrap themselves in religiosty.
How was she a charlatan?
This is the definition from Wikipedia...
"A charlatan (also called swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception."

Was it all about the money for her?

Tom Brennan said:
AmazedbyGrace said:
Public sin. Public repentance.

So it's a sin to tell people to stay married? Seriously?

It is a sin to tell abused people to stay in an abusive situation where they will be further abused.

It is a sin to cast blame onto victims.

Do you really not see the horror of being an abused wife who tries to find love and refuge from church, only to be told it is her fault and that she has to stay trapped and abused to please God?
16KJV11 said:
GuyfawkesV49 said:
Tom Brennan said:
AmazedbyGrace said:
Public sin. Public repentance.

So it's a sin to tell people to stay married? Seriously?

I think it is more of "physician heal thyself".  People despise charlatans, especially those that wrap themselves in religiosty.
How was she a charlatan?
This is the definition from Wikipedia...
"A charlatan (also called swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception."

Was it all about the money for her?

I believe so-it is (or now was) their livelihood.  What was Jack and Cindy's combined yearly income? How many houses did they own? What percentage of the members of FBCH have a yearly gross income less than them before their fall?  Church in general in America is a business-IFB churches included. They have the characteristics of a pyramid scheme with a christian flair to it.  My opinion is that Jack and Cindy believe the bible and God as much as the man on the moon. I would go as far as to say that is true for the majority of IFB pastors. They have the ultimate product to sell and market-eternal life in heaven as opposed to the altermative-eternal damnation in hell where your worm dieth not.  I'm not saying that there is no heaven or hell, but religion has been used for centuries to control, manipulate, and enrich those whom have a flair to entice and  gather a crowd of loyal and unquestioning members whose duty is to give 10 percent of their income to the "man of God".  I'm sure all would agree here that the word of faith, name it and claim it TV evangelists with their fake healings are charlatans. They make a good income with what they do-why? Because people are generally gullible and superstitious.  IFB preachers may be less ostentatious than those guys, but the principle is the same.  Marx was on the right path when he stated religion is the opiate for the masses.  I have seen this upfront and personal with the Neals and Berean-they could not match Jack Hyles in terms of income and prestige-the Neals problem is that they could not even organize and run a three car funeral without losing money and filing bankruptcy!!
16KJV11 said:
GuyfawkesV49 said:
Tom Brennan said:
AmazedbyGrace said:
Public sin. Public repentance.

So it's a sin to tell people to stay married? Seriously?

I think it is more of "physician heal thyself".  People despise charlatans, especially those that wrap themselves in religiosty.
How was she a charlatan?
This is the definition from Wikipedia...
"A charlatan (also called swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception."

Was it all about the money for her?

I think it was all about the fame! She liked the pedestal just as much as Jack did.
They were not poor please .............js was a millionaire. His parents were also.............