Dave Baker and Mrs. Riplinger teaching a KJVO Extreme class.


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Feb 4, 2012
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Don't miss out on this great opportunity to be indoctrinated in false, illogical, ignorant and vacuous KJVO propaganda.

Staring Doctor David Baker with side kick Mrs. Doctor Gail Riplinger.  LOL  :D :D

Mrs. Riplinger has a fake worthless Doc degree second only in value to Doctor Horse.

Is David Baker's Doc degree also fake?



bgwilkinson said:
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to be indoctrinated in false, illogical, ignorant and vacuous KJVO propaganda.

I was "indoctrinated" by far greater than these!
IFB X-Files said:
bgwilkinson said:
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to be indoctrinated in false, illogical, ignorant and vacuous KJVO propaganda.

I was "indoctrinated" by far greater than these!

Really? Do tell.
Independent Baptist Online College?

Is that like the ITT of basement bible schools?
IFB X-Files said:
bgwilkinson said:
IFB X-Files said:
bgwilkinson said:
Don't miss out on this great opportunity to be indoctrinated in false, illogical, ignorant and vacuous KJVO propaganda.

I was "indoctrinated" by far greater than these!

Really? Do tell.

The Holy Spirit.

Well nothing to worry about He will not mislead you you are in the best of company.

He is the one that teaches us.

I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
I was in hac with Dave Baker. Did not know him well but he is a fine man and very intelligent.

I am always disturbed to some degree when all of a sudden these guys are teaching some kind of ifb college course and almost immediately they become Dr. Somebody. I am also somewhat disturbed when one of the first courses offered is on the kjb. I would much rather see them with their emphasis on what the kjb teaches but that seems to be a little too elementary for these guys. Leave it to bg to develop a bible school curriculum teaching about 90% baptist distinctives, bus routes, sunday school, kjb, etc. with an obligatory bible course thrown in here and there. (not a fan of bg)
I have never met him but even the best people can be deceived.

Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals.

That's what my mama said.
I thought Big Bob was an accountant.

Didn't he get an MBA from MSU?

Maybe he even has a real Doc in business administration.

Gail has a real degree in, I believe, home economics, from Kent State? Think I'm right.
BALAAM said:
I was in hac with Dave Baker. Did not know him well but he is a fine man and very intelligent.

I am always disturbed to some degree when all of a sudden these guys are teaching some kind of ifb college course and almost immediately they become Dr. Somebody. I am also somewhat disturbed when one of the first courses offered is on the kjb. I would much rather see them with their emphasis on what the kjb teaches but that seems to be a little too elementary for these guys. Leave it to bg to develop a bible school curriculum teaching about 90% baptist distinctives, bus routes, sunday school, kjb, etc. with an obligatory bible course thrown in here and there. (not a fan of bg)

I agree
Not against teaching on KJVO , baptist distinctives,  etc. But other Bible doctrines, hermeneutics are woefully lacking in fundamental schools.
Just took a quick look at the Ibaptist college website.  Maybe the first class should be English or Graphic design.  Just saying.
lurker said:
Just took a quick look at the Ibaptist college website.  Maybe the first class should be English or Graphic design.  Just saying.

Yes others have noted the apparent low level of scholarship among IFBx graduates.

Sad, really sad, and they call themselves Doctors.
Well...the good news is that Baker is not teaching church finance.

BALAAM said:
I was in hac with Dave Baker. Did not know him well but he is a fine man and very intelligent.

I am always disturbed to some degree when all of a sudden these guys are teaching some kind of ifb college course and almost immediately they become Dr. Somebody. I am also somewhat disturbed when one of the first courses offered is on the kjb. I would much rather see them with their emphasis on what the kjb teaches but that seems to be a little too elementary for these guys. Leave it to bg to develop a bible school curriculum teaching about 90% baptist distinctives, bus routes, sunday school, kjb, etc. with an obligatory bible course thrown in here and there. (not a fan of bg)

I'm sure that their thinking is "We cannot teach what the Bible teaches until we have established what the Bible is"
Walt said:
BALAAM said:
I was in hac with Dave Baker. Did not know him well but he is a fine man and very intelligent.

I am always disturbed to some degree when all of a sudden these guys are teaching some kind of ifb college course and almost immediately they become Dr. Somebody. I am also somewhat disturbed when one of the first courses offered is on the kjb. I would much rather see them with their emphasis on what the kjb teaches but that seems to be a little too elementary for these guys. Leave it to bg to develop a bible school curriculum teaching about 90% baptist distinctives, bus routes, sunday school, kjb, etc. with an obligatory bible course thrown in here and there. (not a fan of bg)

I'm sure that their thinking is "We cannot teach what the Bible teaches until we have established what the Bible is"

You are right Walt. However, after being around these types for quite a while now my thinking is, "Why spend so much time on which Bible if you will spend most of your life paying so little attention to what it actually means?"
They aught to change the name of the course to Remedial Home Economics.

Then at least one teacher might be qualified.
I don't think this is Texas IBS, but BG Sr. has started an online college, in which Bake/Riplinger are teaching. 

FTR, Schaap was right about Baker, if you have ever read their correspondence.  Watching two arrogant blowhards trying to yell over the other made for very entertaining reading. 
Wow - someone teaches about something very important and gets bashed? If you have a critique of his actual teaching - that's one thing - but a critique based on what he SHOULD be teaching (in your opinion) is baseless.

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IFB X-Files said:
I've signed up for the class.  Will report.

Looking forward to your opinion.