Do you go to church?

Do you go to church?

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Jan 31, 2012
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Gulf Shores, Alabama
Here is a simple poll. Since this forum is made up of those who call themselves believers, I thought this would be appropriate.

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Normally we are in church but we do miss some Sundays also because of health issues.  I work evenings on Wednesday night service.
Sherryh said:
Normally we are in church but we do miss some Sundays also because of health issues.  I work evenings on Wednesday night service.
I missed most every Wed PM service while at HAC for the same reason. No biggie-no guilt.
I found that most churches are led by and attended by people who are mostly concerned with "churchiatnity" 
So me and my family have opted to not attend "church" as in a building church but we discuss the bible and maintain a focus and importance on God and the teachings of Christ in our home.  Where 2 or more gather in His name, He will be there with them.  So I reckon you could say we do go to church. 

I have a friend that is a non believer in his words but I believe he is curious in his heart.  I would love to see him saved so I work the topic into conversation when I can and he is receptive but I don't try to shove it down his throat.  Though he is not a believer....I feel like our conversations invite the holy spirit to be in our presence.  So I reckon you could say that in those moments...that is church. 

Some of the best preachers to have ever walked preached under whatever would keep them out of the rain on some random street corner.  Their priorities and focus didn't lie in how many members of the choir they had or how fancy their robes were.  They didn't much care if they had participants in the Christmas plays.  What color they were.  What they wore.  They sincerely wanted to put the message out there...and see people be saved.  That is church to me. 

It really and genuinely bothers me to think that even one soul will go to hell. 

I don't believe salvation is only found inside the 4 walls of a building titled CHURCH or that proof or requirement of salvation is found there either.    Matter of fact...I believe that evidence of salvation is more so seen in the ones who go out with humbleness in their hearts and truly desire to, if not have someone come to Christ in that moment, maybe even plant the seed in an unbelievers mind that will eventually lead to their salvation. 

So in my we GO to church?  nah....not always...I believe we ARE church...and we (the church) need to go to unbelievers....
I try to go each Sunday. It's a bit of drive, 20 to 30 minutes. There are plenty of churches closer, but this one is way better. I've not yet joined but plan to.
As I understand it, Bob Jones didn't!

I go only one time per week.

I live about 90 minutes one way from the church building.

I drive into Hammond Sunday morning at 9:00 am, stay until about 9:00 PM. You can attend a lot of services in 12 hours.

Why bother going on other days?
bgwilkinson said:
I go only one time per week.

I live about 90 minutes one way from the church building.

I drive into Hammond Sunday morning at 9:00 am, stay until about 9:00 PM. You can attend a lot of services in 12 hours.

Why bother going on other days?
Wow. That's a full day.
The church I attend meets only on Saturday nights until the local brewery will open up their building to us this summer so we can have Sunday morning services instead. :)
Smellin Coffee said:
The church I attend meets only on Saturday nights until the local brewery will open up their building to us this summer so we can have Sunday morning services instead. :)

Well, the  church burned down and no one knew
What Penecost Baptist was gonna do
The Sunday brimstom got so dadgum hot
In burned up a church bus in the parkin' lot
In a panick the reverend Dr. White
Called up an ex-member than hadn't lived right
He owned Joe's beer joint right across the fence
It's the same Joe's he'd preached against

He said I don't really want to be a hypocrite
I got a  Sunday school class that's about to split
We're all excited about revival week
And  moved by the spirit so to speak
With all the  souls we saved and the money we spent
We thought God told us to sell that tent
I got a  famous evangelist supposed to come
And done run out of chairs, will you loan us some?

Joe says you can just use the whole dang place
A9 on the jukebox "Amazing Grace"
I ain't supposed to open because of them blue laws
But we'll open tonight if it's allright with y'all
Preacher said well I reckon that'd be OK
The good Lord works in mysterious ways
I was gonna talk about Joshua, Judges and Ruth
And I reckon I can do it from the DJ booth

At the First Baptist Bar and Grill
It's the only church in the bible belt that smells like a whisky still
When the sinners finish one more round
We'll have dinner on the ground
And go inside and pray we don't get  killed

The evangelist came with a well-dressed choir
They showed up around happy hour
Looked around the joint and didn't take it real well
Said the White ministry has gone to hell
Ms. Mills that taught youth Sunday school
And two deacons in the back room shootin' pool
Were sharin' the Lord with a Jim Beam rep
Who was teachin' Ms. Mills some line dance steps

Reverend White was readin' from the book of Luke
To a tall, drunk trucker about to puke
He had John 3:16 memorized
Tryin' to dried him out to get him baptised
The evangilist yelled about the lights and the beer
Said White you can't save any souls in here
This place ain't nothin' but a den of sin
Ain't the kind of place Baptists ought to be in

Preacher said well we don't really need y'all here
You didn't do a very good job last year
Only saved one sinner, that's Todd McGuire
And he's the fellow that set my church on fire
Joe's beer joint has done been revived
Only been here an hour and I done saved five.
Sure it's got mirrors and a big dance floor
But I finally found the flock God called me for.

At the First Baptist Bar and Grill
It's the only church in the bible belt that (F) smells like a whisky still
Not a stained glass window anywhere in site,
Just a blood-stained floor and neon lights,
And the communion wine in here is always  chilled.

We're here every Sunday;  We're livin' large;
We're the only church with a cover charge.
And if you don't like our doctrine and think we ain't devout,
We'll have our bouncer throw you out ...
Of the First Baptist Bar and Grill
When reading the above Billy Sunday and his traveling salvation show comes to mind. While he was saving the world his own family was going to Hell.
Is that the lyrics for a song like Bro. Love's Traveling Salvation Show?

Here is the song I think of when this subject is discussed. Wonder if the author had this in mind? At least the hypocritical men of God are in view here.

This is an indictment of these big bottom arrogant men of God.

Diamond only sings, he does not dance around wildly like a crazy man as Sunday did.


Early version. Neil Diamond - Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show

More modern Mega Church version.
Show de Neil Diamond no Madison Square Garden NYC - "Hot August Night NYC Live (2008)"
bgwilkinson said:
When reading the above Billy Sunday and his traveling salvation show comes to mind. While he was saving the world his own family was going to Hell.
Is that the lyrics for a song like Bro. Love's Traveling Salvation Show?

Here is the song I think of when this subject is discussed. Wonder if the author had this in mind? At least the hypocritical men of God are in view here.

This is an indictment of these big bottom arrogant men of God.

Diamond only sings, he does not dance around wildly like a crazy man as Sunday did.

I don't think it's far to call Billy Sunday a hypocrite; if he drank while preaching against drinking, THAT would be hypocritical.

Many people have been failures as fathers while still being a blessing to others.  David, the "sweet psalmist of Israel" comes to mind.

In my opinion, Billy Sunday erred by not spending sufficient time with his family.  But that means he made an error, not that he was arrogant or hypocritical.
Bo said:
I found that most churches are led by and attended by people who are mostly concerned with "churchiatnity" 
So me and my family have opted to not attend "church" as in a building church but we discuss the bible and maintain a focus and importance on God and the teachings of Christ in our home.  Where 2 or more gather in His name, He will be there with them.  So I reckon you could say we do go to church. 

I have a friend that is a non believer in his words but I believe he is curious in his heart.  I would love to see him saved so I work the topic into conversation when I can and he is receptive but I don't try to shove it down his throat.  Though he is not a believer....I feel like our conversations invite the holy spirit to be in our presence.  So I reckon you could say that in those moments...that is church. 

Some of the best preachers to have ever walked preached under whatever would keep them out of the rain on some random street corner.  Their priorities and focus didn't lie in how many members of the choir they had or how fancy their robes were.  They didn't much care if they had participants in the Christmas plays.  What color they were.  What they wore.  They sincerely wanted to put the message out there...and see people be saved.  That is church to me. 

It really and genuinely bothers me to think that even one soul will go to hell. 

I don't believe salvation is only found inside the 4 walls of a building titled CHURCH or that proof or requirement of salvation is found there either.    Matter of fact...I believe that evidence of salvation is more so seen in the ones who go out with humbleness in their hearts and truly desire to, if not have someone come to Christ in that moment, maybe even plant the seed in an unbelievers mind that will eventually lead to their salvation. 

So in my we GO to church?  nah....not always...I believe we ARE church...and we (the church) need to go to unbelievers....


Who is the pastor?  Who are the deacons? How often do you observe the Lord's Supper? (or whatever you wish to call it?).

Having a Bible study with family is wonderful; we do that at our house also.

But we don't consider it church.

Acts 2:42 lists four things that the people did: 1) prayer  2) doctrine 3) "breaking of bread" (the Lord's  Supper?) and  4) fellowship.

I think we have become so focused on other aspects of Christianity that we have forgotten the importance of fellowship.
I am ministry director for a mission agency that does outreach to the poor and homeless.  I go to church every week, but I'm in a different church most every week sharing our mission.  Now if the churches in our area went back to the Sunday night service, I could probably worship with the same church every Sunday night.  I would definitely like that.