Does God care what we wear at church?

“Presumed” by whom? You or your “audience”? I’m not big into ad hominem attacks, and no offense meant, but you’re really not as intelligent as you believe yourself to be. I still welcome your invitation to a discussion of the philosophy of religion and science when you’re ready, but of course that would require some basic authenticity on your part from the beginning. Imagine getting outwitted by a bloke with a fishing moniker. That would sting, wouldn’t it? 😬
I'm not debating the veracity of the Scriptures. I presume them to be true. But I'm up for a discussion with you in another thread. Start it. And I'll respond. Then you'll have the chance to drive home how uneducated and how unspiritual I am.
I don't care if you do. :) I'd be interested in seeing if you're right.
If you don't care, then why would you pitch such a hissy about me asking you to reveal? You are as phony as a three-dollar bill, Ekk.
And I'm not American...yo!
Yeah, I’ve never met an American who says “eh”…unless they’re Canadian-American! Americans almost exclusively say “huh” instead of “eh” unless they’re from a certain part of a neighborhood in which case they may say “yo”! 😎
I think we all know who Ekk is. 😏
Yeah, I’ve never met an American who says “eh”…unless they’re Canadian-American! Americans almost exclusively say “huh” instead of “eh” unless they’re from a certain part of a neighborhood in which case they may say “yo”! 😎
I think we all know who Ekk is. 😏
I had family in Ontario, not sure if they are still there. They were of Italian descent. I wonder how their accents melded with Canadian lingo?
Do you dress up for your personal prayer and bible reading time?
Excellent point. I attend a pretty conservative IFB church. I wouldn’t call it ultra conservative, but definitely conservative. Most of the men wear jackets/ties on Sunday mornings. I’m the rebel and wear khakis with a polo usually. But I’ve noticed on the rare evening service I attend that some of these same guys wear jeans. Same church building, same staff, same Bible, etc. The only difference is the time of day.
The question was "Would you approach Jesus in what you wear to church?"

You also approach Jesus in personal devotions. The question stands and is valid.
Hardly! You're your typical arrogant self, aren't you BJ? The question stands about like you do. Not very well. Valid? Really? At home isn't church....GEt real, loser.
Do you dress up for your personal prayer and bible reading time
no, i don;t.... ... and i mean no offense... ...but like you said.... that;s my personal prayer, and my personal time...:cautious: ... .. and there are a lot of things i do in my personal time i would never do in church... :sneaky:..
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The point in my question was that the original comment was ridiculous. How you dress for church is not due to this idea that you are approaching God. You aren't. You are always i his presence. You are meeting with God's people to worship God, So, we should dress so as to not distract people.

i know.... i was just trying... unsuccessfully... to be humorous... :confused: ....when i first joined the fff i was one of the youngest people that had ever been on it.... and for many years thereafter i remained the youngest... . .. but no other issue that has ever come up here, has made me feel old like this one has..... and i know i;m still not as old as the majority here.....

thing is.... and i mentioned this before.... i firmly believe that how we dress affects us and our own attitude/behavior , far more than it does the other people who see us.... but it can also affect them too to a lesser extent.. ... ..i have a set of dresses i wear no where else but church... .they are not the most expensive or finest dress wear i have but they are not the most utilitarian either.... .

maybe i;m wrong for thinking this way but for me there is a set of good manners in each of them... .. and a set of disciplined actions that would be much more acceptable to people in church than my manners and actions might be if dressed for half a dozen other activities on this island outside of church... ..(including the one i just came from)...

i will add... that none of this is an issue in either of the 2 churches i;m involved with... nor is it an issue in my sunday school class... ..i have only seen it brought up on the fff... .. and if it was an issue at one of the very few baptist or non-denominational churches i visited with friends then i was unaware of it.... :unsure:
Because of allergies to polyester, I don't wear a lot of the "dress clothes" that are out there today. I usually wear blue jeans and a nice shirt....sometimes a clean t-shirt with a color other than white. It just depends on the heat/humidity here. It doesn't offend anyone else, and I really wouldn't care if it did...I'm not there to impress others anyhow.
Because of allergies to polyester, I don't wear a lot of the "dress clothes" that are out there today. I usually wear blue jeans and a nice shirt....sometimes a clean t-shirt with a color other than white. It just depends on the heat/humidity here. It doesn't offend anyone else, and I really wouldn't care if it did...I'm not there to impress others anyhow.
most of my clothes are all cotton... even the dress clothes....i hate polyester... ..not allergic to it - just don;t like it.... plus doesn;t the warnings in leviticus 19;19 cover fabrics that are cotton/polyester blend?.... ;) .... but seriously... blue jeans and aloha shirts are actually considered casual dress wear here....even when worn with what we call "rubbah slippahs"... (flip flops to mainlanders)...:)
Wasn't it Jack Hyles who said "Men have evil thoughts when they see women in shorts"? I'll have to check the YouTube machine and try and find that Hyles sermon. He sure loved promoting his man made legalistic ideas.
When I hear such thoughts, I often wonder if the speaker is confessing his own weakness. How can he speak for all men?
Our friend Alistair Begg has this saying which covers the subject IMNSHO....

"The main things are the plain things, and the plain things are the main things."

Put differently, don't major on the minors. If someone is dressed modestly then that should suffice. We are coming to worship, not audition.
It seems clear from the book of James that churches had people that dressed well for church as well as people who could not dress well. Christians are commanded to treat brothers alike, regardless of how they are dressed.
Having said that, it is invalid to take about a "dress code for church" - I don't know of any church that has a dress code to attend. A "dress code" is, for example, that one cannot enter the club without a tie. No one is barred from church because they don't dress like a well-off member or the pastor.
As Christians, everything we do should be to honor and glorify God who saved us... and that includes how we dress.
Because God's word is a book for all time, He doesn't give 21st, or 20th century rules for dress. We have the general principles of apparel throughout the New Testament.
The church (also known as the house of God) is worthy of respect, because God started it and purchased it with the blood of His only begotten Son. I show respect by dressing up for church.
So much of this issue is a heart matter.
Having a set-aside set of clothing for Sunday is a very old tradition... not just a US tradition.