Favorite Foods and Recipes...


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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island of oahu - somewhere in the jungle
... just giving an idea i had for a different kind of thread a try ....

chinese style dumplings. .. (pot stickers)

komal rizvi is a well known punjabi singer from pakistan... but another of her
passions is cooking... .(as is mine)..... .if you watch her videos just be aware
she explains everything mulitple times in muliple languages (including english)
so people from other parts of the world who watch can understand.... but her
instructions are easy to follow.... i have made a lot of meals using her recipes..


for the filling: 1/2 kg minced chicken, 1 can mushrooms (squeeze out the liquids)
4-5 cloves of garlic, 4-5 green chillies, 2 spring onions, 2 tbsp soya sauce,
1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

for the dough: 2.5 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 cup hot water

dipping sauce: 1 tbsp of spring onion, 1/3rd cup of rice vinegar,
1/3rd cup of dark soya sauce, 1/3rd cup sriracha

*** (side note... our master chef of the family works too many hours and can;t cook meals as
often as she wants to.... but she taught me to make these with ground pork instead of
chicken.... a slightly different recipe that many people like better.. .. but these made
chicken are much more healthy..... .and a little easier to make) :)
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That sounds great! I may have to try it next week!
... just giving an idea i had for a different kind of thread a try ....

chinese style dumplings. .. (pot stickers)

komal rizvi is a well known punjabi singer from pakistan... but another of her
passions is cooking... .(as is mine)..... .if you watch her videos just be aware
she explains everything mulitple times in muliple languages (including english)
so people from other parts of the world who watch can understand.... but her
instructions are easy to follow.... i have made a lot of meals using her recipes..


for the filling: 1/2 kg minced chicken, 1 can mushrooms (squeeze out the liquids)
4-5 cloves of garlic, 4-5 green chillies, 2 spring onions, 2 tbsp soya sauce,
1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

for the dough: 2.5 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 cup hot water

dipping sauce: 1 tbsp of spring onion, 1/3rd cup of rice vinegar,
1/3rd cup of dark soya sauce, 1/3rd cup sriracha

*** (side note... our master chef of the family works too many hours and can;t cook meals as
often as she wants to.... but she taught me to make these with ground pork instead of
chicken.... a slightly different recipe that many people like better.. .. but these made
chicken are much more healthy..... .and a little easier to make) :)

Bro. Tony would love that recipe. He loves to eat Bless God! HAY-MAN!
classic tiramisu

komal rizvi is a well known punjabi singer from pakistan... but another of her
passions is cooking... .(as is mine)..... .if you watch her videos just be aware
she explains everything mulitple times in muliple languages (including english)
so people from other parts of the world who watch can understand.... but her
instructions are easy to follow.... i have made a lot of meals using her recipes.

ingredients; ...
: ..
3 eggs..
1/2 cup sugar ..
1 tsp vanilla extract

coffee dipping for ladyfingers: ..
2 cups drinking water...
2 tbsp coffee..
1 tbsp honey..
1/3rd cup of sugar...
generous pinch of nutmeg

tiramisu batter:
7 eggs (separated)..
3/4th cup sugar ..
1/2 tsp vanilla extract...
2 cups cream cheese ...
1/2 cup cream..
1 cup whipping cream
classic tiramisu

komal rizvi is a well known punjabi singer from pakistan... but another of her
passions is cooking... .(as is mine)..... .if you watch her videos just be aware
she explains everything mulitple times in muliple languages (including english)
so people from other parts of the world who watch can understand.... but her
instructions are easy to follow.... i have made a lot of meals using her recipes.

ingredients; ...
: ..
3 eggs..
1/2 cup sugar ..
1 tsp vanilla extract

coffee dipping for ladyfingers: ..
2 cups drinking water...
2 tbsp coffee..
1 tbsp honey..
1/3rd cup of sugar...
generous pinch of nutmeg

tiramisu batter:
7 eggs (separated)..
3/4th cup sugar ..
1/2 tsp vanilla extract...
2 cups cream cheese ...
1/2 cup cream..
1 cup whipping cream

Bro. Tony would give up his love offering and mandatory Golden Corral trip just for that recipe. HAY-MAN!
Bro. Tony would give up his love offering and mandatory Golden Corral trip just for that recipe. HAY-MAN!

bro. tony looks like someone who wouldn;t compromise when it comes to fine dining...... ...he might even be someone
who has an easier time finding genuine mascarpone cream cheese than those of us who might live outside the busiest
supply chains.... .. and if he sets aside some more of that love offereing he might even be able to afford it ..... :).

mascarpone cream cheese is the ingredient ms rizvi substitutes philadelphia cream cheese with some added cream
for in the recipe..... ..i have had tiramisu made both ways.... some people say it doesn;t matter... but to me it really
does taste better with the mascarpone in it.... ..but then i also don;t smother my tiramisu with rum or coffee liquor
like some of the afficianados of tiramisu i know do..... so my taste buds might be more intact.... ;)

but anyway..... here;s a wikipedia atricle on what mascarpone cream cheese is.... i have no idea where it would
be found on the u.s. mainland... but happy hunting and best of luck if you go on a search for it..... :cool:

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bro. tony looks like someone who wouldn;t compromise when it comes to fine dining...... ...he might even be someone
who has an easier time finding genuine mascarpone cream cheese than those of us who might live outside the busiest
supply chains.... .. and if he sets aside some more of that love offereing he might even be able to afford it ..... :).

mascarpone cream cheese is the ingredient ms rizvi substitutes philadelphia cream cheese with some added cream
for in the recipe..... ..i have had tiramisu made both ways.... some people say it doesn;t matter... but to me it really
does taste better with the mascarpone in it.... ..but then i also don;t smother my tiramisu with rum or coffee liquor
like some of the afficianados of tiramisu i know do..... so my taste buds might be more intact.... ;)

but anyway..... here;s a wikipedia atricle on what mascarpone cream cheese is.... i have no idea where it would
be found on the u.s. mainland... but happy hunting and best of luck if you go on a search for it..... :cool:

We know how much Bro Tony loves to eat Bless God!
a few nights ago i cooked seared ahi for dinner.... the video below shows the method that
is close to the way i do it... with the exception being i buy juvenile tuna known as shibi
directly from the boat when it comes in... that was caught the same day and put on ice..
that way i know the quality and freshness of the fish we get.... . but on the u.s. mainland
that might not be possible.. .. and even fish bought from a boat might not be that fresh..

so..i picked the video below because it tells how to select the best tuna that has been frozen
previously.., or is sold in a fresh fish market.....searing time can be anywhere from 10 seconds
per side to 1 minute depending on how you like it... pre -frozen or market bought fish should
probably be seared 1 minute per side like she shows in the video.... but if it;s really fresh you
can leave it rare like we do... .. the ahi shown in the pictures below the video are rare and
were seared around 10 to 15 seconds each side... just use a good high temp oil and make
sure it;s hot just short of the smoke point before starting if leaving it rare...

also.... the dipping sauce she prepares is really good.... we do that if we have guests that
can;t quite handle wasabi... otherwise we make wasabi sauce... or a hot mustard sauce with
hot chinese mustard.. soya sauce.. and red pepper all mixed to the desired taste.. (you;ll have
to sample and taste it as you mix it to get it right...).. .👩‍🍳



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and this video shows a good method if you know for certain your ahi (tuna) is really fresh
(not previously frozen... caught the same day within a few hours.. and kept on ice..) all
the garnish he uses is fine if you like that sort of thing... but i like to leave it simple and
let each family member dip it or garnish it as they like.... ;)

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3 awesome says to cook, prepare and add extra flavor to salmon..... .. i use a pesto
method... very similar to the one she shows here,... adding chickpeas and sundried
tomatoes to the sauce.. ..... (for a printed version of her recipe and more detailed
information... click on the link below the video)
... :)


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a few nights ago i cooked seared ahi for dinner.... the video below shows the method that
is close to the way i do it... with the exception being i buy juvenile tuna known as shibi
directly from the boat when it comes in... that was caught the same day and put on ice..
that way i know the quality and freshness of the fish we get.... . but on the u.s. mainland
that might not be possible.. .. and even fish bought from a boat might not be that fresh..

so..i picked the video below because it tells how to select the best tuna that has been frozen
previously.., or is sold in a fresh fish market.....searing time can be anywhere from 10 seconds
per side to 1 minute depending on how you like it... pre -frozen or market bought fish should
probably be seared 1 minute per side like she shows in the video.... but if it;s really fresh you
can leave it rare like we do... .. the ahi shown in the pictures below the video are rare and
were seared around 10 to 15 seconds each side... just use a good high temp oil and make
sure it;s hot just short of the smoke point before starting if leaving it rare...

also.... the dipping sauce she prepares is really good.... we do that if we have guests that
can;t quite handle wasabi... otherwise we make wasabi sauce... or a hot mustard sauce with
hot chinese mustard.. soya sauce.. and red pepper all mixed to the desired taste.. (you;ll have
to sample and taste it as you mix it to get it right...).. .:)


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Get your church to make that for an after service lunch/supper and Bro. Tony won't take up an offering, instead he'll just ask you to make this for him. HAY-MAN!
Get your church to make that for an after service lunch/supper and Bro. Tony won't take up an offering, instead he'll just ask you to make this for him. HAY-MAN!
i don;t know..... i don;t think bro tony would like this.... i could be wrong... but he looks like a fried catfish and french fries kind of guy to me... .... :cool:
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meanwhile..... this is the hot and spicy soup that will be the main ingredient of our mongolian hot pot dinner tonight..
......(or at least this is what the huge pot of soup will look like when i;m done preparing it....this pic is from 3 weeks ago)......

just gotta chop up the vegetables.... various meats.. and sea foods ..have them ready in individual trays so family
members can pick the ones they want to cook for their own bowl or plate.... ..this pot stays at the center of the
table on a gas burner right around the boiling point the whole time.... .. but there is extra broth to add to it in
case it starts boiling down too much..... and yes... in case anyone is wondering... those chinese red chilli

peppers are not just there to flavor and add spice to the soup.... they are there for eating too...
..for whoever can handle them... .... :cool: ..... plus there are a lot of people in this household
..if everybody shows up for dinner at the same time i make 2 pots of soup and put one at
each end of the table on separate gas burners.... ..it;s a lot of work.... but it is by far
the familys favorite meal for dinner...... my favorite too. ... . 👩‍🍳

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chinese mongolian hot pot - soup
so..... .. i was looking at the best way to write down the recipe we use to make our hot pot soup base
and i was told by an expert on the subject.. (who is part of our household)... that most of the specialty
spices she buys that we put into it all come from our local china town markets and all have chinese names..
...plus the people selling them only speak chinese and not a single label on anything is written in english...

i knew this already.... i;m usually right there with her when she shops for these things.... and to be honest

chinese is not one of the 6 languages i know.... so i am as much in the dark as anyone would be trying to
purchase the ingredients in a chinese market...... ... but what she suggested.... and it;s a method we have
used before.... (especially when she was unavailable to help)..... is to buy the ready made package of little
sheep mongolian hot pot soup base...... (available on line from amazon... ebay ..and other sources).... and
the just follow the directions.........

but if you do this and use one of these ready mixed based..... be prepared to add more water (or chicken broth)
to the mix as the instructions they give make it come out very dry and salty.... if the package calls for 5 cups of water
and etc... we use 8... or 9.... depending on how concentrated or thin we want it..... ..you can also chop up extra green
onion pieces to add in and extra garlic cloves because they always go light on those.... .... basically just add additional
appropriate seasonings to your liking.... and taste as you go along.... we add extra chinese red chili peppers.... but that;s
an aqquired taste not many can handle in large quanitities..... .. so be careful....

then once the soup is on the stove...... prepare whatever vegetables and meats you want to go with it.....
...we use bok choy cabbage.... broccoli... napa valley cabbage chopped into mabageable pieces... shiitake
or enoki mushrooms
... (which ever you like or can find).... artificial crab pieces.... thinly sliced beef... tofu-fish
... (you might not be able to get that one.. but square cut pieces of regular tofu are good too)...fresh spinach
..chicken breasts...(cut into medium to small pieces) .... freshwater fish..(white not red).... and we don;t use all of the
things all the time.... just whichever ones we have on hand or feel like cooking ... basically you can add any fresh vegetable
you like.. ... you can even open a package of ramen noodles and add that to it..... we usually dont... but many of our friends do...
....... so in short.... hot pot soup will always be different depending on who makes it.... but it always starts with a similar base
and when in doubt you can;t go wrong using one that is pre-packaged and already mixed.... plus they also make versions
that are mild.... (in a green package).... and are not as spicy as the ones we make.... ....

the way we serve this is have it either just at the boiling point or above.. on a gas burner in the center of the table.... and then place
all the vegetables... meats... and other ingredients uncooked on separate dishes or plates around it.... family can then select whatever
they like and cook it to there liking in the pot of soup holding with cooking chopsticks or tongs.... then dish out some hot soup and put it
all together in their own bowl.....be sure to keep a thermos or appropriate container of extra hot broth ready to add to soup pot if starts
to boil down..... .. that;s about it..... if i can think of anything else i will add it later..... ...good luck and bon appe'tite... 👩‍🍳

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perfect shepherds pie

the other day i was talking about shepherds pie in another thread....
so today..... i decided i had to post a shepherds pie recipe..


and. .. a link to his page with the printed recipe....


Pasta alla Puttanesca with Shrimp

a simple and very easy dish to make.... very delicious and smells awesome cooking...
...... recipe notes are in the link below the video...

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