Gay Marriage, Transgender Acceptance... What's next?


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Jan 31, 2012
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Gulf Shores, Alabama
It didn't take long since Obama finally made up his mind, not even 2 years ago, on the gay marriage issue for "progressives" to make transgenders victims.

Pedophiles, Polyamory? What is next and how long will it be before we are called racists for not recognizing the "nurturing love of a child?"
I'm ok with transgenders and with gay marriage.

I would be ok with polyamory, though I don't see any public demand for it. It's definitely not for me though: I don't seem to be able to maintain a permanent relationship with even ONE other person, and more would complicate the difficulties.

I don't have any objection to incest between consenting adult brothers and sisters. I'm not endorsing it, it's just none of my bidness.

Can't accept pedophilia though, because that victimizes a child, who is not able to consent.
Likewise, nix on bestiality, because animals can't consent either.
Consent or not...I am against any thing the Scripture condemns...pretty simple for me.
Izdaari said:
What I'm personally against, and what I think should be illegal, are two different matters.

Not me, I can't separate my morality that way.  If it is ungodly, I'm against it, I feel that if God says, "no"... I believe He does so for a deeper reason than society making laws that fit what people desire, rather than what is right.
1. Government encouragement, support and even requirement of sex education courses, prepared and taught by homosexual women and men, presenting homosexuality

2. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent (making your children open season for pedophiles);

3. Repeal of all laws that restrict the gender or number of persons entering into a marriage unit;

4. Extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit, regardless of gender or numbers;

5. Addition of ?sexual orientation? to the list of minorities protected by anti-discrimination laws.
6. Deny tax-exempt status to organizations and institutions that discriminate against lesbian and gay people (this would include Christian churches and para-church ministries);
7. Deny federal funding to institutions that discriminate against lesbian and gay people (this would include Christian colleges and universities and para-church ministries);
8. Passage of ?hate crimes? laws in all 50 states (regardless of the fact that such laws violate the U.S. Constitution);
9. Passage of laws making it criminal to have thoughts and speech of a ?homophobic? nature.;
10. Permeate every level of government with gay-friendly officials (to codify the gay agenda);

11. Demand legalized same-sex marriage, thereby wrecking the traditional institution of marriage (for a recent admission of this intent by a pro-gay activist;

12. Attack the Bible, especially where homosexuality is condemned, and make it appear that God does not condemn homosexuality by inventing new interpretations of selected verses (7);

13. Win over Christian churches and denominations, thereby neutralizing the greatest obstacle to the homosexual movement (7);

14. Partner with the liberal media in mounting a propaganda campaign to win over the majority of heterosexuals to the homosexual movement;

15. Portray homosexuals as victims, instead of aggressive challengers;

16. Make homosexuals look good by publicizing famous homosexuals who are well-liked by the general public;

17. Make homosexuality look good by portraying lasting, committed homosexual relationships as the norm of the homosexual lifestyle (never mind the facts that such homosexual relationships are the exception rather than the rule and that promiscuity is rampant in most such relationships, relative to heterosexual marriage);

18. Make the anti-gay ?victimizers? look bad by coining and repeating charges of hatred, homophobe and bigotry against anyone who does not agree with them;

19. Knowingly and intentionally propagate lies, myths and hoaxes that promote the ideals and goals of the homosexual movement, in order to win over the heterosexual majority;

20. Punish businesses that do not support the homosexual movement (e.g., boycotts, demonstrations, lawsuits and negative media blitzes).

21. Jamming. This tactic refers to the public smearing of Christians, traditionalists or anyone else who opposes the ?gay? agenda in order to marginalize them and make them shut up, and it requires the full cooperation of the liberal media.

Source Information: by James R. Aist

Not sure I buy all these but I have seen most of them on several lists with sources. These are clearly extreme activist goals, not the general LGBT community.
Interesting list, but IMO bogus. Speaking as an actual gay rights activist, it doesn't look like anything gay rights activists would favor, but rather something made up to scare people susceptible to homophobia. I do support some of the items on it, but certainly not all, and some I would actively oppose.

1. Government encouragement, support and even requirement of sex education courses, prepared and taught by homosexual women and men, presenting homosexuality.
Oh, c'mon! Sex ed courses are taught by regular HS teachers. There's no way to get enough gay teachers to do it.  But requiring sex ed courses is already standard.

2. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent (making your children open season for pedophiles).
Bad idea! A little tweaking might be good, so you don't get teen couples charged with statutory rape when one is 18 and the other isn't, but age of consent needs to be there to prevent adults taking advantage of vulnerable kids. And there would never, ever be enough public support to pass this one.

3. Repeal of all laws that restrict the gender or number of persons entering into a marriage unit.
Ok. I could support that.

4. Extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit, regardless of gender or numbers.
Nope. They need to be married to get the benefits that go with it.

5. Addition of ?sexual orientation? to the list of minorities protected by anti-discrimination laws.
Sure. Equal protection of the law, etc.

6. Deny tax-exempt status to organizations and institutions that discriminate against lesbian and gay people (this would include Christian churches and para-church ministries).
I can't support that. Freedom of religion, ya know.

7. Deny federal funding to institutions that discriminate against lesbian and gay people (this would include Christian colleges and universities and para-church ministries).
Absolutely! While they can do it -- freedom of religion -- they don't have a right to federal funding while doing it.,

.8 Passage of ?hate crimes? laws in all 50 states (regardless of the fact that such laws violate the U.S. Constitution).
I don't know that they violate the Constitution, but I'm dubious about the concept of thought crimes. I might support this. I'd need to research it.

9. Passage of laws making it criminal to have thoughts and speech of a ?homophobic? nature.
NO. Freedom of speech (except for shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater) is and should be pretty much absolute.

10. Permeate every level of government with gay-friendly officials (to codify the gay agenda)/
Silliness. Can't be done. But I would like officials who aren't gay-hostile at least.

11. Demand legalized same-sex marriage, thereby wrecking the traditional institution of marriage (for a recent admission of this intent by a pro-gay activist.
Yes, legalize it! But this has NO effect on anybody's marriage who isn't gay.

12. Attack the Bible, especially where homosexuality is condemned, and make it appear that God does not condemn homosexuality by inventing new interpretations of selected verses.

I'm not 'attacking' the Bible when I correct mistranslations and erroneous readings, even when such readings are popular.

13. Win over Christian churches and denominations, thereby neutralizing the greatest obstacle to the homosexual movement.
Of course! But I don't expect to win over the more conservative ones.

14. Partner with the liberal media in mounting a propaganda campaign to win over the majority of heterosexuals to the homosexual movement.
And conservative media too! As much as possible anyway. They're not always cooperative.

15. Portray homosexuals as victims, instead of aggressive challengers.
Most gays are neither victims nor aggressive, just regular folks.

16. Make homosexuals look good by publicizing famous homosexuals who are well-liked by the general public.
Sure, that's just good PR.

17. Make homosexuality look good by portraying lasting, committed homosexual relationships as the norm of the homosexual lifestyle (never mind the facts that such homosexual relationships are the exception rather than the rule and that promiscuity is rampant in most such relationships, relative to heterosexual marriage.
Homosexuality is not a "lifestyle". One is either gay or not, whether by nature or nurture. it isn't a lifestyle choice. Granted that many gays are promiscuous. Guess what? An awful lot of straights are too!

18. Make the anti-gay ?victimizers? look bad by coining and repeating charges of hatred, homophobe and bigotry against anyone who does not agree with them.
Um, it actually doesn't take any effort to make them look bad. They just do! Sometimes they disagree in good faith, sometimes the charges of hatred, homophobia and bigotry are true. Incidentally, from a quick look at the site this list came from, it certainly does appear bigoted and homophobic. 

19. Knowingly and intentionally propagate lies, myths and hoaxes that promote the ideals and goals of the homosexual movement, in order to win over the heterosexual majority.
Nope, I'm against knowingly spreading untruth.

20. Punish businesses that do not support the homosexual movement (e.g., boycotts, demonstrations, lawsuits and negative media blitzes).
Sure, by free market means. I don't support coercing anyone.

21. Jamming. This tactic refers to the public smearing of Christians, traditionalists or anyone else who opposes the ?gay? agenda in order to marginalize them and make them shut up, and it requires the full cooperation of the liberal media.
No, I don't support that. I believe in winning debates, not silencing the opposition.
Web said:
This is not the Hacker section.  One is not required to post a single sentence in each post.
Opp's, I forgot where I was. Thanks for the reminder.
The short answer to the OP's question is the acceptance of pedophilia and incest.
Polygamy is a given....
Good = evil, evil = good.

Sounds familiar like I read it somewhere before.  8)