Going to Denver This Weekend

My weekend began today. But I'm going to Denver for a few days and won't be active on this forum. I felt the need to post this lest the natives thought their war dance scared me off.
@Bob Jones V
The drug laws in San Fran are even more relaxed than in Denver. In fact, Europe might be a good fit for you. (In case you feel the need for an even more extended weekend.)
This genius thinks the @ symbol actually summons users, instead of just creating a link to their profiles.

Well, I see you ninnies have hornswoggled FSSL.

We'll see you in a few days, and see if you can actually counter with some data.
This genius thinks the @ symbol actually summons users, instead of just creating a link to their profiles.

Natually, the device employed in 99% of the fora out there would not apply here.


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This site is permitted to be permeated with trolls. No wonder it doesn't have any real conversation going on. Ekk...probably a troll of the ownership or staff here, and the others that are so readily available take away from this place what it could have been.
This site is permitted to be permeated with trolls. No wonder it doesn't have any real conversation going on. Ekk...probably a troll of the ownership or staff here, and the others that are so readily available take away from this place what it could have been.
I’ve never been on another Christian forum. Are they any different? In my opinion, these sites are last of dying dinosaurs. They might not even exist in ten years.
I’ve never been on another Christian forum. Are they any different? In my opinion, these sites are last of dying dinosaurs. They might not even exist in ten years.
I'm on the Baptist Board, and then I was on a site a year or so ago called online baptist. Both seem to be a little too stringent for my taste. I've got friends still on both sites. I am also on Christian Forums. Still, all are too regulated and have far to little honest, open interaction. I was on the original FFF, then they hybrid for a while, and then this one. The original was something of beauty but got to be loaded with trolls as well. Still, at least those trolls were somewhat funny and weren't always out of control as they are here.
I'm on the Baptist Board, and then I was on a site a year or so ago called online baptist. Both seem to be a little too stringent for my taste. I've got friends still on both sites. I am also on Christian Forums. Still, all are too regulated and have far to little honest, open interaction. I was on the original FFF, then they hybrid for a while, and then this one. The original was something of beauty but got to be loaded with trolls as well. Still, at least those trolls were somewhat funny and weren't always out of control as they are here.
Interesting. I think I’ll just stick with the FFF. Other than this Ekk guy, there don’t seem to be many trolls on here, but of course there aren’t many people on here period.
Just doing my part to keep it going for those who are interested. We are certainly not a big forum. However, we have niches that are not discussed anywhere else. AFAIK
Thank you. Despite the occasional manifestation of a know-it-all, I still enjoy this forum.
Well, I understand now that I must be perfectly angelic and display all rectitude while you're all allowed to be as boorish as you wish when challenged.

That being said, Anyone know any cool places to eat in Denver?
Well, I understand now that I must be perfectly angelic and display all rectitude while you're all allowed to be as boorish as you wish when challenged.

That being said, Anyone know any cool places to eat in Denver?
No one is impressed with your frequent use of thesaurus.com
Well, I understand now that I must be perfectly angelic and display all rectitude while you're all allowed to be as boorish as you wish when challenged.

That being said, Anyone know any cool places to eat in Denver?
I believe the park has outhouses for your perusal and eating habits.