Has Paul Chappell been indicted for conspiracy yet?

Yes, he mascarads his own opinions as if God said it.

Totally unsupported by scripture.

Typical nut case IFB.
Last year, I gave a track to, and attempted some explanation of it to a Nepalí Store proprietor. 
I joked to my wife that I had witnessed to one more Nepalí than Cloud did that week.

If you say God sent you, a former acid head, to Nepal, a place steeped in mysticism, fine.  You are possibly one of the few who can see the spirit World that they can.  But dont spend all your time trying to oversee American churches.  Actually stay in Nepal, and write your books in Nepalese, and preach to them.


I thought the grad jury would surely be through deliberating by now.
Anyone know if Chappell is in jail?
I'd like to send him a carton of cigarettes.

fishinnut said:

W A C K O ! ! !

And full of stuff!!!

It's hilarious he can tell us the month and year the high school choir sang each "horrible"song. He is obviously obsessed with this nonsense and plays the ultimate "guilt be association" game. From what I know of him I would rather hang out with any of those "one-world church building Catholics he despises so much than with him. They would probably show more fruit of the Spirit too.

Mercy Me "hard rocking".  LOL. LOL!!!!
Just John said:
fishinnut said:

W A C K O ! ! !

And full of stuff!!!

It's hilarious he can tell us the month and year the high school choir sang each "horrible"song. He is obviously obsessed with this nonsense and plays the ultimate "guilt be association" game. From what I know of him I would rather hang out with any of those "one-world church building Catholics he despises so much than with him. They would probably show more fruit of the Spirit too.

Mercy Me "hard rocking".  LOL. LOL!!!!

I've noticed that the uber-fundies like Cloud consider 1970-1980's Christian music as CCM and Christian Rock.

You still live in the burg? Was there for Jim Moons funeral and thought about you.
Hope you're well.
bgwilkinson said:
subllibrm said:

This is typical of the writing of this man.

This drivel is filled with fallacious arguments and wishful thinking spawned

by false presuppositions emanating from his view of ecclesiastical history.

On the other hand I enjoy Carson's well reasoned writing.

I especially enjoy his book on KJVO.

I'd trust him over that Ruckman psycho in Florida.

I'd say more, but I'd rather not start anything.
Gordon Sears: “When the standard of music is lowered, then the standard of dress is also lowered. When the standard of dress is lowered, then the standard of conduct is also lowered. When the standard of conduct is lowered, then the sense of value in God’s truth is lowered” (Songfest Newsletter, April 2001).

He makes a good point.  Listening to rap music inevitably leads to wearing baggy clothes, a backwards baseball cap, huge medals, lots of other jewelry and a grill on your teeth.  It's a one-way trip to fashion faux-pas.
KJVBaptistMan said:
bgwilkinson said:
subllibrm said:

This is typical of the writing of this man.

This drivel is filled with fallacious arguments and wishful thinking spawned

by false presuppositions emanating from his view of ecclesiastical history.

On the other hand I enjoy Carson's well reasoned writing.

I especially enjoy his book on KJVO.

I'd trust him over that Ruckman psycho in Florida.

I'd say more, but I'd rather not start anything.

Strychnine or Copperhead
Tarheel Baptist said:
Just John said:
fishinnut said:

W A C K O ! ! !

And full of stuff!!!

It's hilarious he can tell us the month and year the high school choir sang each "horrible"song. He is obviously obsessed with this nonsense and plays the ultimate "guilt be association" game. From what I know of him I would rather hang out with any of those "one-world church building Catholics he despises so much than with him. They would probably show more fruit of the Spirit too.

Mercy Me "hard rocking".  LOL. LOL!!!!

I've noticed that the uber-fundies like Cloud consider 1970-1980's Christian music as CCM and Christian Rock.

You still live in the burg? Was there for Jim Moons funeral and thought about you.
Hope you're well.

Thanks Tarheel.  Yes, still in Lynchburg and doing well. Staying out of trouble as I do just about nothing but work.  :)
Nothing wrong with a strong personal preference for the old hymns over CCM.  However, nothing in those articles has any resemblance of Biblical backing.  It's all his own opinion.  He wants to talk about how CCM represents the one world church. Does he not know that mainline Protestants - those who unlike evangelicals deny the Bible's inerrant authority and are pushing the envelope in areas such as ordaining gay ministers, women preachers, and infant baptism, are usually singing the old hymns as opposed to CCM?  If you go to a United Methodist or a Lutheran service, you will usually hear the same hymns you hear in an IFB church but their doctrine is very different.  New Evangelicals, on core theology, aren't that far removed from the IFB despite being very different in terms of external appearances.  Doesn't God look at the heart and not outward appearance? 
QuestioningIFB said:
Nothing wrong with a strong personal preference for the old hymns over CCM.  However, nothing in those articles has any resemblance of Biblical backing.  It's all his own opinion.  He wants to talk about how CCM represents the one world church. Does he not know that mainline Protestants - those who unlike evangelicals deny the Bible's inerrant authority and are pushing the envelope in areas such as ordaining gay ministers, women preachers, and infant baptism, are usually singing the old hymns as opposed to CCM?  If you go to a United Methodist or a Lutheran service, you will usually hear the same hymns you hear in an IFB church but their doctrine is very different.  New Evangelicals, on core theology, aren't that far removed from the IFB despite being very different in terms of external appearances.  Doesn't God look at the heart and not outward appearance?

The articles were written by a loon who isn't aware of what CCM is...to most fundamentalists, CCM is 1970-1980's Christian music...of course to them that is 'contemporary'.

As to the OP...Chappell can't still be dodging that criminal indictment bullet...the one that surely has his name on it.
Tarheel Baptist said:
QuestioningIFB said:
Nothing wrong with a strong personal preference for the old hymns over CCM.  However, nothing in those articles has any resemblance of Biblical backing.  It's all his own opinion.  He wants to talk about how CCM represents the one world church. Does he not know that mainline Protestants - those who unlike evangelicals deny the Bible's inerrant authority and are pushing the envelope in areas such as ordaining gay ministers, women preachers, and infant baptism, are usually singing the old hymns as opposed to CCM?  If you go to a United Methodist or a Lutheran service, you will usually hear the same hymns you hear in an IFB church but their doctrine is very different.  New Evangelicals, on core theology, aren't that far removed from the IFB despite being very different in terms of external appearances.  Doesn't God look at the heart and not outward appearance?

The articles were written by a loon who isn't aware of what CCM is...to most fundamentalists, CCM is 1970-1980's Christian music...of course to them that is 'contemporary'.

As to the OP...Chappell can't still be dodging that criminal indictment bullet...the one that surely has his name on it.

No worries, Tarheel.  Your hero is safe.  The  mega-mogs of the IFB are slicker than grease.  They have learned from the greatest how to keep their empire safe.  Just because there is no grand jury indictment doesn't mean there is no sin.  Remember, the only crime Al Capone had brought against him was tax evasion.  8)
Binaca Chugger said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
QuestioningIFB said:
Nothing wrong with a strong personal preference for the old hymns over CCM.  However, nothing in those articles has any resemblance of Biblical backing.  It's all his own opinion.  He wants to talk about how CCM represents the one world church. Does he not know that mainline Protestants - those who unlike evangelicals deny the Bible's inerrant authority and are pushing the envelope in areas such as ordaining gay ministers, women preachers, and infant baptism, are usually singing the old hymns as opposed to CCM?  If you go to a United Methodist or a Lutheran service, you will usually hear the same hymns you hear in an IFB church but their doctrine is very different.  New Evangelicals, on core theology, aren't that far removed from the IFB despite being very different in terms of external appearances.  Doesn't God look at the heart and not outward appearance?

The articles were written by a loon who isn't aware of what CCM is...to most fundamentalists, CCM is 1970-1980's Christian music...of course to them that is 'contemporary'.

As to the OP...Chappell can't still be dodging that criminal indictment bullet...the one that surely has his name on it.

No worries, Tarheel.  Your hero is safe.  The  mega-mogs of the IFB are slicker than grease.  They have learned from the greatest how to keep their empire safe.  Just because there is no grand jury indictment doesn't mean there is no sin.  Remember, the only crime Al Capone had brought against him was tax evasion.  8)

Well, a few of you can keep hope alive...maybe one day justice will be served on that murder involving his former staff member! And he shamelessly tried to help the families involved! ;)
Tarheel Baptist said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
QuestioningIFB said:
Nothing wrong with a strong personal preference for the old hymns over CCM.  However, nothing in those articles has any resemblance of Biblical backing.  It's all his own opinion.  He wants to talk about how CCM represents the one world church. Does he not know that mainline Protestants - those who unlike evangelicals deny the Bible's inerrant authority and are pushing the envelope in areas such as ordaining gay ministers, women preachers, and infant baptism, are usually singing the old hymns as opposed to CCM?  If you go to a United Methodist or a Lutheran service, you will usually hear the same hymns you hear in an IFB church but their doctrine is very different.  New Evangelicals, on core theology, aren't that far removed from the IFB despite being very different in terms of external appearances.  Doesn't God look at the heart and not outward appearance?

The articles were written by a loon who isn't aware of what CCM is...to most fundamentalists, CCM is 1970-1980's Christian music...of course to them that is 'contemporary'.

As to the OP...Chappell can't still be dodging that criminal indictment bullet...the one that surely has his name on it.

No worries, Tarheel.  Your hero is safe.  The  mega-mogs of the IFB are slicker than grease.  They have learned from the greatest how to keep their empire safe.  Just because there is no grand jury indictment doesn't mean there is no sin.  Remember, the only crime Al Capone had brought against him was tax evasion.  8)

Well, a few of you can keep hope alive...maybe one day justice will be served on that murder involving his former staff member! And he shamelessly tried to help the families involved! ;)
Hey, not that I'm sayin', but I'm just sayin' that that's what they say.

Why would Chappell be indicted?
Any credible actionable information come out?

Or is it still just the smoke and obfuscation?

Well we'll see.
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.
prophet said:
Bruh said:
Why would Chappell be indicted?
He prolly won't,  and no one here thinks he will.
Tardheel is a starry-eyed Chappell groupie.  So when Chappell wrote a book last year, telling all of us IFB how forthcoming , open, and honest we should be, TB was all up in his fan club.
Problem was, within weeks of the release of the book, one of his former staffers comitted murder/suicide or something.  There was an immediate denial in the press, that that staffer had ever been Pastoral Staff.
'Course, the truth is that he had been Pastoral staff for years.
In the meantime,  after the book release, and prior to that scandal (and the next one, involving Mike Zachary), several of us here were LOLing at P.C. trying to tell anyone else about being forthcoming.
Tardheel was sarcastic and defensive of his fav ifb dude.
We went back and forth.
Then the scandal broke.
We said 'told ya so', and he has periodically reposted his "has P.C. been indicted yet?", in an attempt to portray those who warned about P.C.'s double standard as conspiracy theory nuts who think that P.C. had that staffer "hit".
No one said that.
No one thought that,  I'm pretty sure.
But TB still hasn't admitted that his homeboy is full of it.

PC learned from the best...